DADA: Teacher Swap

The classroom Professor Lupin had prepared for them was just as simple as it had always been. Slytherin students filled the left side of the room, and the Gryfindors filled the right side of the room. Natilee waved at Astoria and Wallace as they entered the room. The pair grinned and walked over sitting down on either side of their friend. 

"So, how is operation 'Calm down the Professor' going?" Wallace asked as he propped back in his chair. He gave Natilee a lazy smile. 

"Straighten your tie, Wally." Natilee reminded him with a chuckle. He shook his head, his bangs falling into his eyes before he raked his hand through it again directing his bangs back to blend in with his shoulder length black waves. 

"No, Come on Nati. Professor Lupin doesn't care as long as we don't cut up in class and make a mess. What do you think it will be today? Boggarts?" Wallace was honestly excited for this class. It was where he shined the most. 

"I hope so. He said we should have some practical use sessions soon for some of the spells we have been learning. As far as the Professor issue… I have no idea. I tried to ask him when we wanted to have our weekly dinner and he hasn't responded yet." Natilee replied with a weak smile. 

"At least he doesn't teach D.A.T.D.A." Astoria replied as she pulled her books out and started setting up for class. Natilee smiled and chuckled but that chuckle died as the door at the back of the room opened and Professor Snape came strolling down the hallway where they were expecting Professor Lupin. His expression sent chills down Natilee's spine. He was NOT over the letter yet. 

"Turn to page 394 in your textbooks. Professor Lupin is feeling under the weather and will not be in class today. Therefore I will be substituting him for this class." Professor Snape took the room by storm and Natilee began turning pages. She was not going to give him a reason to call her out. Astoria and the other Slytherins with good self preservation instincts followed her lead. 

Hermione Granger however raised her hand, which was promptly ignored. Natilee shot her a look but she didn't seem to notice it. "Professor we were on chapter…" She began but Snape cut her off instantly. 

"Turn to page 394 and I expect you to read this and gather at least two other credible sources of information on the subject and write a 2 parchment essay on Werewolves by next session." Professor Snape spoke firmly. For half a second it was clear Hermione almost went to argue, and Natilee begged her not to with her eyes. She turned the pages of the book and everyone began their classes. 

Natilee began to take notes and prayed for class to end. "Professor, a 2 parchment essay is a bit absurd for homework isn't it?" Natilee looked back at the Gryfindor who spoke and wondered for a brief moment if he had taken it upon himself to be the poster child for why Bravery was not  a faultless trait. 

"Mr.Reyes I think you are right. That is an absurd amount of homework. Judging by your potions essays and the useless filler there, it would be best to assign 4 rolls of parchment for this assignment so that at least 2 rolls worth will be actually worth reading." Professor Snape replied and the groan in the room was quickly silenced by yet another glare from the Professor. Natilee glanced at Malfoy and his goons, seeming to remember them asking how bad Professor Snape's mood could affect them. They were pale, shooting glares at the Gryffindor boy who spoke up and further angered the professor. 

By the time class ended, Natilee had 3 pages of notes from the book and the room was empty within seconds. Natilee hung back a little, not overly worried about her father's rage at this point. He was pouring over something on the desk. She cast him an uncertain glance, knowing that Mother's howler alone couldn't cause the stress lines that were showing on his face. 

She walked over to the desk and stood in front of it. Astoria half reached for her but quickly realized it was better to just wait for Natilee outside. 

"Dad?" Natilee asked, waiting for a moment as he put the papers to the side. 

"Natilee." He greeted her and she offered a gentle smile. 

"Can we still plan on dinner in two days?" Natilee asked and he nodded sharply before going back to his work, grading papers. "Are you…"

"I am very busy right now Natilee. We can speak at our dinner. Good day. You will be late to your next class. Try not to lose any more points for Slytherin today." He dismissed her rather curtly and Natilee nodded and turned, walking out of the class and meeting with the Slytherin's outside the classroom.

Draco, his goons, Astoria and Wallace were waiting seeming relieved to see Natilee leave the room in one piece. 

"We have to fix this." Draco spoke with frustration and Natilee nodded. 

"Yea, the best we can do right now is try and earn more house points and hope that helps. Maybe during dinner this weekend I can help but that Saturday. We have potions tomorrow but other than that our job is to AVOID him." Natilee told them firmly. It was clear to her that this was not going to be an easy fix.