Indecipherable Word

Leonardo Duval thought he was going insane or that his hearing needed to get checked when the most beautiful woman at the boring costume birthday party of elites, rejected him.

After all, women average or beautiful, simply never told him no. Leo almost but forgot such a word existed. It wasn't in his vocabulary. He was used to 'yes' and 'fuck me harder' and the list could go on and on but not the word 'no'. He couldn't take his devilish eyes off of her captivating beauty. 

Call him easy because he was damn easy. All he needed to see were breasts or a lovely behind and he'd be wagging his tail like a dog who found a delicious bone.

The moment he heard passing whispers of a blond haired beauty, he had to wake and see what all the commotion was about. He thought nothing of it but boy, when he laid eyes on her, his breath was knocked away. She was worth every gossip and attention.