Hide as boy

"It wasn't very nice of you, how you treated her." Sera started, unusual to her nature.

But it didn't surprise Emil at all, he knew Sera could sometimes have such kind of soft moments.

"I know, but I only had the best for her in mind, believe me. With her condition and my harsh training regiment, it will be too much for her to handle. And even when I would love to reduce the degree of difficulty for her, it would be like maiming myself and teaching her with restraint. This can make many things unstable in her foundation, which I couldn't undo in the future. Afterall, I was trained to train adults, not toddlers."

He starred with sincerity in her toxic green eyes, while making his point clear why he was mean to her, and repeatedly denied Emilié's wish.

"I understand." Sera leaned back making it more comfortable for herself on the sofa, and closed her eyes, making the slightly bewildered Emil wait with two words.

He waited and starred at Sera, but even after awhile she didn't say anything. It seemed as if she was asleep. He was about to stand up thinking this conversation has ended but...

"I will prepare you a regime making it suitable for her body to sustain it. You only have to implement it and look out for her." Sera opened her mouth, but her eyes were still closed.

Emil was amused. "So that's why you stood up for her. Ok, fine by me. That will lighten up most of my burden. Hah~ but truly you woman in this house are all so difficult to handle, can you guys give me a break?"

He agreed, not even questioning Sera's credibility for a second, that she could make a default plan for Emilié, and hurt her with it.

"Of course that is how it should be. I would never let a talent with eager motivation slip out. What a waste it'd be!" She complained.

Secretly directing an insult at Emil, saying he had no eye for seeing diamonds in the rough.

Just good that he was a rogue, and the insult bounced off like a rubber ball smashing on a wall. Or was he just oblivious? ...Who knows.

"Now that we have cleared of this problem. Actually, I wanted to talk about Emilié's identity."

"Identity?" Emil repeated. "Do you mean that she is the daughter of Sasha?"

"No. I'm talking about her being a girl."

"What is wrong with her being a girl?" Emil raised up a brow in question. "Since when do you discriminate people through their gender." He said in a joking manner.

What did earn him a sharp glare for a short moment, until she closed them shut and resume the conversation back.

"Right now the Evans mansion is in a frenzy. Sasha is outraged that his daughter was taken away under his nose in such an important day. He is searching high and low the whole area, up to 200 miles away from K City. Understandably, this summerhouse also falls into his radar." Sera explained.

"No, I don't think so." Emil disputed it. "After 'MY' death, Sasha never came here to the summerhouse, because Jane lives here. He feels guilty, and that is why even after Jane woke up from her coma, he hasn't met her yet. So the percentage that he is gonna search for Emilié here is, zero!"

Emil made up his own conjecture of his lovers action, but completely forgot that six years went by that they last met. Time changes people dramatically, more so for people with hurt buried in their hearts.

Would Sasha really manage to get over the loss of one of his children, especially the one that reminded him of his 'dead' lover?

Don't think so. And Sera was aware of that.

So what was the bit of guilt, than the feeling of regret of having let a possible search place pass by.

"'sigh' You don't understand the matter of the hearts at all."

Emil felt offended and exclaimed "And you do!"

"Shut up! Enough of your nonsense. He will come search and even if he doesn't, it's better to prepare for any future problems that might come up with Emilié's identity."

"Ok, than what do you plan to do?"

"I will have her live as a boy from now on. She is young, she can still abandon a girl's behavior and take over the mannerism of a boy and hide in this new disguise. We can't hide her for long in here, she is a curious child and not a bird in a cage. What is better than hiding a person who is searched for right in front of their eyes just with the wrong gender. Furthermore, since you guys look similar, you both can be easily seen as father and son; no one would question that at all, just like Jane hasn't."

"What! That's never gonna be possible! I'm too young to have children."


"Jane is blind, she doesn't count! Or do I look that old to you?"

Emil complaint with his rogue-like behaviour flaring up. He felt like, his pride as a part-time single dog was under attack.

But without caring for this dogs shabby pride, Sera trampled on it with bloody truth. "Yes you do."


"No one will think you pair of OLD and young are fake, and not related by even a drop of blood. And who in the right mind would come to the idea that Emilié is a kidnapped girl disguised as a boy?"

Sera's chilling voice resounded in the bleary silent that prevailed in the room, after stamping and twisting around in his soft spot.

Emil had cold shivers running down his back from the odd atmosphere.

"Then... how long do we keep up that farce?" Emil asked and broke the weird coldness that overcame him a second ago.

"Until she becomes an independent adult. The legal age for becoming an adult is 18, so we are gonna keep it up until then." Sera gave him a precise number.

"So I have to play daddy for thirteen years?!...hmm?" Emil exclaimed in confusion.

"You do know we can't keep on doing this. Someday she will hit puberty and start developing certain areas. We can't just forbid her from doing something nature has designed a human body to do."

"We can use hormone blockers. Her body would still develop, but then it won't be easy to differentiate her as a boy or girl, she would stay in the perfect middle between them."

Sera didn't wait long and gave him an answer immediately. She already calculated everything into this thirteen years.

Emil furrowed his brows. He was very skeptical about the idea, he didn't want Emilié to suffer from any kind of side effects.

"Are you sure there will be no side effect, if she intakes hormone blockers in a long time span.

"It will be fine. I will have Doc personally take care of the hormone blockers, and let him administer every step carefully for her healthy growth. We will stop, at the moment any signs of side effects show up."

"Would that conclude all your worries away, or do you still have something stuck in your worried mind? I already planned every step before hand. There is truly nothing that can go south with it." Sera assured him.

Just that she didn't calculate, that Emilié was in reality an adult in soul, and not a naive child that would easily let others do after their bidding.

Would it go south? ...hmm, maybe.

Emil since awhile now gave up talking back. If Sera said so, then she must have thought it well through. "Ok then, we will do it like that."

And so they sealed the deal for Emilié. From this day on, she will be raised as a boy.

"Hey say..." Emil started but stopped.

He saw Sera taking long and even breaths, in and out. He assumed she must have fallen asleep, afterall, it was late and a very long day for them.

He stood up silently and went out, not forgetting to shut off the lights on his way.

Once he was out, Sera's eyes opened slowly.

Her toxic green eyes were as if glowing in the dark, a frosty sharpness premaited in them giving off an eerie feeling.

"I'm sorry... for pushing you on this path." She spat out her teeth forcefully, coming from the deepest part of the darkness in her heart.

It was loathing.

Loathing directed to herself.

She never has thought, that she could 'feel' this feeling ever again.
