Level 26 [p1]. Forbidden magic

What do I mean by "that spell"? Well, it's a magic that is so powerful, I am scared of even trying it. These I call "Forbidden magic" or FM for short. You see, I have a few ideas about spells, that is so mighty, yet so dangerous, that I can't even try them out.

I tried testing them in my "Spells" menu but even that menu has limits of testing. It's just a simulation after all. Plus like the system explained, simulation limits are based on my level and body conditions.

Now, let me explain how I even come up with FMs and what I base them on.

You see, nature or to be more precise physics has a ton of horrifying effects, which are fortunately bound by other effects. One example of such effects or powers is fundamental forces of the universes.

However, magic is something that can break the balance and let these horrifying effects out.

For example, strong force keeps atoms together, and that's why when it splits, nuclear energy is emitted as a result and radiation as a sub-result.

Now another point I want you to consider is that magic has no real boundaries of what possible or not. I mean look at the apparition. It's legit teleportation. It can be using a quantum tunneling effect or even creating a stabilized mini-wormhole to travel to any set direction.

If that's not enough to show you the power of magic, then look at the "Reducto" spell. It is capable of reducing anything into a fine dust.

You might think: "Well, so what? Burning can reduce humans to ash too. Duh!"

But that's where you miss a point. We need a thousand degrees Celcius to burn a human body to ash. And that burning needs to be done for a prolonged amount of time. Yet you just will and poof - dust.

'I never tried it on humans, but I am really interested in knowing what's the composition of the dust. That can help understanding how the spell reduces something to pieces.'

But anyway, the point is that magic is near if not absolutely omnipotent. Limits are knowledge, practice, and imagination.

So, one day I came up with an idea of using magic and physics together to create unimaginably strong spells.

For example, what if I can simply rob all that energy that keeps atoms together and then unleash it somewhere else. You must understand that strong force not only keeps atoms together but also things that atom consists of together. So, technically, atoms will just unbind to the level of elemental particles.

Another example is I can try swapping matter to antimatter which will instantly explode due to interaction with matter that wasn't swapped.

As you can see, all of these ideas are close to insanity and immensely hard to achieve. Magic can bridge the gaps and make impossible - possible, but it needs some resources to be used in the process, such as energy and materials.

Moreover, creating spells is not some easy-peasy stuff. It is very hard and what I describe kinda transcends limits of spells and goes into magic casting where you will something directly to happen. However, I am a genius of magic plus I have a system, with its cheat-like abilities.

Remember that ability I didn't mention when I was sitting near Hagrid's hut, waiting for Buckbeak to be "Head bye-bye".

Well, here it is, Tier 3 ability from "Magic Theory":

『 Magic Theory 』

〖Magic rule〗

〖You are capable of ruling magic into doing your bidding, as long as you have enough energy and skills to do so.〗

Although it sounds great, it's super slow. Casting a spell is a hundred times faster than imagining something to happen and then making it happen. But it has its uses.

However, back to the topic.

As you might guess, messing with matter/antimatter and elemental particles is not something a sane person would call safe, so I can't test any of that insane stuff. Thus, all such ideas for magic are under the "Forbidden" tag.

One of such FMs was the spell I was considering right now. It was my oldest idea and the one I was working the most on. It had the most stable results in simulation and risks are pretty low. Plus idea behind it wasn't as insane as messing around things that Universe is built on. It's simpler.

'Let's create a black hole! He-he-he...'

A small one or to be precise a light one, because all black holes should be the same size if we believe in the theory that black holes are singularities with an infinite density. It's a zone around it, called event horizon, which differs in size depending on the mass of that singularity.

The question is how light should it be? Based on my calculations and study of physics, the base limit for the minimum weight to be a black hole is 22 micrograms.

Of course, lower than this and physics stop working, so black holes may still exist, but they may stop being black holes at that point. They won't be emitting any energy and become an everlasting extremely heavy particle. That's one of the contenders to be the dark matter. But then again humanity both in my world and in this one knows jack-shit about black holes, singularities, and overall physics. I mean our main theory was being disproven nearly every year in small details.

But I digress.

There are a ton of problems I met with these black holes, during the last half a year I am researching the topic.

First of all, I tried to create it as massive as possible because, at the size of 22 micrograms, an event horizon that is doing all the job of being scary all-sucking darkness will probably be non-existent. A black hole with the mass of earth will have an event horizon with a pitiful radius of 8.87mm.

'That's millimeters! Not centimeters or inches. Freaking millimeters, damn it!'

Even with magic, creating so much mass is a pipe dream. Magic allows bypass rules, not create planets out of nothing.

The second problem, is what do with it afterward? Extinguishing it isn't as easy as creating it. Funnily enough, magic is really bad at reversing its own effects.

