Its not easy fighting a giant spider in the apocolypse

As they came face to face with the dungeon boss, the team brought out their weapons.

Arachun Species: Spider Att: Earth

health: 2000 str: 30 Ag: 25 Def: 9

"Ok guys. The boss is a glass canon. It has a strength of 30 and is also really fast. Her health is also kind of high but her defense is shit. If we hold down her legs, we will be able to slowly dwindle down her health. We can do it guys." Everyone nodded as they heard Erin's examination of the beast.

"Ok, William and Erin to the shadows. Me and Jared will be at the front. Jessica and Sean will add damage and distract when needed. Mary attack when possible but make sure to keep an eye on the wounded. Marvin, make sure to protect Mary. Everyone know your positions." Everyone nodded as they heard this.

"Aye aye cap." Erin said before going into stealth. Minnie smiled as she heard this.


As soon as they entered Arachun's sight range, the large spiky haired beast went into berserk mode. This did not throw Jared and Minnie off guard as they continued their charge toward the large spider. Jared got to the monster first and launched an attack at the head. The attack luckily landed and its screeches could be heard from miles away.

The screech caused Jared to be stunned and left him defenseless. When Erin saw this, he quickly changed his course towards Jared and blocked the monster from attacking him with his dagger. The dagger broke upon collision but gave Erin the time he needed to escape. Erin rolled away from Arachun before he could land another strike.

"Everyone cover your ears when you get close to the beast. Its scream stuns!" Erin said this out loud in order for the others to hear. The sound of his voice allowed the spider to target him.

"He is focused on me guys! Now!" Everyone started to attack the beast as he targeted all his rage at Erin. Erin quickly got another dagger from his bag and he faced the Queen head on. The pressure was on Erin's back as he took the attention off the other teammates. This allowed for the highest amount of damage to be done in a shorter amount of time. Mary focused her healing on Erin as every scratch he got was deadly.

Just as the spider was about to go down, she tried to take Erin with him knowing it would not be able to escape. She weakened his attack and allowed for her weak point to be shown. Everyone gathered in to hit that single spot which gave the spider the momentum she needed to strike the swift but tired Erin. The moment Minnie realized it's plan, it was too late.

"Erin! Run!" As Erin heard the sound of Minnie desperately calling for him to run, he finally saw the blade like leg of the spider inching closer and closer to his face. For a second, time slow down. He saw the scared faces of his friends and the gleeful expression on the queen's face. He felt the breeze call to him and then, without hesitation he used that feeling to guide him.

Arachun did not have time to say a dying word and the faces of his team mates could only twitch and their eyes could only blink continuously.

When Erin opened his eyes to see what he had done, he realized that the chitin dagger he had was already deeply embedded in Arachun's skull. He looked at his own body to see that a grey glow was slowly fading from it.

"Dude...what was that?" Marvin asked mystified.

"Magic.....It-its" Sean muttered.

"Wind magic." Minnie added. Everyone stared at Erin as the mana slowly faded into nothing.

"Huh...I was wondering how it would look like. The color looks a little dull though." William muttered quietly to himself.


~ While in a life or death situation you called upon the wind for help and it answered.

~You have acquired Rank 1 [Wind casting]

~ The wind spirits like your aura. Your affinity with the wind has increased by 15%

Before Erin could completely process the notification. More notifications sprung up.


~ You have killed the Spider Queen Arachun 2000 exp

~ [Team Gladiators] has completed the challenge within 5 hours. Extra rewards will be added.

~ You will be transferred back to the auditorium as we wait for all the participants in area [High school #3 to finish.

~ You now have access to all the places in your area

After everyone read that notification, Sean remembered the corpse of the spider king.

"Wait what about my-" Before he could finish his sentence, they had already transferred back to the auditorium.

"-My equipment! Huh?" Sean felt a little dizzy as he came too.

"Augh that still gives me a headache." Jess whined as she looked around.

"Where is everyone?" Mary asked worriedly.

"They probably have not finished their dungeons yet." William answered.

"Well we should get some food first. I have not eaten anything big since morning. If I keep it up I might ruin my figure." Marvin said hurriedly as he started walking to the cafeteria.

"You try to keep that figure." Jessica asked as she also began to walk.

"Is no one else wondering what happened to our reward!? Seriously in every video game ever, the boss always gives the best items!" Just as Sean began his rant, another ding appeared in their heads.


~ As the results are being added, your rewards for defeating [Arachun] has been transferred.

~ Enhanced Chitin shield Level F+

~ Enhanced Chitin Spear F+

~ Enhanced Chitin dagger F+

~ Enhanced Chitin Staff F+

~ Enhanced Chitin Boots F+

~ Enhanced Chitin body armour F+

~Enhanced Chitin Gloves F+

~ Enhanced Chitin Sword F+

"....ummm that was just a coincidence right?" Sean said quietly. William's eyes started to sparkle again and his mouth even started to drool.

"Coincidence? I think not!!!"

"Oh God..." Mary sighed in dismay.

"Ok, before you go on, lets try and separate the equipment. Luckily and totally not a coincidence, there are 8 items. umm, how should we do it?" Erin interjected before William could get started.

"Well, since you were the one that killed the Spider beast I vote that you get first turn." Minnie remarked. The team unanimously nodded.

"You did stab a dagger through that dude's face." Jared noted.

"And you were the first to use the magic too. " Marvin added

"Even though I am more excited about it, I think you deserve the first choice." Sean said with a smile. With everyone cheering him on, Erin humbly accepted the first position. He did not hesitate and picked the spear. William smiled as he saw this.

"Why the spear?" He asked. Erin looked at the spear and laughed.

"I think it kinda fits my style more than a dagger." Erin answered. After he picked his weapons, the others had to fight through rock paper scissors. These were the final results.

Erin - Spear

William - Dagger

Jared - Boots

Marvin - Shield

Minnie - Sword

Jessica - Body armor

Mary - Staff

Sean - Gloves

Sean looked at his item in sorrow. He only now realized that he should have put his stats into luck. He slowly dragged his body to the cafeteria as he put his gloves on.