Untrustworthy Friend

When the devil had left Jake and Dane to their own devices, only then did Dane ask the question on the tip of his tongue, 'Did you look for my father's acquaintances?'. Jake had finished the task. Now in Dane's hands consisted of a folder that contained the information he needed. He couldn't find clues in his father's notebook.

That frustrated him to no end. The torn pages could have been a mere coincidence but even then, every other page was perfectly intact. Dane couldn't help but conclude that whoever the hell this deer person was, knew exactly what it was doing. 

But alas, this folder could aid in jogging Dane's young memories of that man with the Golden Deer tattoo. This person knew Dane's father and thus Dane himself. Nothing should be a mere coincidence and with these files, he could be one step closer. The contents implored him to open the folder but he had rushed from the office to his first day at the board of council members.