Level 46 - Encounter

So, let's start with...

[User, Dark has been spotted in Shanghai.]

'Oh. How long was I sitting here?'

[Hour and a half.]

'Oh... And I thought only a a few minutes passed. Oh well, let's start the show, then.'

And with a sound of air ripping Magnus apparated away.


It didn't take long for Dark to reach the first suspicious location. It was one of the highest buildings in Shanghai.

Thankfully, it was around 11pm in the area, so Dark was in his native element during the night.

He stealthily entered the building and started climbing it, level by level. During the climb, he was carefully scanning every floor with his divine sense, trying to notice anything suspicious.

Soon, he reached the floor with a gigantic meeting room. In there, a lone man was sitting at the table looking over some documents.

'He emanates too much magic. He is suspicious. Hmm...'

Dark sped up in his direction and in a few seconds, he was already standing in the room.


Cheng Jian felt something was wrong.

His hand that was writing a letter froze mid-air.

'Hm? Aha! Is that the enemy that Little Boss was talking about? Should be them. He-he-he, as expected of Little Boss. She is a genius, after all.'

He raised his head and looked around. Surprisingly, there was nobody in the room. There was no one other than him.

He stood up and slowly turned around.

A man in a dark suit with his back facing Cheng Jian was looking through floor-to-ceiling windows. He had very long dark hair that was seemingly touching the floor. A man asked, without turning around:

"Interesting. How did you notice me?"

"Your presence was expected."

"Is that so?"

After saying that, the man finally turned around and Cheng Jian was able to clearly see man's face. And what he saw was horrifying, because what faced him, wasn't human features. It was a squirming mass of darkness with tentacles moving around it in the air.

Moreover, looking closer, it wasn't hair in the first place. It was just elongation of that mass streaming to the floor.

However, thanks to the effects of the ring and prior experience with the Big Boss, "Immortal Dragon" of Shanghai was able to stay calm.

What followed this meeting, was complete silence.


After looking at each other for a good minute, the mass of dark liquid that comprised Dark's face wriggled and morphed into a normal human face, with one exception. His eyes... They were an abyss full of darkness.

"I want to speak to the progeny," God proclaimed, but after seeing confusion written all over the face of the gangster, he clarified, "His other name is Magnus."

"Oh? So you want to speak to the boss. He is on his way."

"Is that so?"

"You were expected after all. I bet he felt your presence the moment you entered this room."

"Perfect. As for you..."

Suddenly Dark's hand moved with Mach 2 or so, speed towards Cheng Jian's neck, but...

'Has he just evaded? Since, when people in this world are so fast? Doesn't matter, death is inescapable.'


*Cheng Jian's POV*

"Perfect. As for you..."

Since the beginning of the conversation, I was watching over every movement of this strange Westerner, so the moment his hand moved, I reacted.

'However, this speed!'

0.01 seconds passed.

A hand was closing in, a few centimeters away from beheading me.

0.02 seconds passed.

The strike was done with such speed, that air was still rippling out in the position, from which his hand started his strike. My whole body was pushing its limits and finally, I was able to barely evade the strike.

0.1 seconds passed.

The ring was activated to its utmost. He is fast. Stupid to break the distance. Should strike.

0.12 seconds passed.

One punch.

0.2 seconds passed.

The body barely left the ground and was only starting to fly back. Eight punches.

0.3 seconds passed.

15 punches.

0.4 seconds passed.

27 punches.

0.5 seconds passed.

Just when I wanted to send my 30th punch, my fist was caught by Dark mid-flight. A slight move of his hand and I feel how he breaks my hand, simply by twisting it 180 degrees. Because of the speed of a turn, muscles of the hand were ripping, unable to adapt to such a sudden turn.

0.6 seconds passed.


Sounds of both bones cracking and muscles ripping started spreading out. Nerves damaged. Impossible to safely free the hand of man's grip. Have to sacrifice.

0.65 seconds passed.

Void of hesitation, I pulled the gripped hand with full power, thus ripping it out. That madman is smiling? Shit, he was playing with me this whole time. Have to escape.

0.70 seconds passed.

Jumping back, but as soon as my enemy sees this he speeds up and...

0.72 seconds passed.

He is already holding me by my throat.

"What a rude young man. You didn't let me finish. What was I saying? Hmm... Ah, yeah. As for you then, you are not required anymore."

His second hand was closing in on my eyes. His fingers millimeters away from scooping my eyes out. But some force hit him from the side and he was smacked aside crashing through a few walls on his way.