The Nightmare and the Hut

The following morning, Natilee walked up the stairs to the Slytherin Common room. It was early, but her body refused to sleep anymore. The fire embers were slowly burning emitting a soft glow as it used the rest of its fuel to stay alive. She walked to the chair, planning to sink down into it when movement caught her eye. 

A thin, legless creature was curled up around the seat leg basking in the fire light. The black scales gleamed deep green hues in the burning glow. Natilee smiled at the young viper hiding in the warmth. "Oh Esmeralda dear, is you daddy aware you're out?" She asked, reaching down and looping a finger under the snake's coil and picking her up. Instantly, the creature sprung to life and wrapped herself around Natilee's arm like a loosely coiled bracelet. She slithered up to Natilee's hair and wormed her way into it for warmth. "Looks like you found a nice meal last night. Such a skilled hunter you are." Natilee praised the snake lovingly before settling herself into the chair by the fire. 

She set a new log on the fire, refreshing the flames with new life. It was too early, about three in the morning but she had slept so much today and there was no homework to busy her early morning. Students couldn't leave their dorms for a couple hours yet so the library was out of question. The familiar pages of The Last Herald Mage beckoned her, and she answered the call, diving into Mercede's Lackey's Valdemar yet again for much needed relaxation. 

The sound of slippered feet on the ground behind her caught her attention just as things started getting heated in the book. She glanced up and instantly closed the book not even bothering to mark her place. "Astoria?" Natilee asked her concern instantly growing, noticing the crying youth. Astoria brushed her hair out of her face as Natilee stood up and wrapped her arms around her. The brunette hid herself in Natilee's embrace and sobbed. 

"What happened Astoria? Nightmare again?" Natilee asked running her finger through her hair. The girl nodded and Natilee sighed waiting on her to calm down. She silently made a order to Reecy while Astoria settled down. 

"Thanks Natilee." Astoria wiped her eyes and tried to look dignified in her soft black pajama pants and purple tank top. Natilee smiled and motioned to the chairs, beside which were two steaming hot mugs of chocolate and a little house elf. 

"Don't give me thanks, talk to me." Natilee replied as she took a sip of her hot cocoa and grinned. She could taste a hint of cherry in the dark hot chocolate, exactly how she liked it. 

"I just had a nightmare. The curse again I think." Astoria replied sheepishly, taking her own slightly minty smelling chocolate and siped it. Natilee nodded, understanding. 

"So I take it you died again?" Natilee asked her voice gently and concerned. 

"Yes. I… died alone Natilee. I've lived my entire life with everyone trying so hard not to get attached to me that I die young and alone." She whispered pulling her knees up so her feet perch on the chair infront of her. The insecurity of that position spoke volumes to Natilee. "I will die alone, uncared for, and forgotten because of this bloody curse." She growled wiping her eyes. There was so much pain Natilee just wanted to take away; but she couldn't.

"Asti, you will not die alone. If I have to break every teleportation rule in the book, I will apparate to your side. If I have breath in my body you will not die alone." Natilee reassured her firmly. Astoria laughed a dark sad chuckle. 

"Natilee, even your patience has a limit. You will grow board of a friend you have to protect and take care of. Everyone does." Astoria spoke with tones of pain and self loathing that awoke the anger in Natilee's heart. 

"That may be true of some friends but, to me Astoria, we are kin. You are a sister of my heart and soul. Never forget that. Family that chooses you will never tire of loving you." Natilee used her Mother's words to sooth her best friend. Astoria's eyes glistened with tears threatening to overflow and Natilee smiled warmly. "Come on; its nearly 5. Why don't we to get dressed and go for a run by the lake?" Natilee suggested, honestly wanting to make her smile. 

"Okay." Astoria nodded and the pair finished their hot chocolates. 

"Thank you; Reecy." Natilee called out before leaving with Astoria. The two girls got dressed for the day, ready for the run. Both wearing track suits but Natilee's was American made and looked like a watercolor snake was wrapped around her body from heel to hood. Astoria's was simple emerald green with silver scales. The two headed down for the lake and began a short jog. 

There were no classes today and most the students were still fast asleep in preparation for the Quidditch match later that day. The first week at Hogwarts was always one of the roughest. The grounds were serene as the pair set off at a slow jog along the lake side. It felt cold and Natilee slowed her pace. She blew another breath from her lungs and watched it crystalize in the air. The odd stillness of the Dark forest across the lake was different somehow… too quiet and deep for this time of the day. 

"Asti take my hand." Natilee ordered as she held her right hand out for her friend and took her wand in her left. Asti did so, drawing her wand as well. 

"What's wrong?" Astoria asked sensing the tension in Natilee. The reassuring smile on Natilee's face was plastic at best.

