A Day To Be Anxious

"You're not going to work today?" lectured Cleo who gave him a discerning look.

Dane shook his head. He was comfortably lounging on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hand.

How in god's name could he be at ease going to work knowing young hot blooded males would be roaming inside his own home? To get things straight, he trusted his dear wife and lynx. It was only the boys he didn't trust. If they were to be her friends, Dane simply wanted to make things clear to them so they understood things in the long run. 

He gestured to his labtop, "I'm working from home today."

Cleo had the nerve to chuckle. "...Ah, today's that day isn't it? You're feeling anxious about impressing her friends aren't you? I didn't take you to be the nervous type!"

"...I'm not nervous or anxious," Dane grumbled under his breath. "Shouldn't you be heading to the office?"

"I'm baking our special guests some sweets before heading out..."