Surprise Visitor

No sooner than Dane had left her, did the chaos arrived. It happened the morning after. A visitor came barging in in the early hours of the morning when it hadn't yet turned to dawn. The morning which Prisana eagerly awoke to practice her tie skills.

She faced the long brown coat hanger with utmost flare.

Yesterday, no matter how many times she tried to perfect making a tie, all her hard work would turn into a knotted mess. If she were to first make a tie on Dane without any practice, then she was sure she'd choke him on the spot.

Nearly a few hours ago, she finally managed to make it look presentable and therefore fell into deep slumber from some satisfaction of creating something decent.

Now, Prisana stared at the coat hanger as if it were Dane himself. Of course, Dane were much larger and full of vibrant life. She draped the tie around 'his' neck, imagining him being surprised as she would lightly tug him forward like so.