An Acceptable Limitation

This is a topic that relies on knowing that we live in a modern society. A society that concerns itself with weight loss.

It is easy to believe that we could live like our ancestors (eat like our ancestors) as a cure for 'modern body shape'.

I recently learned that humans do not metabolize Fructose very well. It somewhat surprised me. Fructose appears in many edible things.

Small amounts of Fructose would not harm you quickly. Similar to Ethanol (small amounts will not cause damage to your body).

The natural foods that were high in Fructose, were also high in fiber. Fiber changed the way we metabolized it.

Our modern society provides Fructose in a much greater manner and volume. It could be a problem for the health of many people.

I am writing this because of something unusual about humans. Somewhere in the past, we became creatures with just 23 pairs of chromosomes. The fennec fox also ended up with 23 pairs.

I suggest that this might have not been so accidental. What if humans had a vastly improved ability to metabolize everything? All sugars, all ethanols, all proteins?

Human brains that might survive on more than Glucose.

What would happen if humanity was less restricted? What would we be if cannibalism were a survival skill?

I would not want to think about travel to the stars or even Mars. Taking that kind of life to other places. Did mass extinctions of the past mark an evolutionary tipping point? Carnivores reaching a developmental danger zone?

Hopefully, our creative natures were recognized and our aggressive natures limited.