Level ? - Tell me more

Sabrina was lying on the bed of her room, at Magnus's place, and thinking about what her father said.

Sabrina wasn't surprised at the savagery of Magnus. In the last few years, he was non-stop training. He was studying magic, building some incredible magical mechanisms or empowering his hidden empire from the dark. At some point, he even stopped sleeping to have more time to act in the day.

The time when he wasn't training, he spent fighting and even killing. Numerous magical creatures and Dark forces of China fell at his hands. And she was there in the first rows. Watching him change from a sly, but kind wizard into a brutal and heartless dark hand behind the curtains. He created a system, that captured the minds of people across China and granted them wishes like some sort of a genie. Nonetheless, all wishes had a price. And sometimes, the price was a lifetime of slavery.

Through this system, he soon gained control over government officials, celebrities, prominent families and different magical schools.

And the scariest thing is, that no one knew that they serve him. The only thing they knew, is that they should do what he ordered, or what was given may be taken away.

But Sabrina wasn't a saint. Although she did have two or three personalities of good alignment, most of her personalities didn't give a crap about the world or its inhabitants.

What's more, Magnus never tried to lie to her. Of course, that doesn't mean he was speaking the whole truth. There were things he was hiding. And she knew about it. But she will never force the truth out of him. Besides, she didn't really care about the truth.

He gave her everything she has. Delicious food, comfortable clothes, a place to call home and the ability to be whatever she wanted to be.

At this thought, she unconsciously looked at the ring on her hand. Thanks to it, she doesn't need to care about how she looks. This ring could force everyone around to perceive her the way she wants.

Now, each of her myriad of personalities, have a face.

Kayle, Marigold, Xie Xie, Lord Fifth, and many others.

But all of those things are secondary. The greatest thing, he gave her, was a reason to live and enjoy living. In other words, he gave her a goal.

Serve him in life and follow him in death.

That's why he will forever be her master. She won't ever judge him. No. She will always stand at his side.


Magnus closed the book he was enjoying and relaxed in the chair. Looking at a clear pond located in the middle of this garden, he thought about the things he achieved so far and how much progress he achieved during these few years.

'System show me my character progress please.'


Magnus slowly stood up from his rocking-chair and walked towards the pond.

『 Level 45 』

Calmly he reached the pond and looked into its depths.

『 Magicka ➣ 44 』

He held out his right hand over the pond and opened his palm, atop of which atoms of hydrogen started converging.

『 Base talent ➣ 1.45 』

A smile started gradually creeping onto his face, as hydrogen was magically forced into a collision, creating a forced thermonuclear reaction atop of his hand.

『 Magical Modifier ➣ 15% 』

Soon, there was a mini sun enclosed by a magical barrier floating over his hand, growing with every second.

『 Magically enhanced talent ➣ 679.31 』

Fed by both hydrogen and magic, the sun soon reached the size of a tennis ball and continued to slowly grow.

At this point, Magnus slowly spoke:

"You, people, sought my demise, huh? But you heavily underestimated me. This prison, you made for me. I'll crush it. The dogs you sent. I'll murder them. And when I am out of this place, I will rein free," after which he started crushing the sun in his palm. "Nothing will stop me from getting out of here."


Under the pressure, the sun has shrunk to the size of a pea and Magnus tossed it into the pond.

However, it never reached the surface of the pond, because a small black dot consumed both sun and magical barrier surrounding it. After that, that black dot flew to Magnus and circled around his hand affectionately.

"Blacky, our time is coming. Soon, you will have a true feast. Without any barriers."

After that, Magnus turned around and apparated into a gigantic room filled with miracles of mechanical and magical engineering.


[Greetings, dear Magnus.] voice of the system, but with intrinsic notes of personality, pointing out it was Athena answering this time.

"Tell me more... Tell me more about the order and their plans on me."

[As you wish...]



*Character progress*

『 Level 26 ➔ 45 』

『 Magicka ➣ Improvement : 25 ➔ 44 』

『 Number of skill points: ? 』

『 Magical Modifier ➣ 5% ➔ 15% 』

『 Magically enhanced talent ➣ 4.9 ➔ 679.3 』

*Skills Progress*

『 Alchemy 39 ➔ 69 | Sneak 29 ➔ 45 』

『 Speech 37 ➔ 62 | Studying 47 ➔ 73 』

『 Wand Making 32 ➔ 50 | Herbology 39 ➔ 56 』

『 Magic Channeling 61 ➔ 75 | Magic Chanting 42 ➔ 60 』

『 Magic Gesturing 42 ➔ 60 | Magic Theory 58 ➔ 75 』

『 Astronomy 35 ➔ 50 | Riding Expertise 20 ➔ 40 』

『 Crafting 32 ➔ 67 | Playing Games 16 ➔ 48 』

『 Enchanting 40 ➔ 65 | Cooking 26 ➔ 50 』

『 Training 26 ➔ 56 | Physical Activities 18 ➔ 34 』

『 Programming 25 ➔ 46 | Dancing 0 ➔ 26 』

『 Legilimency 29 ➔ 54 | Occlumency 35 ➔ 58 』

『 Drawing 10 ➔ 38 | ❃Personal Artifact Control 45 』