Level 27[p10]. Mysterio

People who found me and Bucky started leading me towards the monster which was rampaging in the middle of the city while conversing about something in Greek. This is problematic. After I get some free time I need to spend time learning different languages. Although not speaking their language fluently is alright, but not understanding anything people around you talk about is a serious complication for future BS'ing to these people.

However, for now, with my current level in "Speech" and "Occlumency", I should be able to easily fool anyone in this backwater city. I mean how big is a possibility of a Boss on the level of Dumbledore appearing in this city? Plus, looking at how destructive my Animagus was to this city, it is obvious there are no truly strong wizards here. Not at the moment at least. Not sure about what's is going to happen in the future.

Speaking of my Animagus form, we reached the place where the fight was happening and honestly I was magnificent indeed. Spells were raining on top of my form, yet they had very little effect. Thanks to all the attributes I gained from killing various magical creatures, I had high resistance to both magical and physical attacks.

Nonetheless, high resistance doesn't mean invulnerability, so I need to finish this show as fast as possible, plus I was wasting a ton of magic and mental power to upkeep this illusion. And if you are still confused about how can I be in 2 places at the same time being in Animagus form and be here playing a victim, the answer is simple. I am not.

I am physically here only in the Animagus form. The other me is only a simple but realistic illusion, which becomes only more believable thanks to it riding Bucky previously. Moreover, nobody touched me or had any physical contact, which made fooling even easier. As for the inspiration for this whole plan, it was a villain from Marvel, called Mysterio. His main powers were illusions and mind manipulation, so I decided to do something similar but with magic. Previously, when I transformed I couldn't use magic, because the form was a manifestation of raw magic source and without body, there was nothing to channel that magic through. However, after I acquired tier 3 ability "Magic Rule", I can manipulate magic with pure thoughts. But there is always a catch. It is super taxing on my mind. Even now my head is splitting from a headache and it will only become worse than it is now.

Therefore, now that I infiltrated the city's magical community and got a little trust, I need to move towards the second act of this show, before I passed out because of exhaustion. My illusion self addressed the leader of the people who led me here.

"Dear sir, what's your plan on subduing this creature?"

"How do I know? That's the first time we met this sort of creature. However, looking at the situation at hand, it is obvious that the creature has resistance to charms similar to that of the dragon. So, I am thinking to try tactic we use on dragons."

"You mean collective stunning spell? Nice idea."

The tactic the man was talking about is for multiple wizards to cast the strongest stunning spell they are capable of at the dragon or another creature with a high level of the magical resistance. This will stack the effect of spell making it stronger and hopefully bypass resistance. One of the reasons manticores are so hard to kill. They are smaller and nimbler than dragons, which makes them harder targets.

Anyway, I digress.

The leader whose name I already forgot, gave a command to wizards around him and everyone started charging the spell, my illusion self included. That's when my Animagus self, looked at the leader issuing commands.


After monster's cry, hundreds of shadows spikes sprang from the ground intercepting the majority of stunning spells flying into the eagles. Then spikes have dissolved and eagle lunged at the leader, but that's when my illusion had to step in.


Aegeus, commander of the wizards' department located in the city of Patras, for the first time in his life felt what true despair is like. This giant monster blocked all the stunning spells with some terrifying spikes coming from the depths of Hell and then lunged at him. At that moment he was frozen by both the fear towards the creature and understanding that he will die.

But at that moment, somebody rushed in front of him and cried:

"Bombarda Maxima"

Then the ground beneath the lunging eagle exploded and the monster was tossed upwards, disrupting momentum and direction of the lunge.

"Everyone, Stupefy him to oblivion!"

And that's when all wizards woke up from their stupor and started chanting spells once more and this time "eagle" was a bit late with his spikes, so half of the spells hit it.

Understanding its perilous situation, it flapped its wings causing a strong gust of wind and decided to escape. The greek Wizards tried casting some stunning spells at the retreating figure, but the eagle quickly reached a height at which it will be unsafe to shoot the monster down to the ground.

That's when Aegeus stirred and stood up, but he didn't even get to thank his savior, because when he looked in his direction he saw the Englishman was pierced in the abdomen by the pike.

He ran up to him and screamed for medical assistance to his Greek colleagues, but it was obvious that the person won't survive. The spike went through his whole body piercing many important organs including the spine. Even magic won't be able to save the person with such injuries.

The commander expected seeing resentment, anguish or maybe remorse on the face of the dying, but the only thing he saw was smile.

"Tell Harry Potter, I am sorry."

And that's when he closed his eyes forever this time.

*In the meantime*

I was going through the magical commune unimpeded because everyone was out there trying to deal with the mess I created. The Commune was similar in a sense to the Diagon Alley but much smaller in scale and with less powerful enchantments.

As for me dying, was actually a trick I was quite proud of. With transmutation, I changed the body of the already dead person to fit my look and left in the place where I should have been dying. All that was left to do is for me to create an illusion and to play it when somebody came close to the corpse. After which I am asking them to convey Harry my "sorry". This way, I kill two birds with one stone.

First, is making everyone think that I am dead. And although it is not going to fool my pursuers, it will prevent them from using the wizard communities of this world to look after me, especially after I already labeled them as bad guys.

And second, this message should hopefully resolve the resentment of Harry at me for things I said in anger. I mean he is still a kid and shouldn't hold a grudge on a dead man, especially after he asked for forgiveness. This way I will be excused from the anger of MC and his plot armor.

Actually, I didn't need to "die" at all. I could have done something else. However, I always loved tragedies and it provided a good opportunity to raise "Speech" skill, so it was actually four birds with one stone.

Now I was going through every building getting everything precious from there. With my "Magic Rule" I don't even need "Accio" to rob everything good in here. Although it is more complicated and takes more magic power than a simple summoning charm, it is more effective. And, magic power is just energy, so it's not a problem for me since I have a black hole producing millions of Kelvins every second. I can just convert that energy to magic power easily and with it feed any spell I need. That's how I was able to support the illusion.

The only problem is that this conversion is super slow and inefficient, which bars me from using it in actual fights.

It is only useful in stable environments where I have time to set up everything for this. Plus this conversion array is capable of supporting only those spells that drain energy slowly. So, it can support giant illusions because it drains a giant amount of energy but in small dosages, but can't support a single Killing curse as its instant drain on magic is quite big.

But I strayed once again. Time to rob the hell out of this place.