Level 15 [ part 9 ]. I refuse.

It was Sunday. Few days past since missis Granger talked with me. Today, she and her husband called me for a talk, where they offered me to be adopted, but I refused their good intentions. They did not expect that I will refuse it and insisted on it for a long time, but I was unshakeable in my decision. I told them that I don't want to be a nuisance, plus I don't want to be bind by parents and family overall.

All that adoption and parent's topic got me into deep nostalgia about my previous life's parents. Unfortunately, this was a bad type of nostalgia, remembering my past, I fell into the pit of "What if I…"s and that really screwed my mood for a whole day. Thankfully, I was to climb out of this state next morning.

'Being a child is great and all, but emotional fluctuations and instability are no joke.'


Anyway, the only positive the day had - my behavior made Grangers' think that I was in such a bad mood because of their insistency. Thanks to that, they backed off and I had one less of a problem to worry about.

Some 'smart' people of course can say that I should have agreed to be adopted, but here is the question to them. Where the heck would I get documents required for that. "I am an orphan" is not a magical charm against all problems. Plus, I somehow got into Britain from other country, according to my bio, so I can't just say I don't have documents.

Moreover, I really didn't want to be bound by a family at this point. For family no matter how good or bad, is a responsibility. You must worry about their wellbeing, help them in need and care for them through you whole life. It is a burden. I don't want to take it upon myself. That's for emotional side of the question.

As for material side, there are no obvious benefits in having family for current me. I can make money by my own. With magic by age of 14, max 16 I can become completely independent of everything. Family can be useful only in summer and even then, I see no point in it starting next year, because I will have broom to travel and won't be limited by ministry.

Days went by and soon time for shopping came. Both me and Hermione received list with required books and items for the second year.

'By the way, how the heck owls found me? Freaks me out.'

Also, Hermione and I kept in touch with Ron, so he notified us about him going after Harry. Hermione wrote him to be safe and about the homework

'Crap! Homework! I need to finish it.'

We also decided to meet while shopping for second year books.

Also, I discovered a problem. I wanted to exchange more money than just for books, however Grangers know about my situation and me having enough money for books is already a miracle. It seems that I need to do the exchange by myself.

Anyway, we went to Diagon Alley to buy everything needed. Before actually buying anything, we headed to Gringotts to exchange muggle money for wizard currency. Mister Granger offered to go together and help me with exchanging it, but I declined, for obvious reasons, saying that I already did it before, so I can manage.

That was obviously a lie, but I had no choice but to do so. In my background story I told that I already exchanged money to buy first year items, all by myself, so I couldn't ask for information of how exchange done.

Of course, I am not an idiot to go there without any information, so I learned all I can from Grangers using Save&Load functionality. I saved, found out all I need and returned. Deleted the safe afterwards.

'Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy'

Also, when I declined Mister Granger's offer, he was a little sad, but what can I say, I had no choice. However, just when I was thinking of going to exchange money, something came to my mind.

'I could exchange twice! Once via them and second by myself. Goblins won't know about it. Mister Granger will be happy, and I will exchange all the money I need without attracting any attention. How did I not think about this previously? The only problem is that this year's books are especially expensive, because our dark arts teacher is that 'great' wizard Lemonporn or Locustfart. Well, anyway, I need to exchange exactly enough money to get these books.'

〖Save ⟳〗

Then I exchanged ton of money and went on the shopping spree. When I bought all books, I noted down their prices. By the way, those books by Lockhart were hell of an expensive piece of garbage.

I calculated exact amount I will need to exchange to get all the books required and thought.

'Return to last save point'

Momentary blackness, that became so usual and common after legilimens situation. Then, I saw mister Granger once more and called him before he entered the bank.

"Actually, mister Granger…"


He looked at me with hope. Do they really want to help me that much? Wow. These people are too nice. Okay, it's time to bullshit.

"I am sorry for declining your offer just now. It's just… I am accustomed to do everything alone, so after thinking it over I will accept you offer if it's still valid." I smiled embarrassingly.

"Of course, it is and I understand your situation. You lived alone for so long, after all."

"Here is all I was able to make during this summer."

"Okay. See you in minute."

Then he and his wife left to exchange money. As soon as they entered building, I heard Hermione shout.

"Harry! Harry! Over here!"

'The heck? Oh right, we meet with Potter today.'

Then I looked at him and saw him walking with Hagrid. They started talking, but neither Harry nor Hagrid noticed me yet. Maybe sneaking that increased due to robberies but default make me harder to notice? Shouldn't be the case.

"Hello, Hagrid. Hi, Harry. I'd ask how you've been, but knowing Ron had to break you out of home, I already know the answer. What happened with you, by the way?" I laughed a little and asked.

"Magnus? Is that you?"


Both Hagrid and Potter gave me astonished looks, as if they see some unicorn.

