Level 27[p5]. Time for some explanation!

Sirius, as well as all the adults around me, were holding wands pointing them at me.

I was enjoying this, mostly due to adrenalin and because I was indulging in my anger, I was feeling exhilarated. It was this short-lived feeling when you give in to your emotion and just let yourself went. When your rage turns into an actual fight or a beating. Do you become angrier, yes! But nonetheless, there is that small feeling of satisfaction coming in with that additional anger.

These factors fueled me forward. My whole body was screaming at me to fight them, while my mind tried to find good reasoning for that fight, already making excuses. Doubts started appearing in my mind about how it's going to go from here. I knew that depending on what I do, my future can be very different.

I need to calm down. I do deep breaths and slowly exhale. Does it help with rage boiling inside? Nope, but it helps to get over that rage.

"Drop your wands down." I calmly say to them. I am giving them a chance.

"Mr.Magnus, you are not welcome in our house. Please leave." Mister Weasley said to me.

"Trust me, I will!" I snorted and looked at Hermione and then at the amulet I had on my neck.

I was reminded of the promise once more. Oh how I wish I had a character, that doesn't give a snack about his promises and breaks them when convenient.

"Granger, you have disappointed me, but I made a promise to be your friend once," Then I throw a second amulet that looks exactly the same as the one on my neck at the table and continues, "so I will keep that promise. Using this amulet you can contact me anytime. Just think about me while holding it. That will do the trick."

Then I looked at all people standing in the room and finally, my gaze stopped at the Potter.

"Grow up, before snarling at me."

Then there was a sound of something popping off and I disappeared.

Apparition is certainly a great tool to have a dramatic exit.


After Magnus left the scene everyone was left with a mixture of different feelings. And the majority of these feelings were negative. Although, there was one person, who was surprised rather than angered.

That person's thoughts were a mess after witnessing Magnus prowess in magic. Arthur entered only after he heard shouts coming from the kitchen, so he missed the spectacle as for Molly she didn't pay any heed to his magic skills.

But Sirius has witnessed the whole thing and he saw how Magnus casts magic without a wand or even words. He literally just moved a hand and magic was made. Although it is possible to cause magic under the influence of emotion, that response was too precise and calculated. Normally underage magic and spontaneous emotional magic are very close to intent magic, but that magic is most of the time very strong, but not very good in terms of accuracy.

This, on the other hand, was too accurate. His talent is monstrous. Maybe he even more talented than Voldemort. Does Dumbledore know about this?

*Back to Magnus POV*

All angry I apparated to London. There I asked some passerby about the closest inn or hotel. Then I went to the best one, closest to me to rest.

An hour later, I was lying in the bed of a luxury hotel after having a good bath, thinking about the reasons for my anger.

And surprisingly I found reasons quite fast. For 3 years, I was wearing a mask of friendliness and remained passive to not break canon.

Moreover, any impulsive action of mine was instantly regretted by me. My promise to Hermione was purely emotional. There were probably hundreds of ways to lead conversation without any promises.

Then there was that moment with a dragon egg when I told Harry that he didn't put on his invisibility cloak, which ended up with me carrying that shitty egg 3 times.

However, last months I was living alone with only Bucky and Blacky by my side. No need for any mask, no need to keep myself in check, no need to filter my thoughts.

I was truly enjoying anything I wanted. Moreover, the prime reason for staying close to MC disappeared. I needed his protection, but with my magic prowess, I might not be the best fighter, but escaping was always an option.

Without the mask, my personality became unbound. And the more powerful I will be becoming, the less will be the need to keep appearances, especially with the "Speech" skill on the higher levels.

Is it bad? Is it good? I don't know. But getting so angry over such a thing was indeed a bit too rash, even if I was annoyed with the whole topic.

Anyway, I have a better topic to concentrate on.

'Athena, I am alone now. Time for some explanation, I'd say. What do you think?'

[Indeed. What would you like to know?]

'Hm... Well, let's start from the beginning. You told me that me changing something is pointless. Why?'

