Hooded Man

"Sir. We haven't found Jake."

Dane frustratingly banged his fist onto the table. Bloody hell. Chasing after Jake was like chasing after an irritating fly that left no trace at its wake. He ran his hands through his hair and kept looking out the window.

He took a deep, calming breath.

"He's a detective and surely it would take another detective to catch the man. So you're telling me, not even the best detective in town can catch him?"

"Yes sir, that's exactly what I'm saying."

Two days in sunny Los Angeles proved to be useless. The best men he hired couldn't even scratch at the surface for his whereabouts. Day in and day out, he grew restless as he only had two days left before he had to return to New Jersey. 

Dane was a busy man and that meant he couldn't linger long even if this was his life's purpose. Also, he missed his lynx more than he wished to admit.

"We do have one lead..."

He eagerly turned to face the man, "What is it?"