"I think we need to cut our run short." She felt the sadness starting, the happiness draining away slowly. She ran; Astoria struggling to keep up after the last half mile jogging she was already tired. The new burst of speed put her at her limit, there was no way they would make the castle. She dared a glance at the forest and sure enough the black hooded figure she thought she saw was there, following them like hounds after meat. Natilee knew it was because they were afraid and these creatures fed on fear, and their terror was enticing. However, telling two teenage hearts not to be afraid of something that looked like.. well THAT was like asking a river to change course. So she did the next best thing, escape. 

She turned pulling Astoria into the first doorway she could find. Natilee tossed open the door and swung Astoria in; slamming it shut behind her. Both girls were pale and breathing heavily. "Are you Alright Asti?" Natilee asked unaware of whose home they had just barged into. 

"Yea… I'm… f..fine." Asti replied her body trembling from the scare. Natilee nodded and squeezed her hand. Something warm and fuzzy bumped the back of her hand and Natilee whirled around to see a big black dog behind her. 

"Oh, Fang who's a good boy?" Natilee purred as she pet and scratched the dog behind the ears. "You are… oh yes you are." She continued loving on the brute who looked like he was in heaven. The brute slumbered on her but she hardly cared. 

"Miss Natilee it's a bit rude to barge inta someone else space." Hatred reminded her a bit reproachfully as he sat sipping his coffee while peeling ginger and potatoes. She turned, her cheeks pink in embarrassment. 

"I'm sorry, Hagrid. We were out for a run and got too close to a Dementor and panicked." Natilee offered an apologetic smile. Hagrid frowned those deep set dark eyes usually so full of humor were dull. 

"Ahh, 'smatter o fact I've been havin' some trouble m'self with that bunch." Hagrid admitted moving a pile of books belted shut for them to sit down by the fire. 

"Thank you." Astoria sat by the fire trying to relax after the scare. 

"Not a Problem, Not a problem at all." Hagrid replied as Natilee sat across from him and started to help peel the potatoes. He smiled at her and let them relax and gain their bearings as they cleaned up. 

"How is the headmaster dealing with all this? It has to be stressful with everything going on." Natilee commented, honestly concerned. Hagrid sighed and drug a big hand over his face, smearing the smell of ginger all over his beard. 

"Well 'nough I suppose. There ain't no Headmaster in all Hogwarts history who've been forced to have those beasts on the grounds." Hagrid's grumble voice was obviously annoyed. "The other Professors want me to move into the castle. I tell 'em I can't. I got lil creatures to care fer, ain't right to let 'em alone with those beasts. And they think my Fluffy was a beast… look at those things." He replied pointedly and Natilee smiled listening to him ramble. It was calming to hear Hagrid was just as annoyed as she was. 

"I can understand that." Natilee agreed before looking over to see Astoria playing with some sort of small mammal. It looked almost like a hedgehog, but the eyes were gemstone blue. The spines on it's back were like the arms of a sea anemone in warm purple-ish black. 

"OH I see yeh've met Mousy. A beauty i'nt she?" Hagrid's fatherly smile was filled with pride. "Raised her from a just a wee tadpole, I did. I thought she might be a nice treat fer the class." Hagrid admitted quietly as if it was a secret. Natilee chuckled as he winked and she nodded. 

"She's adorable." Astoria agreed petting the tuft of white hair that popped up between the creature's eyes. It seemed to fall asleep instantly. 

"Ahh ain't that sweet?" Hagrid was beaming with pride as Astoria put the sleeping baby in the little basket she had climbed out of.

"We should probably get back." Natilee pointed out and Hagrid nodded. 

"Breakfast starts here in the next bit. Are you two safe to make it up on yer own?" Hagrid asked and Natilee nodded. 

"I know my Patronus." Natilee replied and he nodded at her. 

"Then your might bit better off then I am." He agreed and opened the door away from the forest. Natilee and Astoria headed up the winding stone pathway to the castle. The early morning light was beautiful and bathed the castle in a warm red glow over the simple grey stone. Windows glittered with magical residue after years of being steeped in magic.

"Why were you so nervous in Hagrid's hut?" Natilee asked honestly curious. The other girl blushed slightly. 

"Old habits die hard. The Slytherins avoid him so much and make fun of him, it's easy to get caught in the crossfire." Astoria pointed out and Natilee frowned. 

"No need to worry about that now and Hagrid is a fantastic person even if a little slow." Natilee replied. "And besides, I've spent the summer here a couple years now and he really knows alot about Hogwarts. The fauna at least, I helped him groom the threstrils once." Natile replied remembering her enjoyment in doing so.

"You really are strange for a Slytherin." Astoria sighed and Natilee smiled. 

"Maybe there's more to being a Slytherin than people think." Natilee replied with a playful wink as they reached the main hall.