Level 46 - God's Eyes

[{God's Eyes} have labeled a new conversation as 'Important'. Conversation, captured, was between 2 targets with 'High' priority.]

"Finally! They made a move. Were they Dark and Marcus?"


"Track Dark and as soon as he reaches Shanghai, inform me. Also, make sure to track Markus, but Dark remains a priority."

[Tasks recorded. Compiling new commands set to {God's Eyes}.]

'Aha, I probably forgot to explain what God's Eyes, right? Well... let me do just that.'

It's a system of magically enhanced satellites connected to each other, creating an Intranet of my own and allowing me and the system a constant connection to the Internet of things anywhere on the planet.

I spent an insane amount of time to build this system and it went live approximately 8 months ago. Overall I launched 2000 thousands of satellites to circle around Earth creating my personal domain, where nothing can escape my vision.

With this system, I got access to every little dirty secret of anyone on Earth. And because these satellites were a symbiosis of magic and technology, they had a lot more features than just spying and all-time Wi-Fi.

One such feature was the ability to cast any spell at any distance. So while sitting in China, I can cast a spell in America. That was because every satellite was a magical reactor, converting electricity into magical energy connected directly to another creation of mine {Ring System}.

So, before that, I had to support the {Ring System} from my Temple of Miracles, which limited the work of the rings to an area around the temple and limited my usage of Blacky, because it served as a power source for that contraption. But now, I could cover the whole planet with this system.

Of course, this system drains an insane amount of energy every second. The amount is actually comparable to what one average US state drains in the same period.

And having a black hole as a familiar wouldn't help. There was an idea to create a mini black hole for each satellite and use it as a core, but it's not sustainable. You see mini black holes are producing so much energy because they are burning out. And without feeding them on a constant basis I can forget about getting that energy out. And feeding 2 thousand mini black holes is impossible even for me. Moreover, I can't just overfeed black hole, because then they will produce less energy. The more massive it is, the less it's willing to part with that mass, a.k.a. energy.

In the end, I had to find a way to produce something, that produces energy on a long basis and doesn't require often maintenance.

And most of the ideas were scrapped for inefficiency, right until I found out an incredible thing. There is a charm to defend against radiation! It was at this moment, I understood something so simple, yet so profound. My thinking was too limited. I finally started thinking out of the box.

Magic is in a sense 'Deus Ex Machina', that is capable of anything and has no virtual limits.

This was how my idea of an Ultimate Nuclear Reactor came to life. You see, the main problem in all nuclear reactors is the waste they produce. Then comes radiation and heat, or shielding against them to be precise.

Both heat and radiation are types of energy. Plus, in reality, all energy types are the same thing, which is movement.

Magic energy is an exception, though. I don't even really know what it is. I can feel it, yes, but that's where it ends. Thanks to my insanely high magical talent I can feel the presence of something in the atmosphere decrease whenever a spell is a cast, so I just called it energy. But is it really? I think it's more appropriate to call it 'Mana' rather than energy. It doesn't follow the same rules.

By the way, another thing I noticed, is that everything in this Universe, whether it's an object or a creature produces that Mana. Including me. And apparently, it's somehow connected to the amount of magical talent. Because, compared to the majority of monks and other types of wizards, I produce a gigantic amount of Mana. I noticed it, just when I reached level 30. My magic talent quadrupled back then and I started feeling something seeping out of me.

Moreover, that Mana was seeping out of me in such quantities that it started to attract attention. Specifically, some dark magical creatures starting coming after my as*Cough* I meant life. After my life. Personally, it wasn't a big deal. But I had to learn how to control that process sooner rather than later because at some point wizards and even muggles may start noticing my presence without me wanting them to. And there was a possibility, that it could leave some tracks that can be traced back to me. So, as you might guess, it was 'no bueno' back then.

I tried out many things, but because I am not an MC of some kind of a novel, I can't just come up with a genius idea of where to use the Mana I am generating. So, I just tried shoving it into Blacky. It worked. Not perfect, but hey... I needed a fast solution, so no judging.

It took me a few days to get accustomed to constantly move excess of Mana to my familiar, but then I was good. Of course, even to this day, I am researching a good way to utilize this Mana. However, the stronger I am becoming the harder it's to utilize that resource, without leaking. Plus, it forces me to always stay close to Blacky and if I leave I have to take it with me. Which was a big problem, before I implemented {God's Eyes}. Anyway, I decided to just wait until I destroy those 2 hunters and then deal with Mana I'm producing.

'Oops, got distracted. Back to the topic.'

After days of experimentations, a new enchantment, based on those I used to collect energy Blacky emits, was made. It converts both of these energies into electricity. And from then on, I already have an enchantment to transform electricity into Mana.

Still, no clue how exactly transformation happens, but oh well. Let's just use the excuse 'It's Magic!'.

Then I made a chamber which is basically a place where all the chain reactions are happening. Stealing a schematic of one such chamber and making a personal version of it was easy. Especially, when you are controlling a country from the shadows.

And in that personal version, I dealt with the biggest problem of all nuclear reactors. Nuclear Waste. You see, it's called waste because it's radioactive enough to cause harm, but not effective enough to work as a fuel. So, it can't be used in reactors anymore and have to be kept somewhere else, because by being inside the reactor they decrease the energy output of the whole fuel and at some point can even stop chain reaction altogether. It's a complicated process connected to neutron poisons.

So, normally that waste remains a waste for thousands upon thousands of years and out of 100% fuel, 95% becomes waste. Of course, if you refine it continuously, you can decrease waste from 95% up to 5%. But the thing is, I can't get out fuel, refine it and then put it back in 2000 thousand satellites manually, right. So the first thing I optimized, is automatic refinement. I added a few enchantments to the core chamber itself for that exact purpose.

Of course, the problem of those remaining 5% remained. But I dealt with it pretty easily, actually. Whenever waste can't be refined anymore, it's directly apparated to the outer reaches of the Sun, and new fuel is apparated inside. Energy is taken from the batteries, where excess produced by the reactors is saved. There, I am sure nobody will touch it for the next few millennia. And if not, well... I am not leaving a biography.


'What? Did you expect me to somehow come up with a miraculous way to transform that waste? Well, sorry. Plus, "nuclear" works bad with "transfiguration", so uhm... you know...'

Anyway, after that, I made a hollow sphere with enchantment to collect energy. Then transferred the chamber inside of it with a bit of magic. And finally installed that sphere inside another sphere that is capable of transforming electricity into Mana.

Neat right? Hell no! It took me months of experimentation and tests to perfect the design. Enchantments and auto-apparition took the longest.

But hey, I did it. And I did spectacularly!

Back to topic, though. That sphere wasn't small, but who said you can't shrink potentially explosive radioactive generator?

'Funny right? Transfiguration doesn't work well, but shrinking a whole generator worked perfectly fine. Magic, damn it, doesn't want to make sense...'

As I said, magic became my 'God from Machine'. So, I started combining magic with technology even more often. But that's beyond conversation for one night.

Back to satellites.

Shrunk down versions of such magically enhanced generators were placed in every satellite. Although getting so much radioactive material was hard, thanks to my associates in government I was able to get stable fuel income for the next couple of years.

'And that was only a generator for those babies. If you knew what I did for lenses and other parts...'