
"She looks beautiful just like ….." Were the first sentence Liz got to hear when she awoke, since she was still drowsy she didn't get to hear everything of the unknown man's rambling.

Her eyes focused and big ocean blue eyes stared into her tiny ocean blue eyes that glittered like jewels in the soft light. Confusion came over her. Who was this handsome blond man in front of her? Why was he staring at her so mesmerised?

His callous filled hand came down touching her round soft cheek, it felt rough and hard having a trained body touching a baby in such a coarse manner.

Her underdeveloped body coldn't handle the presure of his hand well and her white tender skin became slightly red accompanied with a light pain, which would let a normal baby cry out loudly.

Liz's eyes became wide and she realized again were she was and what happened.

At that time the head nurse came over and looked not to pleased at the blond man.

"What are you doing Mr. Evans?! Don't touch the babies face so carelessly! There are so many germs and bacteria on a persons hand that it could end bad for the baby with a slight touch!"

The blond man frowned with the disturbance of the head nurse, but nevertheless took away his hand from the little baby.

"Just one touch would't kill any man. Why so strict?"

His rebute was triggering the head nurse even more.

What did he take a baby for, for an adult man?

How could he compare a baby with a grown up person whose immune system was strong and tempered by the ongoing years.

"It isn't a joking matter to play with the life and death of a child because of lack of knowledge!" The head nurse gave a sharp glare at him.

"It might be true that a touch wouldn't kill a man nor a young child, but a baby is different. Touching, kissing and what not these should never be done. They are at a sensitive state were their immune system is weak. Your one touch could mean this child's death, so please hold on to your urges no matter how cute she may look."

Both the blond man and Liz looked with horrified faces at the head nurse. She was almost again at death's door were it not for this dedicated nurse, who had the guts to talk back to a high ranked military officer.

Yes, this handsome blond haired guy who just awhile ago cried in front of his wife, is a seasoned General with great influence in K Country.

There were even rumors that he has some drug dealings going on with the underworld, but were later refuted by him with solid evidence.

Hence everyone meeting him would be fearful in front of him showing the highest form of respect, that's why the attitude of the head nurse was slightly disturbing him.

Naturally the head nurse knew who he was, even when Liz had no idea of the identity of her new parents, but the hospital is her area not his. She could afford it and the more, because she was right in this point.

The head nurse even thinks he should be thankful to her for warning him, instaed of rebuting her. What seasoned General! What great influence! The baby might die, there is no need for her to mind the other little details.

The other nurses responsible for this private room wouldn't have the guts to repremind him, even when a life was at stake. So what!

"I'm sorry, I should have informed myself better before doing such a thoughtless thing." the blond man even throught a seasoned militaryman, was a polite man with good upbringing.

He was reasonable, so when the nurse explained herself not even the slight dissatisfaction of her was gone, he even felt grateful.

"It is fine if you know now Mr. Evans, it's my job as the head nurse to warn the people around, that a slight mistake can have a huge aftermath. It happened before that a mother with a light cold kissed his new born child on the cheeks and the baby died some time later. Hence I'm more careful that such a thing will not happen during my watch."

"What is your name?" the blond man watched the head nurse with interest and asked for her name.

"It is Claudia sir."

"Claudia... is it. Fine, stop calling me Mr.Evans you can call me Sasha from now on."

Liz gave a weird stare at her new father and wondered what the hell was going on right now.

Is he flirting with the head nurse? Or is he just thankful for her and allowing the head nurse to be casual with him? Is this some kind of thing in this world, are their customs different than in her world?

Whatever it was, it was strange letting a working person who's polite, to switch to an casual addressing form, just because of one advise.

Liz took one more good look at the nurse and after that wasn't that much suprised of her new father's sudden switch.

The head nurse was a hot woman with the right curves at the right places. Her fiery red hair, which even through were pulled up into a tight bun, was showing her wide smooth forehead what made her more appealing and her light green eyes that could soothe your soul with one glance.

Yep, she was a looker.

Liz was alredy disappointed with her new father, even through his wife is just laying a few meters away from them, he was doing such an unappropiate thing.

Without knowing that her daughter is aware of everything that is going on right now, Sasha was digging himself a deep hole he would later fall into.

