Level ? - Attack on the monks

Similar things happened in 2 other locations. And of course, the sources of magic there were 2 other rings. These 2 rings were a "Mind Ring" and an "Energy Ring".

Although the functionality of these 2 rings was different, they had similar behavior.

Regarding the "Energy Ring", it's bearer is already known. It was my other servant that came while me and miss Xie, were speaking. He is a monk of esteemed position. So, it can be said that I had quite some weight in the Magical Government of this country.


The Monk Temple at the top of a mountain somewhere in China.

The second team was on their way to infiltrate the temple because it was the location of the second magical emission.

Buddhist prayers surrounded the temple and echoed in the air. This majestic, slow and sonorous sound created an unbelievable and certainly magical atmosphere at the mountain.

Moreover, due to the enchantments laid by the generations of monks, it was literally a magical place with incredible plants growing all around the mountain and magical beasts roaming in the surroundings.

Unfortunately, the special ops team didn't care about any of those things. Due to the enchantments, they couldn't land at the top of the mountain. Therefore, they had to land at the mountain's foot and climb on their own. And normally, magical wards should have hindered their mission substantially, but... this team was equipped with special tools allowing them to bypass a majority of wards. As for those which could not be avoided, they used special scrolls that upon destruction emitted some dark substance that dissolved these wards.

This way soldiers climbed up the mountain in the record time. Apparently, the sci-fi armor they were wearing wasn't there just for invisibility. It enhanced the stamina, strength, and defense of these men.

"Central, we are close to the target's location. Ready to engage. Some people spotted on the minimap. How to proceed?"

"What's the status of these people?"

"Unknown. Cannot be scouted. Too many risks."

After some pause, Central replied.

"You have a green light to engage. Lethal force is approved. Consider everyone hostile. Finishing operation is a priority."

"Got it. Move out, people."


Quote from the book "Of difference in Magic 3: Mantras"


... In China, there are many types of magic and you won't find one main school of thought. This was mostly due to the fact, that Chinese mythology closely tied with real people and the majority of gods and demons were real people. And that was mainly due to the fact, that early magical society of these lands quite often participated in Muggle's politics and wars. This lead to a wide diversion in magical practices.

However, only the most "fighting"-capable schools survived to these days. The closest to our European magic will be the practice of Buddhist Monks they call Mantras.

It's a highly complicated idea and rather than on diversity of the magic, they focus on control over the energy.

Or to be more precise, most of the monk practice the same sets of so-called mantras which are somewhat similar to our charms and jinxes. However, rather than applying their magic to something, they transform their magic into some energy and manipulate it to do their bidding.

For example, a wizard would ignite something with charms, while monks create an actual fire and manipulate it to do what's required.

Personally, I consider this magic strange and complicated. Controlling and manipulating raw magic without any conductors, such as wands, is madness. But even I must admit that there is a certain beauty in this. Especially when one of the elder monks created water and manipulated it into different shapes, creating a beautiful spectacle of carps turning into water dragons.

Moreover, compared to European wizards, Chinese monks dedicate their life to mastering a small number of mantras to the point of mastery or how they call it "Kung Fu".

So, for example, senior monks can manipulate 2 or even 3 elements to the point where they can create an effect similar to Fiendfyre or call upon storms with lightning.

However, their one weakness is stamina or energy reserves. Because of their focus on controlling and channeling energy with their bodies, they use mostly their personal magic reserves. While we use wands to channel not only our personal magic but also magic in the air.

Thus, in that sense, we are capable of winning in a prolonged fight.




Soldiers were quietly entering, with their invisibility mode on, into the courtyard of the big temple. Some monks were seen training in hand combat, while others were reading strange mantras causing some magical appear around them.

After getting into the most optimal positions, soldiers opened fire. However, rather than the sound of air exploding, due to the bullet crossing sound speed, what was heard is an almost nonexistent sound of skin sizzling under intense heat.

Maybe funny, maybe sad, but for these soldiers, laser guns were a reality. And it wasn't Star Wars. It was the real world. You can't see or hear this gun firing at you. After all, the"bullets" fly at the speed of light.

People were hit at their vitals and because they were in a calm state, the body wasn't ready to react. So they died almost instantly. 28 seconds. That's all it took to clear out "hostiles" in the courtyard.

Then as if nothing happened, these men just continued to go deeper into the facility. But this time magical defenses of this place reacted to unwelcome visitors.

Fire, Water, Lightning, Ice, Curses and much more were flying in the face of these soldiers, but their armor was shielding them from the majority of the effects. So far out of 5 elite soldiers, only 2 had minor injuries not inhibiting their fighting capabilities.

With defense active, remaining inhabitants reacted to the alarm and started converging. Because armor's energy was currently spent to shield soldiers from various magical effects, their invisibility was off.

But even like this, they could easily deal with those small groups of monks. It felt almost like people with stone clubs fighting against people with modern pistols. No spell flies faster than light.

And with armor's enhancement of reaction, soldiers had an advantage when it comes to spotting and eliminating the enemies.

Nevertheless, they were running out of easy prey. The team reached the gates of the main courtyard where the central pagoda was located.

Behind the gates, more than 30 monks awaited them, with the majority being senior monks.


But before they made it to the gates, swishing sound was heard as if the air was sucked out. And then...


The said gates were blown off their hinges right into the faces of these soldiers. The men were able to somehow escape from the "projectile", but what followed couldn't be avoided as easily.

A myriad of elements and curses, simple in design, but of horrifying power, were flying towards this group.

They started shooting back at the enemy, but the monks came prepared. There were some energy shields made of wind and water elements protecting attackers.

And it was just a beginning.

Incessant chants and Buddhist hymns send ripples of power through the air.

Soon, the sunny skies were covered with dark clouds brewing oceans of lightning in them. There was so much of it, that some stray bolts of electricity were dropping down from the sky akin to water spilling from a bowl.

Some chants were becoming so loud, they were almost thunderous.

Soon, the ocean of lighting brewing in the sky started raining at down. It was as if a bucket full of water was overturned and suddenly all the water under the power of gravity rushed down. With one difference. It wasn't water. It was lighting.