Conquer All

There were two big problems in Dane's hands. First. The public didn't exactly view him as the most favorable candidate to become part of the council. He had a somewhat plan to revise that but needed more time though ironic since elections were soon. Second. The devil was sitting inside his office yet again and this time, Dane couldn't really reject his presence.


They were once again working the same agenda, as the devil's secrets came about free this time around. What irked him beyond end was that the devil has stationed a  brand new desk and chair inside the corner of his office without his permission. Dane was really wondering who he had to fire. His entire female staff or Cleo for overlooking this huge inconvienient matter.

"...What is the meaning of this?" Dane demanded, with a long sigh as he walked past Leo and took a seat at his own desk.

He wasn't even surprised anymore with whatever the devil did. Only irked beyond limits.