Level 18 [ part 1 ]. Legilimency training.

"Wake up"

I slowly opened my eyes hearing such a familiar voice.


I started from the bed.

"What time is it?"

"7 in the morning. Why?"

I rushed from bed in a hurry.

"But I told you to wake me up when you will wake up, mom!"

She smiled.

"I also just woke up!"

"Liar! You always wake up at 6am!"

"But you were sleeping so well. I didn't wake up."

I pouted.

"Whatever. Next time…"

"Yeah, yeah I know. Let's have breakfast."

"What's at breakfast?"

"Fried egg."

"How many?"



I woke up and open my eyes.

'Mother, huh? That's a nice memory. How is she...?'

I was vacantly looking at the ceiling.

'I hope she is still well back home. How did my death affect her and father?'

'I really hope my elder siblings are there for them. I know that I should be grateful for a second chance I have, but I can't help but think if I ever can return.'

It's so strange.

'Only truly happy memory can show you the true meaning of sadness...'


I sighed heavily and heard a voice from a person nearby.

"Why would a child sigh so heavily?"

I looked to the left and saw Dumbledore, sitting there. He was looking inquisitively at me with a very kind face. Although... was it really a kind face? That is a different topic altogether.

'Okay, this conversation is going to be tough. Just in case, save progress.'

〖Save ⟳〗

"Memories, Professor Dumbledore," I answered after thinking for some time.

Dumbledore raised a brow, hearing this answer and looked at me, as if waiting for me to continue.

I just stared at him in response.

'What are you looking at me for?'

We continued to stare at each other for some time.

"Well, in any case, your friends came and left some gifts here. Also, I must inform you that ending in infirmary every year is a bad tradition. Try to avoid it to the best of your ability."

"I will try to remember that."

"You don't want to ask me anything?"

"Will you really answer me?"

I feel like me saying those words made him a bit more serious.

"Why would you doubt it?"

"Tom Riddle was your student, but his memory alone was enough to force you from Hogwarts? Coincidence? I highly doubt it. In any case, can you clarify what happened with us in the chamber? The last thing I remember is some type of bird coming to Harry with a sorting hat…"

While saying all that I was looking at the ceiling above. Thankfully, I was lying in bed, so there was no need to keep eye contact. After all, I can't know for sure if Dumbledore will use legilimency. There is no doubt he knows how.

He looked at for some time without saying a word.

"That's a good question, young man. What do you think happened?"

I closed my eyes for a minute as if thinking and answered.

"Sleeping spell."

"Such assurance, hm?"

With still closed eyes, I answered while lightly gesticulating.

"I am not the greatest wizard alive, but I know my feelings and have a fair share of magical knowledge. I am sure I didn't faint. I wasn't knocked out either. Moreover, the last feeling I had was that of extreme tiredness. All things considered, I am sure. Although, I am not sure if it was Riddle who cast it because I was distracted by the bird."

After finishing this part, I opened my eyes and looked at Harry, who was in another bed, still sleeping.

"I see. We are not sure who it was. Well, see you later my boy. Rest for now."

『 Speech 29 ➔ 30 』

『 Speech 30 ➔ 31 』

After saying that, he stood up and left.

'Freaking Finally. I had to redo this freaking talk more than 10 times… Since when this old dude is so suspicious. He is on the level of that auror dude.'

The worst thing is that the first time we had this talk, he didn't show any signs that he didn't believe me. He just started keeping an eye on me via Snape who paid a suspicious amount of attention to me. He was constantly there when I was grinding skills, but I didn't notice that.

Plus, one of them started putting truth potion into my food and drinks. And didn't even notice, because they were putting it in minuscule dosages, increasing it with every meal for a whole 2 days. And in the evening Snape called me to his classroom.

I was barely able to escape because the system considered forced legilimency as physical damage and returned me to last made auto-save. Thankfully, I didn't turn off auto-save and -load function even after basilisk's death. Otherwise, I … don't even know what could have happened.

Then, I did my best to analyze the situation and understood what's going on and how honest I was for the last 2 days. It didn't take me much time to understand what lead to this situation. Dumbledore's distrust.

If I didn't know that Snape was his loyal servant (or warrior), then I might have questioned Snape's actions and be confused, but I knew. However, I wasn't sure if me talking with Dumbledore again will change anything. Like how do I know, if our conversation even affected him in any way? He might unleash Snape on me anyway.

