Level 24. Time has come!

London's sky was clear, and clouds above were slowly moving with the passing wind. It was early morning, right after sunrise. Piercing screech broke the silence of the sky. It was an eagle.

It was a beautiful specimen, with silky feathers, sharp claws, and shiny beak. It felt almost as if this eagle is a perfect representative of its species. His feathers had a matted color of grey, while his beak and claws were pure metallic black.

Interestingly, if you would look long enough you would start to see him changing his color or better to be said shade of that color. His feathers were changing from light grey to dark grey throughout time. It was subtle and slow that change felt natural, so you can't notice it.

As for claws and beak, their change was even more obscure. They were changing their reflection level. From shinny metallic black it was changing to dull matted black.

However, the most interesting thing was the fact that the bird was its size. From afar it will be hard to say, but up close it was probably the biggest eagle in the world. Its wingspan alone was 4.5 meters (~14.7 feet) wide.

Thankfully, this 'giant' was flying so high above the city, that people either don't notice it or see only a small dark spot in the sky.


Days were going by very fast. I was spending my days mostly training in my new form, because it had a ton of untapped potential, that I don't know how to use. Every morning I was going out of the house to fly.

Thankfully, the ability to change size was one of the first I mastered in this form. So, I can vary my size from a normal-sized eagle to horse level monster.

Moreover, I think this form has no real limitation on size modification. I can become as big or as small as I want after mastering this form. And that is something that gets me really excited.

'I mean who doesn't want to become a dragon level monstrosity that can stomp anyone to death?'

I was getting accustomed to a bird's body quite fast and honestly, it was the most enjoyable experience in my new life so far. Flying is an incredible feeling. Peace and quiet all around you up in the sky. From that perspective, all my problems look small and unimportant. In addition to this, the sensation of absolute freedom was like a drug, that you want more with every bit you take.

The longer I was in this form, the less I wanted to return to human form. I think that what all practitioners of animal transformation feel. After all, their animal is literally the personalization of your inner you.

But I digress.

I was also trying to master my new abilities to manipulate shadows or something similar. It took a good amount of time to understand what some of the abilities do. I mean I instinctively knew how to do something, but I had no idea what it actually did.

For example, today, only after 30 minutes of flying, did I understand that what I was doing was actually changing my outer appearance.

'I need a mirror for that...'


'Only a few days left until the beginning of the third year, so I need to train my Animagus form to the best of my ability.'

*3 days later*

We were on the train. There was some sleeping dude, and the golden trio was decided to pick this cabin. I was totally okay with it, except for a small fact...

'Where would I sit, you egoistical pricks!? *Sigh* Whatever, I will find some other place.'

Anyway, this year I would have to start my plan and I won't need to stick with them anymore... My time is coming. Soon, I will have enough power and strength to be anyone I ever wanted.

'Okay, that was a little bit... um... too evil-sounding?'

Anyway, after talking to the trio, I proceeded further through the wagon and found some cabins with free spots to sit there.

I was sharing a cabin with Neville and Simus (or was it Simon? Whatever...). In a few minutes, another person joined our company of three and soon the train started its journey.

Like in original, the train was visited by dementors and Potter lost his consciousness after being nearly sucked dry. However, unlike the original, I nearly lost my consciousness just after it entered our cabin. Thankfully, I wasn't as tasty as Harry, so it left after sucking a bit of my happiness.

But believe me, the feeling wasn't the most enjoying. I saw some of the memories, I would like to never remember. This was something very unexpected to me. I had my slice of a harsh life, but I wouldn't say I am suffering because of this.

I mean, I had a few nightmares and maybe if I remember some specific parts of my past, I would feel hurt and lonely, but this is explicitly rare. Mostly, I remain positive and have no time on that bullshit.

'Well, at least I have a legit reason to ask to be taught Patronus Charm. Can be useful.'


'Even more to study. I want a vacation.'

*Two days later.*

We were going to the lesson of the Care of Magical Creatures. Everything went the same way mostly. Harry rode the hippogriff and Malfoy got hurt. Boring. I mean I knew that this animal will survive due to an undying plot, so I was rolling with the flow for now. My time is coming and I just need to be patient.