[All Universes has one Time, but multiple timelines which are located close to each other. No matter how much you change the timeline, it won't change. It will just split into a new timeline, so there will be an original one where nothing changed and yours where your change happened.]

'Wait so you are saying that throughout my life, with me returning back and forth I cloned myself over hundred of times?'

[No, as mentioned before, you move to the point in time and space, which means that the timeline you are leaving is left without you. You are a unique presence.]

'Then if my changes don't matter, why it makes me a target of that "Order" thing?'

[Timelines belong to one Time, which means they start with Time and end with Time. That depicts the concept of destiny. No matter how timelines differ from each other, their destination or endpoint is the same. However, the problem begins if a timeline is being continuously affected or change is very big it starts to go farther and farther from its endpoint. The greatest example of that is when Thanatos, traveled back in time and changed the history of Earth by granting Gaius Julius Caesar the gift of immortality. This lead to him conquering the whole world and they reached the Moon exactly 300 years after he became a ruler of the new Emperium. This change was so massive in effect that it globally changed the history of the whole Universe. This was the first documented case of a timeline splitting into nothingness. ]

'Into nothingness?'

[Yes. Timeline crossed over the boundaries of the Universe it belongs to, which in turn caused a complete alienation. Soon, that timeline reached its conclusion and created its own destiny. That's how the Roman Universe was born. However, the "Order" doesn't like timelines becoming independant, so they try to destroy the source of that change.]

'So, how am I not dead yet?'

[Your passiveness.]


[There are 3 types of Universes. Independant, Artificial and Written. Independent Universes are those which were naturally produced by the Creation. Artificial are those, that I just described. And Written Universes are those who have an author giving an idea from which the Universe was born. Following so far?]

'No. Why is it so complicated?'

[It isn't for me. But I can imagine it is for you. In short, your current Universe has an Author. Normally these Universes have a script and you inadvertently got yourself a plot armor from the Harry Potter by mingling with him too much. That plot armor allowed Universe to perceive you normally. Plus the system is helping mask your alien origin. However, you lost your plot armor recently due to all the changes you made.]

'So you are saying that I am defenseless...'

[Well, you became a target, but changes made for you don't warrant for direct intervention. At most they will send a fixer to put the history back on track, like what you saw.]

'So its because of them, the same thing happened, despite my changes?'

[Indeed. Fixers' job is to return a timeline on its natural course. But enough of that. I can't be present for too long. Remember! Be careful and don't change history too much anymore until you become strong enough to be responsible for that change. Small changes are normal and even natural, but big and global changes in the timeline warrant for "Order" attention. And believe me, their members are very strong.]

'Huh? Athena?'


Well, it seems like she disappeared once more. She gave me a lot of food for thought. Life became a little bit too complicated. But at least she said that I am only a potential target of the "Order", so I should be safe if the situation won't repeat.

With these thoughts, I fell asleep.


Markus, on the other hand, couldn't fall asleep. He was tormented by nightmares with memories of his past Universe. How it became a vestige of the past due to Athena and her war. The glorious empire that spanned throughout the whole Milky Way was destroyed in just a few years. Planets destroyed and mined. Suns drained. Black holes captured as an energy source.

Nothing was spared. Because their Universe was Artificial it had only one timeline. One change affected the whole Universe. There was no going back in time. Destruction was absolute.

Finally being tired of these nightmares, he stopped trying to sleep. He went out to breathe some fresh air.

A few minutes later he was sitting on the bench in the garden of his house, contemplating life.

"What should I do?"

"Whatever, you want to."

Markus turned his towards the voice that answered his question and saw a person from the meeting there.

"Sir, you haven't left yet?"

"Just call me Dark and no. I have nowhere to go. I have no home, no relatives and no organization. I only came because I heard it had something to do with Athena's progeny."

"Oh. Then what's your plan, mister Dark?"

Dark faced him and despite the fact that there was cloth covering his eyes, Markus still felt piercing gaze that looked into his very soul. After staying like this for some time, Dark smiled and said:

"Same as you, boy. Killing the boy who holds Athena and destroying her very soul."


*No progress. (and yes, just like Magnus's love life and just like yours, Mr. FullDarkSoul xD )*