"I-I can not do such thing sir." The head nurse was flustert and began to stutter.

She didn't know what was going on in the head of this man. Why was he saying that he wished her to call him by his name, they weren't familiar to each other.

He couldn't be saying this because he feels grateful does he?

The head nurse was a confused mess was the man implaying something or... whatever it was she did not understand at all.

"What's wrong, starting to stutter now when just a moment ago you were as fierce as a tigress.", a smirk showed on his lips he found their conversation quite amusing.

"I liked your guts a while ago. Taking my newborn daughter's safety before the fear of me and you still know when to be demure. Those are good attributes that I need right now. So say Claudia, would you like to work as my daughter's nanny?"

The head nurse was speechless, how did their talk turn out like this.

An oppurtinity of being a nanny for the babies of a high ranked military officer and his wife who was not only a well known actress in K Country, but well known international too.

Bethea Evans is a society woman with many connections and influence in the Entertainment industry; thanks to her parents who had their own Entertainment Company and her glorious time when she was active.

But sadly for her fans she gave up her career to follow her man and support him throughout his most difficult time.

During those days Sasha Evans was implicated of having meddled in some drug dealing business, but turned out clean in the end.

It really wasn't easy times for them, they had to go through many hardships and criticism from the public, but overcame it all gallantly.

Everyone knew their story, it even turned into a legend in K Country, people now days would accuse others like...

'Why can't you be like the Evans! You lazy bums making this old mother angry. You guys really suit each other, a lazy son with a lazy daughter-in-law!'

'Why aren't you supporting me! While I work you go poker with your female friends and don't take care of our children, you dump them to my parents and disapear! Take an example of Bethea Evans, she gave up everything just for her man!'

'You useless bum. always sleeping around and not working even when you have a family to feed. Can't you be more like Sasha Evans and start supporting your family! He even helped his poor cousin-in-law out during an accident. She even lost her husband and now the poor lady is a vegetable!'

...and such things.

,,S-Sir... how could I, I'm not qualified to become your childrens nanny."

Liz too looked suspiciously at the man. How can he just arrange an unknown woman as her nanny.

Just because she repreminded you once? Are you an idiot?! Can trust be won so easily?

Ohhhh right, she was a hotty...

Liz began to dislike this man more and more, how can such a stupid person be her new dad. First he almost kills her with his touchs and now allowing a stranger to take care of his children.

Does he have brain damage? And that is the right question to ask a militaryman, who has a large bag of experience from the yearlong of services he made.

"No you are good enough, but you must have mistaken my word. I wished for you not to be the nanny for every three of my children, but for only one of them." he starred lovingly to Liz while saying this.

No way! Liz knew very well what that stare meant. He wants the head nurse to serve only her as the nanny, this is bullsh*t!

What kind of bad luck did she catch.

"You won't have to worry about anything other than to take care of Emilié. When I'm not there, whatever she needs you have to give it to her. The pay will be higher, the work will be easier, it will be so simple. And... will you take it?", he looked seriously at the head nurse waiting for her answer.

Honestly, if someone else would tell Claudia about such a job opportunity, she would think of the person in front of her as a scammer. But Mr.Evans was different, how could a man with honor lie to someone like her.

,,YES, YES, I would love to do that Mr.Evans!" ,the nurse raised her voice in excitment and forgot where she was, what did earned a hush and dissatisfied glare from Sasha.

,,Ssshhhh, quiet the babies!"

Claudia put her hands in front of her mouth to stop her cheering. For this great opportunity to fall on her lap, she must have accumulated a high amount of good Karma in her previous life. She was so happy.

"Your employment will start immediately. I will handle the rest for your resignation and arranging your place to stay. Go start packing everything you need, we will be out of the hospital in a few days."

"Yes sir!"

"As I said, you can call me Sasha."

"No please sir, I feel uncomfortable calling you like this and now even more that we are in a employer-employee relationship. I hope Mr.Evans can understand."


"Fine, do as you wish. Ahh right, Claudia, before you arange your things go to the Birth Registry and register my daughter's name. I have alredy filled out the needed papers, it's on the table take it with you when you go out."

"Wich baby is sir referring to?"

"The youngest one. Every three of them look so different even through their triplets. It is really fascinating to see something like this myself. But she, my already trouble making youngest one, her hair is a silky jet black with my eyes. Just like..."