I was still spending time with the trio and sometimes it was fun and other times it was unbearable, but overall I somehow survived. Don't get me wrong. Potter, Granger, and Weasley are a good bunch of kids but the focus of this sentence is on the word "kids". By definition, kids are stupid and nobody can prove me the opposite.

Unless your IQ is above 160 and by the age of 8 you understand the whole idea of nihilism and uselessness of life, a kid will remain a being that continuously collects information. And most of the time, information is collected by stupidly doing everything that comes to mind. That whole process goes until a kid gets an epiphany of life.

I got it when I was 14-15 probably or somewhere around it. And for every kid, it's a different epiphany with different context but the idea is the same. Time to grow up.

For some kids it happens early, for others, it happens... never.

Well, that's why it's so hard for me sometimes to talk with kids. They are too adventurous and do things without thinking. Moreover, most of them are so assured that they are right, that it annoys the hell out of me. Even adults can be sometimes deadly stubborn about some irrelevant things.

For example, some people argued with for hours on a topic that growing meat (growing animals that produce meat later) is efficient. We get less than 10% in calories and an even lesser amount in vitamins out of the amount we spend to grow them. It is a scientifically proven fact. Yet they were vehemently against this idea because "they have relatives who grow cows, so they know better".

'I mean c'mon... But I think I digress once more...'

Anyway, what I am trying to convey is that I hate to admit it but after two years and a bit, I am tired of socializing with kids. I want to freaking escape this prison of stupid beings and transcend to some higher places or at least quiet places. I know that now I am rumbling like an old man on kids and I may even be wrong, but I just need to went. I can't have an honest talk with anyone for more than 2 years already (except system, but that is not a very active dialog maker).

'Give me some slack here...'

Plus, I feel that with every second amongst them I am becoming more and more childish as well, especially some of my actions in the first and second year.

'I mean robbing gangsters? Really? A lottery was obviously a better option... Which I used this summer by the way and made some good cash during this summer. '

During the experiments to improve the ritual, I traveled back quite often. That's when an idea came to me. Plus, it is a nice way to have a small rest. I bought lottery tickets, saved, had fun without grind for a whole week, saw good numbers, returned, put part of them on the ticket and got a nice sum. Easy money.

With one week of complete rest, I made around 40% of what I made with stealing.


'Where was my brain in the first year? Now, that's a mystery...'

*8 months later*

A lot of things happen and most of them from original, so I will skip them. I mean why would anyone be interested in them? In the meantime, I raised my level. 5 times. Thanks to my insane increase in talent, everything just became so much easier. Now, I understand why Ron despite being a lazy bun still was able to become a great wizard. Talent is not everything, but it's definitely important.

And I got some new amazing tier 3 abilities. Some of them are so cool, that I wanted to try them the moment I got them, but I waited. My time is coming near. There was a hearing over the case of the hippogriff not long ago, so his execution draws near. And the day it comes will be the day changes will visit this world.

And I mean big changes. Changes that start with a capital letter.

'Storyline? It can jump out of the window.'

I cracked the code, guys. If everything will be done well, I won't need to be around the trio for plot armor for the next 3 years at least.

'He-he... I will be free! Mu-ha-ha-ha... Wait... Overplayed? Hmm... Maybe...'


'I am becoming more childish because of those idiots...'


『 Level 24 』

『 Magicka ➣ Improvement : 18 ➔ 23 (talent = 4.4537) 』


『 Alchemy 32 ➔ 36 | Sneak 25 ➔ 27 』

『 Speech 31 ➔ 33 | Studying 40 ➔ 45 』

『 Wand Making 26 ➔ 32 | Herbology 31 ➔ 36 』

『 Magic Channeling 48 ➔ 61 | Magic Chanting 30 ➔ 40 』

『 Magic Gesturing 30 ➔ 40 | Magic Theory 47 ➔ 57 』

『 Astronomy 29 ➔ 35 | Riding Expertise 20 ➔ 15 』

『 Crafting 23 ➔ 29 | Playing Games 15 』

『 Enchanting 34 ➔ 38 | Cooking 24 ➔ 22 』

『 Training 23 ➔ 24 | Physical Activities 17 』

『 Programming 25 | Dancing 0 』

『 Legilimency 25 | Occlumency 22 ➔ 30 』