Train me!

"Want... Strong... Train.. Me" came from Emilié, in an uncompleted sentence with hoarse voice, looking at Emil with strong will.

She tried to convey her biggest desire to him, it were only four words, but they were laden with a deep meaning for her.

Confused by Emilié, Emil bent down to her height.

Disregarding whatever she said, he gingerly told her "Emilié please, do not speak anymore. You damaged your vocal cords, so you have to take more care of yourself." to keep her from getting once more agitated, he stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder in a calm manner.

"Come, let me bring you back into your room. You are not in the condition to walk around and especially not with bare foot."

He hinted at her foot which was bare. He was worried she would catch a cold, since her dress was bloody, she was changed into a clean night gown that was appropriate for her height, but it couldn't hide her thin and fragile body.

Thus, he wanted to bring her back to the chamber to rest and when he is at it already, escape Jane's scrutiny. Better let Jane calm down before resuming the talk.


But Emilié didn't have it with him. She slapped his hand away with a resounding slap, letting Jane jolt from her seat in surprise and Sera stop eating those god d*mn popcorn and seriously focus on her.

"!" Emilié repeated with vigor.

"Train you?" Emil asked baffled. "Like training you in my martial arts and teach you the art of combat?!"

Emilié nodded in confirmation.

"Emilié" he started searching for the right words. "I know, you have suffered much in that house in the hands of that family, but you are safe now and Aunty Jane will take good care of you, trust me."

While saying that, Emil felt a cold glare on his back, so he hurriedly spit some more compliments out, before the glare bore through his body and let him cold out there. "She is one beautiful, kind and caring woman, who loves kids and is very good with them especially with cute girls like you. So, there is no need for you to care about irrelevant things, just concentrate on having fun and being happy." Emil looked at her with more concern, trying to talk her out of it.

The girl must have gone through a lot if she'd be so insecure, to ask him a way to keep herself safe on her own lonesome self.

But for Emilié, Emil's words were like a fleeting breeze, not even tickling her resolve a bit to go on, and take the easy route of a carefree life.

"Train.. me!" She didn't cease, still staring into his eyes with her darkened intense ones.

Emil was appealed, what headstrong girl but, her reaction was plausible after all this. Right, who the hell was he, to tell her to trust his words. He had to go another way around it.

He brought his hands to hers, taking them into his. He felt how tiny they were. Those tiny hands struggling her whole life to live a decent life.

And that is what he wants to give her. A decent and happy life, out off all the badness in this world. Let Emilié live her life encased in a fairy tale build by him, filled with only goodness; out off the whole trouble he had to shoulder.

"Emilié, I don't wish to scare you, but please hear me out. I know you want to be strong to protect yourself, because you were hurt badly, but you are safe now and no one can or will be able to hurt you. And... it won't be easy for you to learn any strenuous activities, you are injured and the doctor said we have to facilitate¹ you away from any kind of stress and agitation. Martial art is one big ball of that, and not something you can practice in your bodily or mental condition. You understand me?"

Emilié just shook at his well elaborated words, at why she should stop wanting to learn martial art.

Usually, such a request would be fine. But, she asked Emil to personally train her, and his speciality was hand-to-hand combat. More specific, it was an art to kill and that's not something he wants to teach a child.

He could show her some light stuff but, someday they would reach a juncture were she would want to learn some heavy stuff, and with her already damaged body, it is best to cut her wish off from the root and let her concentrate on healing.

"Teach!...Me!" She gripped his hand, digging her nail at the marks she left before.

Emil's scratched face felt itchy. He knew she meant it for real, so he became serious, looking at her pensivly.

When someone has paid more attention to his eyes, one could see them shifting lightly from right to left. He was thinking, thinking to smash that newly rooted idea of hers. But how...

"I'm sorry but I can't teach you. You don't have what it takes."

"" Emilié asked, her eyes narrowing. What couldn't she have what it takes.

If it is resolve she had plenty of it. If it was the will to hold in the harshest of the harshest training plan pfff, don't make her laugh, her whole being was trampled to hell and she is still sane.

How bad can his training be?! So what was it?

"I.. " he became ashamed lightly under her stare. "I have a requirement that you don't meet, and that is me only training boys." Emilié kept on staring at him as if he was wacko² in his head. He sounded like her grandfather Clyde with his conservative and sexist way.

Emil too realized that it sounded wrong. "cough'.. Don't understand me wrong, it is not because girls can't learn martial arts; look at Sera she is a woman and very strong but.. m-my.. yes! My training is very harsh and bodily demanding, that someone within the fairer gender wouldn't handle it well. So, I will only train boys!"

Emilié was not born yesterday, she knows what he was trying. She let go of his hands, redirecting her gaze to the green haired lady. She went up to her.

Emil wants to teach only boys. Well, then she shall go along with his charade!