
In a field full of flowers consisting of Daisies, Roses, Salvia, Sunflowers and others, there stood a girl. A girl wearing a sweatshirt and jeans faced an old muddy grave, which was delicately designed with the usage of the flowers surrounding it. She had black hair paired with dark brown eyes, and a tall curvy figure. She all of a sudden kneeled before the grave as she gently traces the carvings hidden beneath the dirt, revealing the words:

"The brightest lights within the dark, forever will be missed and remembered,

Brian Adler and Lily Adler

Date of Birth: 10/9/1972 and 16/4/1974

Date of Death: 15/5/2005"

The young girl softly smiled even though tears rushed down her cheeks, as she spoke, "Baba... Mama, it's been 12 years since your death. I have been doing well these past years. Uncle and Aunt has been constantly by my side and my cousins are very kind. Even little sis is fine. Haha! She just started 10th grade, and she is already thinking of finding the one, or should I say soulmate. Oh dear, what should I do with her? Mama guess what?! I've turned 22 this year. Unbelievable, right! Time passed so fast and I am here all grown up. You know, when I asked aunt why she made the grave in this field of flowers, she replied that it's because this is your favorite spot, in which she wanted to send you to the place where you can rest comfortably."

The young girl, or should I say lady, takes in a breath, before she continues, " Baba guess what?! I worked so hard to skip grades, and go to university. I graduated when I was 20, and ever since then, I worked. With my friends Jena, Celine, Sara, Mira and May, I was finally capable of making a business for the confectionery industry. You see, Mira is perfect for directing the finance department, so I didn't have to worry much about that. As for Celine, she is in charge of getting the primary resources (stocks for ingredients), and making sure that it's of high quality. While May and Sara are the spokespersons of the business. As for Jena, she is my partner in crime, just kidding. She is my chef partner, in which we create the product. It's amazing and all. I make enough money, and I already made saving accounts for my sister and aunt's family. You see dad, it turns out my time is coming soon. I've been diagnosed with second stage terminal illness, and I will soon be stuck in a hospital. That's when I decided I want to come here and tell you what I am planning. This may seem stupid and everything. However, I am not planning to go to the hospital. In fact, I am going to hide this condition, and I will work to get enough money to help this family in time of need. Especially little sis. Ever since you two were gone, I always made sure that little sis lived well, and I'm happy that she's living her life. I know that is the two of you were alive, you would have chained to the bed, and then would made sure that I was being treated, but I'm feeling it. I'm feeling my death. It hurts so much knowing that there will be a time where I will be forced to leave them, yet I feel relieved, so relieved that I don't have to worry about money, health or familial issues. "

The young lady sighed as she once again took in a breath, and she said, " I love the both of you so much, and I'm here to tell you Thank you. Thank you for giving birth to me. Thank you for letting me live this wonderful life by raising me to be who I am today. Thank you for giving me my precious sister, and with her comes my aunt's family. Thank you and Goodbye!"

With one last look towards the grave within the field of flowers, the young lady stood up with a light smile in her face. She leaves with her shoulders no longer looking as burdened as when she entered.

However, she would return in one year, but not in the way those who are close to her would expect.


After a few months from her visit, the young lady made her business rise to the top of her industry, and everyone in her life is enjoying their time.

Currently, the young lady was in her apartment complex, which consisted of: 6 rooms whose color differentiated depending on the person owning the room. For example:

Sara's room is red, while Jena's yellow. As for Mira, her room is purple and Celine is turquoise. May's room is light pink, while the young lady's Blue. Each room had its own style, Sara and May designed their room to be comfy, while Mira, Jena and Celine made it thrilling and cute. As for the young lady, she made it neat and filled with books.

The 6 lived together for two years ever since they started the business, thus increasing their trust to one another.

Sara made her to the young lady's room, in which she know the door and said, "Hey Anna, how about you come out with us to the mall so that we can shop for new clothes."

Anna, otherwise known as the young lady, replied, "Alright in a minute."

Anna stood up from her large fluffy bed while closing her twinkle star curtains. However, she suddenly dropped on her knees, feeling extremely nauseous and began to cough furiously. Sara began to worry after hearing those coughs and entered the room. She was shocked to see her best friend on the ground, coughing a suspicious dark red substance, which appeared to be blood. After a few moments, she recollected herself and began to soothe and calm her friend until the coughing stopped.

Soon after Sara was reassured that Anna was fine, Sara said, "Anna, you have been acting suspiciously lately, and you've been getting tired a lot. What are you hiding?"

Anna couldn't bring herself to lie to her best friend, so she told her the truth. She told her she's dying, and made Sara promise to keep it a secret. Ever since then, Sara made sure to always take care of Anna, and cover up for her whenever she's tired.

