Level 4 [ part 2 ]. First week in Hogwarts.

The first week was hectic, hard and full of surprises.

First of all, thanks to reading in libraries and lessons I was able to achieve level 4 and improved the next skills.

『 Studying 16 ➔ 17 』

『 Herbology 15 ➔ 16 』

『 Wand Making 16 ➔ 17 』

『 Magic Channeling 0 ➔ 1 』

『 Magic Chanting 0 ➔ 1 』

『 Magic Gesturing 0 ➔ 1 』

『 Studying 17 ➔ 18 』

『 Alchemy 16 ➔ 17 』

『 Level Up 』

I raised my level later that day.

『 Level 3 ➔ 4 』

Obviously, I put my point into Magicka. The skill point I got I decided not to spent for now and keep it until the weekend.

Now, for the surprises!

After first lessons in transfiguration, charms, and defense against dark arts I thought I would get the same or at least similar in name skill. However, for each of them, I got the same 3 skills: Magic Channeling, Magic Chanting, Magic Gesturing.

That was the first surprise because it was unexpected to me that 3 different lessons will give the same skill and not one but 3 of them each.

The second surprise was the fact that they started at 0. I had my questions for a very long time and decided to experiment in my room a little bit to make sure and that's where the third surprise hit me.

After I got all 3 lessons, I acquired those 3 skills at the same time. And that was on Thursday which was yesterday.

Just to make sure that those 3 skills are acquired via all 3 lessons, I decided to use one of the books about this subject. Because the last lesson was transfiguration, I used a book from charm classes to see if it will give different skills or improve those 3.

*Thursday, experimenting in the room*

〖 The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) 〗

〖 Book contains instructions on how to learn and use several simple spells. Used as an introduction to spells for young wizards. 〗

〖 -Read- -Throw- -Use- 〗


[Spellbook is used. The chance of acquiring new spells for the 'Spells' menu will be based on your magical talent and respective skills.]

〖 Wand-Lighting Charm – unsuccessful learning.〗

〖 Softening Charm – unsuccessful learning〗

… other spells unsuccessful

〖 Fire-Making Spell – successfully added〗

… other spells unsuccessful

Only one spell was added to the spellbook and it did not sound any bit useful. I mean the name kind of worries me. Making fire? Really? Matches can work just as well… no?

And what shocked me is how little my talent is. One spell was added out of more than 5 spells. That is the probability of less than 20% percent and that is after having 2 points in Magicka! I know that is not a lot of talent added, but it is literally first-grade spells! And what are the respective skills?

Actually, wait! What are spellbooks?

Those were the thoughts I had at that moment. Fortunately, I was in my room when I started experimenting with the book, so I started asking the system about all that stuff and the 'Spells' menu.

'System what is this 'Spells' menu and what it does? And also, what notification about respective skills meant? What skills were those?'

['Spells' menu is your personal spellbook that allows you to learn spells better and save their description, use, and other characteristics. Respective skills are skills that help cast those spells.]

'What are those skills?'

[That is something you will need to find on your own. The system will answer only question pertaining system's usage and functionality. It is not something system that doesn't want to divulge, but something system has no knowledge of.]

'Hm… so you don't know, and I need to find this out on my own through experiments and practice, huh?'


'Then why new skills I got start at 0 rather than 15?'

[Starting point of 15 is when you have basic knowledge of the subject when you have zero knowledge and no idea what subject even does, it means that its level should start at zero to better represent your knowledge. When you got alchemy, for example, you could approximately guess and understand what it is about and how it can help you. But apparently those 3 new skills you couldn't even imagine and have absolutely no idea what they represent, thus starting point picked as 0.]

Well… it is true, I have no idea what they represent. Except for what name implies, but what that means I can't understand. Magic channeling is when I channel magic, yes, but it doesn't explain anything. Isn't magic is just done via spells? I mean it does make sense that magic should be channeled to create spells, I just… never thought about this, I suppose.

'Okay, I am clear about that. Now explain to me how exactly I use spells menu.'

[Think 'Spellbook' and that will call your spells menu. This menu helps you learn spells with the help of the system. The system will guide you in learning a spell, create virtual teaching grounds where you can practice with spells, video guidance on correct spell cast and many more.]


〖 Spells〗

〖 List of spells〗

➣ Fire-Making spell

'I suppose I can get more information by concentrating on the spell in question?'


After focusing on the spell, I got more information.

〖 Fire-Making spell〗

〖 Difficulty: Low〗

〖 Potential: Low〗

〖 -Train- -Tutorial- -Simulation-〗

'What difficulty and potential means?'

[First is how hard to learn. Second is the representation of spell potential.]

'And what it the potential of spell?'

[Understanding of this heavily depends on your knowledge. Cannot be explained.]

'Hm… Okay. What is the point of training inside a virtual environment if I can just cast spells outside?'

[Some spells can't be trained without specific targets, while others considered dark arts by people and will bring only life imprisonment if caught.]

'Makes sense. The tutorial is kind of self-explanatory. What is a simulation?'

[It will simulate how a spell will work depending on changes you will introduce into its construction.]

'How do I introduce these changes?'

[Unknown. The system can work only with completed structure.]

'Is it also one of the things that depend on my knowledge?'


Now I felt a real need for more knowledge. This world is a bit more complicated than it looked in the film.

*Back to present*

After that, I really wanted to go to the library and find books about magic and explanation on how it all works. However, I had alchemy early in the morning and I wanted to be as fresh as possible. I read school alchemy book a little before sleep. Just first chapters and fell asleep.

Alchemy went similar to what happened in the film. I felt a little bit bad for Potter because he really did nothing wrong or bad to receive such treatment. Otherwise, the lesson was interesting. I raised alchemy thanks to the lesson and got a level up.

After all the lessons on Friday finished, I went to the library where Granger soon found me reading. Because it was a library, we could not talk too much, but we still kept close to each other.

*Friday after lessons*

Maybe we both felt better if we were not alone and there was a friend close to us. I had nobody close to me here, except for her and sometimes I felt lonely against my will. I suppose that what feelings are… Even if you don't want them, they will force you to feel them.

"*Sigh* I am a human, after all."

"What else can you be?"

Hermione sitting near me asked with interest.

"I am just happy, that I have a friend here, with whom I can talk and discuss interests. I… don't feel as lonely. Thank you."

"No need! I mean, don't mention it. We are friends, after all. No need to thank me!"

She was flustered a tiny little bit. In the beginning, she even raised a voice, forgetting we were in the library. Well, I am happy I have a friend. But she needs to get friendlier with the main protagonist as well. He will decide the fate of the world after all.

'*Sigh* I need to make them friends and get friendlier with them as well. Damn. So much work…'

*To the present*

In any case, I spent a weekend reading books on magic, its creation, spells, construction of them and many other things. I just had breakfast in the morning and went to the library till late night and only then returned tired and sleepy to fall into the dreamland. That how it was for those 2 days. I got literally zero rest.

What I got though is a new skill that also started with zero, but thanks to constant grinding of knowledge without rest I got it to raise a few levels.

『 Magic Theory 0 ➔ 1 』

『 Magic Theory 5 ➔ 6 』

Another result I got after intense research is a simple fact. We are not learning magic right now, it seems… we are learning spellcasting.