"Am I that hard to recognize?" I asked.

"You look very different." Harry answered.

"Yeah, taller!" Hagrid added.

'The heck? You are half-giant. Height should be the last thing you'd notice, no? And what do you mean different? I am the same.'

"Well, he worked the whole summer. Plus, he was training every day, so it's obvious he will look different." Hermione explained.

'Oh, I completely forgot about that. I have no habit of looking in the mirror, so I often forget how strongly I've changed during this summer.'

My body looked stronger, more muscular. Especially my legs were very fit and outlined, without a gram of fat, thanks to running every day and ability from training tree. Overall, I've became leaner and my face has lost some of it's baby fat, which made me look older than I really am. Plus, I have grown up a little during this summer.

In short, I indeed look very different since the beginning of this summer.

"Yeah. I decided to train a little and get body into better form. Year in Hogwarts got me really out of shape and as Romans used to say "Mens sana in corpore sano". Healthy mind in healthy body."

I barely finished what I was saying when I heard people running and looked behind. I got a huge scare, when I saw whole swarm of redhead people running to us. Thankfully, they stopped when they reached us and started frantically speaking with Harry. Apparently, he teleported incorrectly or something like this.

After everyone calmed down, we entered the bank. Harry and Weasleys went to get money from their vaults, while me and Granger waited for money to be exchanged.

After that we exited and decided to meet hour later to buy books. Trio went to get some ice-cream, while I needed to go out and exchange some more money but this time by myself. So, I went away, switched my clothes and put on something with a hood. Hopefully, under the hood I will be harder to recognize. I also put my bracelet on.

It took me around 10 minutes to finish all transactions. Moreover, I didn't to provide any documents.

I didn't exchange all the money I had. I decided to save some for future year. You never know when you will need some cash.

Afterwards, I went to look for a broom. I didn't really need it, but I decided to buy it anyway in case of an emergency and put it into an inventory. Plus, having an untraceable way of transportation, not limited by muggle's borders can be very useful next year's summer. After all, I have great plans.

I went to check out pets, but didn't find anything interesting. I mean what's the use of an owl? Rats and toads are even worse. Anyway, I ignored personal animal for now. What's the point of it, anyway? I mean, it can serve as a good friend and accompany you in daily life, but I have no time. I am either studying, helping the trio or sleeping.

Moreover, this year there is a basilisk and I have no freaking idea of how to defend against that giant lizard's insta-kill glare. I doubt my meager enchanting skills will be enough to make artifact to defend against it.

Plus, I can't take away the diary because cause it's heavily enchanted and charmed. As soon as I touch it, I will fall to its control, so the same problem arises. I can't make artifact strong enough to counter this.

While thinking about these things and looking through items in different shops, around an hour passed. By that time, I arrived in the bookstore, where I saw ton of people. I decided not to push through that living barrier and just check what's going on.

That Longbarf or Lackheart does some signature giveaway or whatnot. I was checking books and just out of interest I decided to check what his book does. Because, thanks to films I know he is garbage as a wizard. Nothing described in books is true or at least not the full truth, so I got interested in what book can teach.

I overwritten save that I made before the bank, in case people will think I am stealing the book.

〖Save ⟳〗

I put my hand over the book to put into the inventory. Then I went into the inventory and wanted to use it, but what a surprise I got. It can't be used.

'System, are there books that can't be used?'


'Why so?'

[To use book, system scans it and draws essence of knowledge inputted into it. It draws just enough for one point, however if books contains not enough knowledge or author isn't masterful enough to convey knowledge efficiently, it can't be used.]

'So, basically this book is garbage in quality, huh? Say, if…'

Just when I wanted to continue my discussion with system there was a commotion around me, because right under my hand there was no book and everyone was looking strangely at me.

'Return to last made save.'

*Next day*

I was sitting thinking about what to do. I finished with buying all the books except for the ones written by Logborn or Lickthorn, whatever his name was. I decided not to buy his books and save money. Hopefully they don't check the luggage. I mean his books are garbage and don't give skills, so why would I throw money on this.

After buying everything, I decided to work less and notified the owner about it. So now I have proper weekends. Thanks to that, I had a ton of free time now, so I dived into the books I just bought and started studying them. Plus, after finishing these books I will check local library for interesting books and to grind some skills.

Now, let the grinding spree begin!


『 Alchemy 27 | Sneak 25 | Speech 26 』

『 Studying 29 | Wand Making 26 』

『 Herbology 24 | Magic Channeling 27 』

『 Magic Chanting 24 | Magic Gesturing 25 』

『 Magic Theory 32 | Astronomy 22 』

『 Riding Expertise 21 | Crafting 21 』

『 Playing Games 17 | Enchanting 17 』

『 Cooking 25 | Training 22 ➔ 23 』