What Sara didn't know is that in a few months, a crisis would take place.


As Anna worked, her family came into their shops with happy and lighthearted appearances, which made her very happy.

She treated them to many of her confectionaries, and then began sat to talk with them. Anna's sister, who is a brunette, informed Anna, "Anna guess what?! I got an apprenticeship to a medical school. You see, I recently skipped grades and graduated school, so I thought why not. Isn't this a great thing?"

Anna contemplated on what to reply to her for a while before saying, "I'm happy for you sis, but how come you never told me about the skipping grades and graduating school part? I could've went and made a whole party for you." Her sister replied, "You would've embarrassed me sis, besides I had cousin John and Amelia come instead with aunt. They are way more fun than you, no offense sis."

Sara, when hearing what she said, glared at her so hard, that Anna's sister looked quite frightened, whereas Anna herself looked hurt and pale. Because of these sudden feelings of anger and sadness, Anna couldn't stop herself from coughing harshly and began to puke blood. Terminal patients are very sensitive, so even the slightest of instability can cause extreme decline of health.

Anna couldn't stop shaking and soon fainted, while her aunt called the ambulance. All her friends and family surrounded her as the ambulance came to take her. Anna's sister was crying and begging them to save her sister.

Sara and the others hurriedly went to their cars, while saying, " Hurry up into your cars so that we could meet them in the hospital."

The family was still shaken, but John followed their instructions and brought the family to the hospital.

All of them saw how Anna was sent to the the Emergency room. They waited and waited. It felt like hours and yet only seconds passed. The doctor came out with a grim look in his face, which he soon faced them with heartbreaking news, "She is about to die. It appears that she has a terminal illness that hasn't been treated in time, therefore has eaten her from the inside. Something must have triggered her body to react negatively thus resulting in her vomiting blood and fainting. Finally, the patient woke up and requests for all of you to enter. Do know that this may be your last moments with her."

Sara entered first. She saw Anna completely pale and barely breathing. Her usual shiny hair looked dim and her eyes barely looked alive. Sara felt her eyes beginning to sting, and knew that she will have to explain what Anna is facing. Sara looked at all of her friends and Anna's family in the eye before telling them about Anna's illness and how she persuaded Sara to hide it. As soon as she was done, Anna brings her upper body forward with great difficulty, before saying, "Uncle, Aunt, John and Amelia I would like to that you for all those times where you helped us and raised us after our parents death. I am glad that my sister's in good hands. Sis I don't want you to feel guilt about anything, you should take care of yourself, and live your life the best way you can. I'm going to have to leave before you, but always know that I'm rooting for you. John and Amelia, I've known you for years and I believe that you should've more confident in who you are and can be. As for you my roomies, well the only thing I can say is, take care of yourselves, of the business and live your life with no regrets. I've made saving accounts that will be inherited by all of you as soon as I die ,and that's been arranged lawfully. I want to end my speech with saying thank you. Thank you for taking us in. Thank you for nurturing and supporting us. Thank you for being there for us, and please stay by my sister's side. Thank you for being there and goodbye."

They all watched Anna, whose smiling even when she died, with tears. Anna's sister began bawling begging for Anna to wake up, to be there for her medical school graduation, to see her succeed, and yet she knew that it couldn't happen. All her friends held onto her. As for her aunt, uncle and cousins, they all cried silently knowing fully well that they won't eat her sweets again, or see her smile and dramatic acting.

Sara all of a sudden said, "Please burry her with her parents, she would want to reunite with them, and that's the least we can do."

They buried Anna beside her parents. Her gravestone had writings carved in it:

"The legendary warmth within the heart and home, forever will be remembered and missed,

Anna Adler

Date of Birth: 12/8/1991

Date of Death: 14/4/2014


Anna opens her eyes. She observes her surroundings and felt that this certainly wasn't heaven or hell. So where was she?

Anna looks at her hands and finds them extremely small. She tries to move her body yet she couldn't move.

Hearing a pair of footsteps, Anna instinctively looks at the direction of the sound, where she finds a beautiful woman with extremely light blond platinum hair and beautiful blue sparkly eyes. The woman held her and said, "There, there Draco! What a beautiful baby you are. Oh dear, I forgot to introduce who I am to you. I'm your mommy Draco, I am Narcissa Malfoy.

From here on out, I will protect you even if it's from your father."

Anna sweat dropped as she realized that she reincarnated into Draco Malfoy, a character in Harry potter. Oh dear, Anna felt sleepy and couldn't think any longer, and so in her mother's embrace, Anna, or should I say, Draco, fell asleep peacefully.