The Worst That Could Happen #4

In this fourth chapter, I will eventually turn to another topic.

The next worst thing that could happen: "The pandemic kills many, and we fail to learn."

Behavior changes. Resources are moved. People take care of themselves. Some are untouched and others suffer.

Laws to bring aid also include changes to indemnify Corporations (limit lawsuits when mistakes cost lives).

A rush and rally cry to 'get back to normal' is a new agenda. Set the markets full up again. Build new centers of commerce. Fresh and spotless. Leave behind the old centers, trying to distance from the deaths and the failed shops.

Distracting with pomp, flourish, and grand opening ceremonies.

[Here is where I turn the topic].

The valid devotion to moving needed supplies, test kits, and medicines. The transfer of support crews to areas worst off.

All of those things will need to continue.

Travel has been reduced. It could stay that way and not be an unpleasant thing. High energy travel still means high pollution. The results of regional quarantine might mean cleaner air worldwide.

Maybe it would give us time to consider. Is that kind of cost was worth it?

Is it time to be serious about solar power?

It might be something to think about. Go out (keeping good social distance), plant a tree and think it over.