
20 minutes later came the shocking gasp of Jane and everyone was summoned to the kitchen.

Jane is normally a very laid back personality, very kind and soft spoken, but now her figure was walking back and forth, with a blank face.

No one knew what she thought and she gave of some scary vibes, that made even Sera a bit skittish.

"Someone ate the cake." said Jane in a monotone voice. "Who was it?"

No one answered.

Emilié was squirming inside with guilt and regret. Why did she listen to her tummy and not with her brain? She thought Sera would be a problem, why was it Jane!

"I will not repeat myself again. Who. ate. the. cake." Jane stretched with a supple harshness imbued, her eyes rowing up everyone.

Fred shook his head lightly.

Emil hung his head down, avoiding eye contact.

Aria opened his eyes wide, big enough to show of his innocent with his cuteness.

Emilié tried keeping up her stone face.

And Sera...

"It was Emilié" She opened her mouth accusing Emilié for it.

Emilié was shocked, swiveling her head to Sera. 'How?!' Sera was not here when she ravaged the cake, nor was anyone else. How could she know that it was her?

Jane nodded to her, not questioning Sera and dismissed everyone else, after punishing Emilié with no dinner for tonight and left the kitchen herself.

Emilié just stood shell-shocked there. What happened?! She did not even had the chance to defend herself or pin the blame on Aria.

Aria who was happy, not being the one punished, was about to go too, when Sera held him back.

Aria looked bewildered to her, but she let him be for now and turned back to Emilié.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" She asked.

Emilié shook her head.

"You broke rule twelve. You know what this entails."

Emilié nodded obediently still dazed. Aria hearing the rule violation grew taut.

A violation of a rule is always accompanied with punishment. And it does not matter who the person was who broke the rule, both will share the consequences.

Sera: "Recite me the rule you broke."

Emilié swallowed her nervousness, reciting the rule with broken voice and throbbing pain. "Rule Nr.12: Act with your mind and heart, not through the body. The body works through desire, tantalizing and seduction is their nutrient. Desire is insatiable, giving in once is weakness, one follows with a second, a second with a third, it is a never ending circle. Desire has to be controlled, abstinence should be exercised."

Just then did she realize, even if the chance was given to her to blame Aria, her voice would bust her lie immediately.

With the care given from Fred it sounded fine, but now it was scratchy.

Sera: " 'Snort' Does your throat hurts? That is what you get from eating cold cake! You had to control your desire and exercise abstinence in cohesion with the control you had, and you didn't. That is why this coming month, you both will follow with a special diet composed with various vegetarian dishes."

Aria the foodie, hearing this couldn't hold back and started to bawl his eyes out, 'Wuwuwu'. He knew it, food punishment!

He was unwilling, yet he did not talk back, knowing, that would make the situation worse. His only solace was showing off his unwillingness through crying.

Emilié gave-in resigned. "How?", she croaked out.

Sera gave a mysterious smile and looked deep into her eyes, her viper like eyes appearing hypnotizing. "Remember, my eyes and ears are everywhere."

And since that day, those toxic green orbs were imprinted in both the kids mind.

Ahh~ how guiliable they were and still are, but blame scary Sera for that. In actual fact, Sera only knew that it was Emilié, because of her tummy protruding like a hill on a flat plain.

Emilié miscalculated wrongly to every aspect.

She stuffed in too much food and that little hill couldn't evade Sera's observation. Furthermore, Emilié's voice exposed her on the spot expelling any doubt she might have had.

Sera first had Emil in mind, because he was avoiding eye contact with Jane. However, the reason for that could be, for both, Jane and her, having bullied him last time and he not daring.

And for Aria, that boy was calm and even trying his best to show sincerity and innocent, whilest Fred.... we are talking about Fred, if he wanted cake he would just ask. He is a polite guy.

Sera was even doubting herself for a second, why a smart and sensitive child would act stupid, but with food everyone forgets themselves.

So it ended up positive for her expense, able to give both of them a lifelong lesson.

If Emilié knew Sera's thought process, she'd curse out so many profanities. All those years she cultivated abstinence for what.... please give her back those chocolate bars! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


"So how should I punish you guys?" Sera narrowed her eyes, watching how they became tongue tied and tense.

What unfortunate timing she has, only FIVE MINUTES!! and they were gone!

'sigh' a soft sigh interjected between them, followed by a mellow voice breaking the tense atmosphere in one fell swoop. "Sera come on, give the kids a slack. They will leave for school for the first time and we won't see them for a while. I do not wish for a terrible parting."

Sera: "Fine."

Aria and Emilié sighed out of relief.

Then there were hugs and pleasant word exchanges with Jane. She nagged them to take care of themselves and eat healthy.

Sadly Fred was not there, he left after giving Emilié's last dosage and some other medications. Apparently his leave was work relevant.

"Hey, come on you too Sera, give them a last hug." Jane pushed Sera.

"Hah? But I don't like such sappy behaviour... ok." After getting a sharp glare she changed her words.

She took each of them in one arm and squeezed hard till it hurted, their faces were stiffer then before.

Under Jane's watch, Sera whispered quietly for them to hear, "I will send your punishment per E-mail. Don't forget I know everything, if you dare... he he."

While laughing creepily, she shoved in a square box into Emilié's breast pocket and let them go.

Until they entered the car, the stiff and unnatural smile did not left their lips.


In the car Emilié fished out the plain designed box, opening it. The object inside freezes her blood, scraping open some old wounds.

Her gaze was concentrated on the red and white fabric. The red glaring to her eyes.

Aria seeing no movement from Emilié, took a glimpse of the object inside the box in his curiosity.

"Huh? A handkerchief. Why is it dirty?" He knitted his brows at its ugly spots. What a good fabric ruined by crimson clumps dried on it.

"It's not dirty. It is a beautiful gift." Emilié rebuted him with a shaky voice.

Beautiful? Aria knows Emilié for so long and they share similar tastes, but this was extreme even for her.

Whatever, he shook his head, letting her be. If she likes it, then she likes it.

Emilié closed the box and put it into her school bag, next to a little reddish plush-bunny with shiny green button eyes.

The handkerchief was from the day Claudia was killed and belonged to the killer. Emilié knew that and Sera gave it her as a reminder and motivator.

Her revenge starts from here and whatever happens on the way, no one will hold her back.

Blood must flow for her rage to extinguish!