After hours of thinking this over, I came up with a plan of conversation we just had.

Moreover, I constructed conversation in such a way, for him to see that I don't know anything, but at the same time that I want to know what happened. So, I needed to feed him a small truth to hide a bigger lie.

Obviously, I came up with the final version, not on the first try. Only after a few fails, I led conversation successfully. I was calm when needed and showed anxiousness and interest properly.

Another annoying thing was that I couldn't know for sure if my conversation worked out the way I needed. So, it took me a huge amount of time to go through this conversation successfully, because Dumbledore was too good at emotion handling. You couldn't say what he was truly feeling, without reading his damn mind. And reading minds wasn't exactly my forte.

I literally had no time to train legilimency, but now I need to start training it immediately.

But I digress.

I fooled him! Finally. And this time I can be sure because I got 2 consecutive increases in the Speech. Moreover, because it gave so much proficiency in the skill, it seems like it wasn't a waste to upgrade my Speech ability.

『 Strong Argument ➔ Remarkable Argument 』

〖Remarkable Argument〗

〖People trust you subconsciously. Every simple sentence pronounced by you will now sound stronger and more eloquent. High chance to win in verbal arguments.〗

This ability was probably 50% of success in convincing the Dumbledore.

After that, I decided to lie down and relax. Because I already lived through the next four days for more than 10 times, I was already tired of tomorrow.

Hopefully, it will progress differently this time.

*Week later*

Week passed. Everything was calm and no Snape sniffing around, so I can calm down and have some peace now. That also means I can wholeheartedly jump into legilimency, however that field wasn't exactly open to new students. I had to dig through some very old tomes in the library to find books containing anything useful about the topic.

While looking I was also practicing something I was doing in the free time during classes. Magnetic field creation.

Previously I was able to use a coil gun with half magic and half science. However, that wasn't perfect, because it needed a ton of preparation before actual usage. Although, I must admit if the shot did hit, it can one-hit-kill any magical being based on a physical form.

So, I knew there was potential, but I need to replace all parts with magic and make it into one spell. The first hurdle was magnetic fields, so I was practicing it. At first I thought it can be hard, but apparently, I can easily multitask anything, as long as one of the tasks is magic

It should be an unexpected effect from the "Dual channeling" ability. It naturally allows me to cast 2 spells, but now I can grind magic constantly as long as I am at school. And if I can suppress or even better erase the "Trace" I will be in a constant state of grinding. Especially because I can cast simple spells without chanting and gestures.

Anyway, I digress. Legilimency.

By the end of the week, I was able to find some books pertaining to the field. So, I will probably all free time learning it to the max. However, I need to raise other skills from time to time as well.

'Number of things to learn and master only increases. So annoying…'


*End of the year, after final exams*

Most people think along the lines of 'Finally exams are done! Yay!', but for me, it was the opposite. Why? Legilimency will be my answer. Now that I finished with normal subjects, I need to return to study it once more.

Anyone who thinks it's easy is a freaking idiot. With my current talent, I was able to barely scratch the surface of this intricate art.

There are so many details in the magic, that it's impossible to just learn it. You have to have a gift for this. However, I am different I have skills and abilities. Plus, legilimency compared to charm or transfiguration became a skill of its own. So, I should be able to overcome anything. If not now, then later.

'However, in this case, I would prefer now. Barely raised it from 0 to 19. The worst thing is that gave around the same amount of experience as one raise in magic theory…'



『 Alchemy 31 | Sneak 25 | Speech 29 ➔ 31 』

『 Studying 35 ➔ 36 | Wand Making 26 』

『 Herbology 29 | Magic Channeling 34 ➔ 36 』

『 Magic Chanting 29 | Magic Gesturing 29 』

『 Magic Theory 40 ➔ 41 | Astronomy 27 』

『 Riding Expertise 21 | Crafting 23 』

『 Playing Games 16 ➔ 15 | Enchanting 28 』

『 Cooking 24 ➔ 23 | Training 22 』

『 Physical Activities 17 | Programming 26 』

『 Dancing 0 | ❃Legilimency 19 』

*Abilities and skills progress*

『 Strong Argument ➔ Remarkable Argument 』

『 Number of skill points: 2 ➔ 1 』