Chapter two

By the time three o' clock had rolled around, the ominous dark cloud hadn't parted a bit.

A slight drizzle fell for a while, but that was it, then.. nothing.

Rowan walked into the main part of the auto shop to check out of work and headed on home, eyeing the cloud with a newfound curiosity.

As she dodged her way around anyone who even looked like could give her trouble, a hard rain that the dark cloud had promised finally started to fall.

"Ugh! Stupid rain!"

Rowan shielded herself with her arms best she could and ran the rest of the way home, praying that she wouldn't slip and fall.

When she finally climbed up the fire escape and into her apartment's window, dripping wet with rain, she closed the window best she could (the lock was broken).

"Grandma! I'm home!" Rowan said, walking over to the couch where her grandmother still sat.

Rowan sighed.

Still nothing from her darkened-soul of a guardian.

She slipped into her room silently, opened the small window in front of her bed just ever-so-slightly so she could hear anything of interest going on outside.

The cloud, already being dark as night, had somehow managed to get darker.

Rowan became even more curious than usual as she watched it.

It didn't move, like normal clouds did.

It just sat there, not getting any lighter, pouring endless amounts of rain.

"I shouldn't be worrying so much." Rowan thought.

"I'm sure it's nothing. I've got nothing to worry about."

But she slowly began to doubt her thoughts as the roads were starting to fill up with dark water.

She suddenly realized she was shivering.

"Better change," she muttered.

After taking a quick shower and changing into a fresh pair of clothes, Rowan's thoughts began override with everything that she needed to do.

Pay the already late bills, fix the light in the kitchen, try to repair the lock on the window again, try to get grandma to eat something, etcetera, etcetera.

With the hope of getting her mind off of everything else, like the weather for instance, Rowan got to work on her tasks.


Rowan looked out of the window once more.

She couldn't tell if the sun was down or not, the rain was still coming down hard.

The street had already flooded.

This had never happened before.

Rowan nervously tapped her fingers against the window seal, ready to get grandma to bed.

"If it's still raining like this by morning and the cloud hasn't cleared up, something must be terribly wrong." She said out loud.

Then, she pushed the thought away and sighed.

"I need to stop worrying so much about this. It's just stupid rain."

But, something couldn't help but tell her that there was something to worry about.

Hi guys! So, I'm really sorry if this chapter was sorta boring, I'm still learning lolol.

Chapter three is scheduled to be released earlier on next week, so be on the lookout!

By the way, if you've read this far, thank you so so much! I really appreciate all the views! Also, I promise, this story WILL GET BETTER!

Again, thank you!!
