Crazier than thought

"What! Daddy you most be joking?!" Seeing how everything was decided just like that, Valentin snapped out of her earlier shock.

She stood up rashly in anger in such a way, that her chair fell to the floor with a loud 'bang'.

"Rabbits? We aren't kids anymore! Stuff toys are for baby's. Daddy, I already got permission from mommy that this year we are having princesses, horses and a prince. How can you just change that?!"

Looking a bit flabbergasted at his eldest daughter, he thought he went crazy, did Valentin really argue back at his finalized decision?

Princesses, horses, a prince ? What! And that isn't childish? He was already mad at Bethea's misconduct and now a yapping Valentin.

He had enough for this whole morning and didn't plan on discussing this any longer.

"Young lady, you are going to far with your words! Now keep your mouth zipped, if I say rabbits or cats or dogs, my word is final! Un-der-stand?!" waiting until she gave a timid 'Yes I understand' Sasha turned and brought Leevi and Emilié to their rooms to recuperate.

Thereafter, Mrs and Mr.Evans excused themselves without finishing up, and returned to their rooms, as if never something happened.

Bethea who was still standing, looked down and her hair was hiding her expression from the berating she got from Sasha, but if someone watched a bit more carefully one could see her ears being beed red from embarrassement.

She heared how Valentin was begining to cry out of disappointment, not getting what she wanted, she clung at her mother's dress and cried her eyes out silently sobbing.

The employees began to clear up the dining table as fast as they could to hurry up and leave, when Bethea voluntary opened her mouth to dismiss them all.

Once they were gone she stooped over Valentin and took her in her arms to give comfort for her and herself. This was a huge set back for her.

She was dissatisfied by her husband not coming back for so long and when he was back, he was treating her like every thing she did was wrong. Was her existence wrong too!

It was not the first time she excluded Emilié from a public event and Sasha, who knew about it, never said anything against it. And now he opens his mouth and humiliates her in front of her father and mother-in-law.

How dare he?!

She thought of the real reason why he might have come back so early, he said something about wanting to see them since he was gone for long, but she didn't believe that.

Bethea has her own informants with military position in Sasha's camp, so she knew their mission would end four days later and not today.

It must have been Claudia. Claudia being Emilié's nanny had frequently contact with Sasha.

Hence, she must have asked for him to come and look after Emilié's well-being, or why else would he appear so early.

"That v!xen!! I should have known that something was fishy between them. I should have prevented her from being hired by Sasha. They always talk to each other, laughing and chatting, amusing themselves. How could Sasha resist such a mermaid's seduction!" Bethea was ranting under her breath incensed. She was so ashamed of herself, how could she be so blind.

She lifted up the sleeping Valentin from the floor, who exhausted herself from the weeping and went to visit the dream world.

She brought Valentin up into her room placing her on the cozy bed. Bethea sat next to her slowly ruffling her head, calming herself with this action and brood what to do with this inappropriate relationship.

Claudia was gone for a while visiting her ill mother and she wasn't one hundred percent sure her husband was having an affair with that woman.

However it wouldn't suprise her if it was true, since it isn't the first time he had cheated on her.

The last time Sasha cheated on Bethea was with his distant cousin Emil, at the end the poor guy ended up dead with no corpse to bury and her wife was implicated too, ending up in coma for a year.

Now she was awake and recuperating in a place isolated from the public, mourning for her husband's death; not knowing about the affair, still believing it was a car accident.

But in truth Bethea found out about it and told his father-in-law, which then they both extensively planned to get rid of Emil, without leaving any evidence that could lead to them.

Since Clyde Evans had experienced much in his long life as a veteran, he knew how to stage an accident and cover up the evidence. How could he let his only son dap in such a sinful act!

He was furious when he found out Sasha swung both ways, but had not confronted him about it.

He knew Sasha wouldn't change his mind and who knows what else he did with this cousin, if he forbade them to be together.

For god's sake, he was still a married man. So Clyde took drastic measures to stop him.

Sasha was devastated, but finding out afterward that his wife was pregnant, he had to pull himself together and let go of his grief.

The name from Emilié too was the name from Sasha's 'secret lover', at least Sasha still things no one knows about it.

Those times were hard to accept for Bethea, that her loving man was bisexual and having an affair with his own 'distant' cousin, even when his blood was diluted by generations they were still relatives and both man!!

Now with another such kind of speculation, she didn't give a damn if it's true or not. If she has to get rid of Claudia she would!

Bethea's face became darker and darker, almost unrecognizable. Blood already stuck on her hand, one more life wouldn't change anything.

With such sinister thoughts sleep overcame Bethea and she laid with a peaceful face next to Valentin, as if her killing intent just now was a complete joke.