Then I thought about creating a small 23 microgram singularity. Although its event horizon will be nothing to be proud of, the temperature it should emit will be around a few millions or billions of Kelvins. "Should", because it's not fully proven that black holes radiate energy, but they most probably should.

Another good thing is that there are not many creatures who sense magic, so doing such a spell and creating a black hole is near unnoticeable. I will have an untraceable bullet, size of the quark or maybe a little bit bigger. I can definitely cause havoc in any atoms black hole goes through. Maybe I will even cause nuclear mini-reaction in any atom that black hole will go through in the process.

But that's a problem in and of itself.

If I empower and concentrate the cleaning spell I use to wash and clean clothes, it can clean from radiation, but only includes non-alive entities. It can't clean organs and the inner structure of living beings for some reason, so, I also worked on how to be shielded from radiation.

Now you see that using any FM is something that I have to really consider twice or thrice. Nevertheless, I can't just let the quest go, right?

'System, if I get radiation doze, will you notice it?'


'Okay, that's nice. Then time to test some spells. I hope my anti-radiation spell works.'

While making sure, that dragons are still busy.

'Wow, that stamina though...'

I moved to the ground and transformed back to human form.

"Empowered Concentrated Nuclear Umbrella"


'Okay, maybe my naming sense sucks, but at least I am on point, here.'

After saying the name of the spell I recently created a transparent membrane that appeared and covered me in ellipse form. Then, I started working with my imagination to create a black hole. Because it is not a spell, it can't be cast fast, so it takes time to really imagine and then realize what you are imagining via magic. I also made sure to create a connection with a black hole while creating it to locate it in space.

Thankfully, I trained for this moment in simulation for months, but in real life, this process is super tiring. I spent around 10 minutes to create my deadly baby, so I felt spent and very sleepy.

'They are still so active? How envious... What I am thinking!? Concentrate!'

All that's left, is to give it a little spin and move it towards the dragons outside the sphere.

I was really nervous because this whole black hole business is pure theory and talk. I mean science knows so little about black holes and even less about holes of such size. So, everything I said previously is purely assumptions.

Fingers crossed I accelerated black hole and made it move inside the female dragon brain. Females are mostly bigger and scarier when it comes to dragons. As for how it went inside the brain, due to the size of the thing, singularity can literally pass through most of the materials in the world.

Then when in the brain, time for the second part of the magic show. I imagined it start spinning with insane speed and start moving all around the brain of the dragon with near light speed. That drained the last of my energy and I dropped to the ground right on the bum, just to witness dragon skull lighting from inside.

Blue and Green lights were seeping through the skin of the skull.


Then, the dragon raised its head to roar, but halfway stopped and her eyes burst with last flares of lights escaping from the sockets. She is dead.

'Huh? No explosion? Oh, c'mon... So, anticlimactic...'

Her partner was surprised and checked its mate, only to see that she is dead. He roared to the sky, while I transformed to my Animagi form and moved the heck out of that location and decided to rest.

Let's do this one dragon at a time.

*2 days later*

I was sitting on top of the corpse of a dragon. Because I already have a black hole, killing the second one was so much easier and faster. Blackhole got a lot heavier after consuming 2 brains, which gave me a great idea. I can go around the different worlds and consume planets to grow my Blacky. And by the way, I decided to call it Blacky.

'Fitting right?'

After all, we are connected now. I also, enforced the link between us using my cheat-like ability of imagine-achieve.

I still have no clear idea what happened inside the brains of these lizards, but what I found so far are cleared out skulls. So either, the black hole consumed everything in their skulls or caused mini nuclear explosions that evaporated some of the tissues, while it consumed the rest. Honestly, no idea. But, in any case, I am happy with the result.

Oh and by the way, I got the rewards.

[Quest is complete]

[2 dragons were defeated 9ingeniously and fabulously!]

[Rewards will be given out based on accomplishments.]

[Rewards are being affected by the system upgrade. Rewards are being converted.]

[Rewards are calculated. Due to fighting against dragons and succeeding in killing them, your soul will get saturated by dragon energy.]

[Animagi form has been discovered.]

[Would you like to apply your rewards to Animagi form, now?]

I was in the clearing, at the foot of some mountain and there were 2 intimidating dragon corpses around me. Nothing dangerous coming anytime soon.

'Yes, I would.'

This time I didn't lose consciousness but it felt really painful.

[Fire breath is being forced. Success. Application is in order.]

[Dragonskin is being forced. Failure. Shadow creature skin is "Shadow" in essence. Clashes with dragonskin.]

[System interferes. Dragonskin is doubled in effectivity and merge is in effect. Repeating process.]

[Dragonskin is being forced. Success. Merge is in order.]

[Application and merging will start now. Please take a comfortable position. It will be very painful.]

'Damn. This will be a shitty afternoon.'