Main Story - Epilogue

2012, London, Potter-Black mansion.

A serious man with a sly smile was standing in front of one of the most magical houses of Britain. That man was obviously me, one of the greatest friends of Harry Potter, known by masses as Magnus the Wizard. But really, I am but a shard of a much greater being, a mere soul made to play in the greatest acts of this Universe. Thankfully, my role has finished more than 10 years ago, after my master finished his main vessel and gave this body back to me.

However, this doesn't mean that my work here is done.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Unbelievable. These guys live in the 21 first century, but I still have to inform them about my arrival, via the door knocker."

After the third knock, I could hear a kid loudly running down the stairs. And a few seconds later, the door was opened by a cute little girl.

"Uncle Magnus!"

"Sup', little rabbit."

"I am not little!"

"So you do agree, that you are a rabbit?"


The girl pouted, which made her look even cuter.

"Well, if you want to know, you certainly look taller then your mom at your age."




I heard a man's voice coming from inside the house while entering.

"That's me. One and only. How's life, Harry?"

"Magnus!" He excitedly said and came to hug me.

"Wow! Missed me that hard? Hermione might feel jealous!"

"Jealous of you or me?" He asked while smiling.

"Now that's a dilemma, isn't it? Where is she by the way?"

"Went after some ingredients for the new recipe. You know her."

"Well, dinner is soon. I'll start cooking, then."

"You cooking? Seems like today, we are getting at least a few spare kilos." He happily replied.


"What? You always cook a ton of food. Moreover, your food is so delicious, that nobody can stop eating, till nothing's left. If I didn't know about your magic prowess, I'd think that you spent the last 15 years learning culinary, rather than magic."

"Well, I am not the first one, who used magic in cooking."

"But you are definitely the best one."

"Yeah, yeah."


Fire came out of the fireplace followed by Hermione.

"I am home, dear!"

"How's life little sister?"

"Magnus?" Hermione asked surprised and looked at us.

"Have any other brothers?"

"Nope" She smiled!


Two hours later Granger and I were resting in the living room.

Harry joined us shortly after making sure their daughter fell asleep. We all were silently enjoying tea until Hermione decided to break the silence:

"I must admit, the food you make is simply out of this world..."

'Granger, you have no clue, how wrong you are. My understanding of the Universe puts my cooking skills closer to Laws. So it's definitely from this world, he-he...'

"...However, I feel like this visit has an underlying reason."

"It does, actually."

Harry looked surprised and asked:

"What is it?"

"I am leaving."

"Leaving? Britain?"

Harry was certainly close, but Hermione knew that it can't be so simple, so she said:

"You constantly leave Britain. I think at this point, you've been in every major magical community on this planet."

"No, sister."

"No? Which ones are left?"

I laughed and clarified:

"By 'no', I meant not just major or magical. I visited every single place on this planet and learned everything there is to learn. Craft, magic, martial & creative arts, languages, culture and etc. I learned them all. I mastered them all. However, this Universe holds more knowledge for those, who strive to learn. Moreover, it was always my life's goal to learn. Learn this world and laws that govern it."

It took a few seconds to process before Harry exclaimed:

"Wait a second. Are you saying, that after learning everything you decided to die or something?"

I looked at Potter as if he's gone bonkers and said:

"Are you mad? The heck you are saying?"

"Well... You said you are leaving and then you said that you fulfilled your life goal, so I thought..."

"I never said I fulfilled my goal, guys. I said I learned everything there is to learn on this planet."

Now it was time for Hermione to look at me as if I got bonkers.

"Did you mean, leaving as in leaving planet Earth?"

"Close. I've already been on all of the planets in the Solar System. There is nothing but bare rocks, so I am leaving our System. But no worries. I left a few markers on top of our planet and system overall. I will be able to return."

Both Harry and Hermione's jaws dropped. They were just sitting on their couch without any ability to respond.

After a long 10 minutes of silence, Granger finally responded with a question:

"You are capable of leaving our planet?"

"I am. It isn't that hard. I am powerful enough for such space manipulations. As for you and other wizards, don't even try. It will take decades of research to just reach the moon."

"Then why would you leave? Apply the knowledge you gathered, lead the world forward!"

"Sister, I am hidden overlord of this world, so I am already leading it. However, advancement made without proper guidance is efforts done in vain."

"Hidden overlord?"

"Yes, Harry. I've been leading this world from the shadows since Dark lord's death. But now, I have a system laid out and progress for the following decades planned out. It's time for me to go."

For the second time, both of them were left speechless.

After a long period of silence, I decided to leave, not expecting any response. However, just as I stood up, Hermione asked:

"Will you return?"

"I might visit Earth once or twice, during your lifetime. We'll see, I suppose." I took out an artifact, that looked like an old Nokia phone, but with magical arrays imprinted into it and thrown it to Hermione, "Catch."

"What's that?"

"Artifact to contact me. Hopefully this time you won't let my enemies onto my location" I said with a smile and left.

As soon as I've reached an exit, I apparated to my space station located at Earth's Orbit. Time for me to properly start my task.

"Let the knowledge gathering adventure, begin!"

'Hm... Maybe I should've shortened the name?'