"Just like?" Claudia became curious and digged a bit deeper. How could a simple question make him look so absent, even through he was in front of Claudia.

"...No, nothing." Even while saying that it was nothing Sasha still looked absent into the air.

It was clear that there was something hidden and whatever it was, it was big enough to ruin the peace that prevails right now.

Liz and Claudia had no idea of that, only if Claudia had poked a bit more Sasha would have talked. But unfortunately Claudia knew when to shut up and when to talk, she was smart and sensitive to the atmosphare.

And If she had used Sasha's weirdly weak moment, it would have ended bad for her.

So Claudia switched the topic.

"Mr. Evans is it ok to already name the child before the madam wakes up?"

"Yeah, it is fine. She can name the other two, that would make it up for her. Don't concern yourself with anything else anymore. Go now, her name shall be Emilié."

"Yes Mr. Evans, if you excuse me then." With that Claudia left the room.

"Emilié... Why is it that name? Sasha." After Claudia left, the only person who could talk was Sascha in front of the pink cradle and the new mother of Liz -no it was now Emilié- who is sleeping on the bed.

She was woken up by the excited voice of the head nurse, which let to follow up that she heard their conversation afterwards.

"You were awake, since when?", Sasha raised his head and looked lovingly to his wife. Who stared back at him with an unphantomable expression.

No one would be able to know what she thought, truly the poker faces of an actress is quiet scary.

She just answered truefuly and switched back to the main point, "The nurse woke me up. Why is it that name?"

She wanted to ask earlier, but the nurse was still there and she didn't want to take out any bad blood in this family in front of an outsider.

But with that she missed the best chance to bring out anything from her husband. To bad that was a once in a life time chance she will never get back.

"Bethea, what does it matter to you how I name one of our children when I give up naming my other two children. Moreover why didn't you care about me hiring the nurse, rather then picking up the issue with the name?"

"...I only wanted to now why you named her Emilié, when there are a ton of other names? And... for the nurse, I'm sure you have your own reasons to hire her."

Sacha's gaze wandered back to Emilié and stayed there for a long time.

Silence prevailed in the privat room. Her tiny hairs raised through the goosebumps he gave her. Then he broke the silence and answered leisurly with a smirk on his face.

"She looks like one."

Bethea pursed her mouth, she did not want to start a fight with Sasha at this time and just gave up questioning him more.

"Ok, fine. I will name the other two like you said. Just don't forget you have no right to disapprove if you dislike the names! Ohh, naturally that goes for your parents too, if they say something against it I will shove the mess that's gonna come all on your head!"

"Yes ma'am! Don't worry I will take care of everything." Sasha gave a light laugh, went over to his wife and sat next to her on the bed.

Emilié couldn't see it from her field of vision, since Sasha's broad back cut of her sight, so she opted to listen to them.

Sweet nothings could be heard and kisses followed every one, two minutes.

Poor Emilié she was shocked and confused.

What the hell happened? What is going on? Her new mom was angry a minute ago because of her name and now they're so 'harmonious' to the point of showing it in physical actions.

Wait! Wait! Wait!...

Her new mom just gave birth some hours ago, this rogue of a man has no self-discipline at all.

So a hot steamy kiss followed, just that liz could only hear and not see it. But her ears became more sensitive to the noises than when she could see.

At least when she could had seen something, she would have been distracted, but now she got the full barrage of smooching sounds.

"Nnnhh...haa..S-Sash..nnhha...we c-can't…!"

"Just...haa... a bit....nngnha... won't be..hmmm....problem..."

'Nurse come baaaack! This is R-18 rated HELP!!' Emilié's inner voice screamed back for the head nurse, how awkward her position was right now.

This is really bad.

She could cry out loud and interrupt them, but she refused to give a loud from herself.

Emilié's rejection to talk is one of her psychological barrier of protection. With that she can keep a steady mind.

So she struggled should she cry, or not...

Luckily the two other fresh buns were very disturbed by their noises and their hungry tummies, that they started to cry and interrupted those love birds kissing session.


"D*amn it!", hissed Sasha.

What was followed by his wife's laughter who found his predicament amusing.


It seems like Emilié will have a strenuous life with this family.
