Hungover and ready to teach

It was the next day and the sun shined brightly on a little village in the thirteenth designated slum zone in Clover country. This village did not even have a name and many of the people living in it barely made 20 coppers in a month through selling harvests with other low tier villages.

Brook woke up in his two bedroom house and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. It would surprise many in the old era to see that the slums of the future would look eerily similar to the common economic people of the past. They lived in shabby but cozy homes with running water and electricity. Electricity was run by magic instead of coal and so it became much less expensive as lightning mana stones could be found all over F and E dungeons in North america.

Although people living in the slums would be considered average or maybe below average in the old system, they were hanging on the edge of the current system. This is due to the fact that they had no big source of income and no protection. If not for the fact that the dungeons around them were not very strong, they would have been wiped out ages ago.

After Brook finished brushing his teeth and bathing, he woke up his older sister, Jo in order for her to get ready as well. Brook yawned and stretched his arms before coming into the kitchen.

"Hey mom could I have some-"

"SHHH We have an important guest in the living room." His mother said quietly. Brook looked towards the living room and there silently slept a young man in a black robe."

"Who is that mom?" Brook's mother hesitated before speaking.

"He is the wanderer. He has come back to guide you children in the next trial." Brook's mom said this calmly as she started preparing breakfast for 4.


"Brooklyn! Our guest is sleeping!" Brook's mom silently yelled.

"No actually your guest is hungover." Erin said dryly as he crawled his way to the kitchen. Brook looked at Erin the same way a super fan would look at his idol.

"You!" Erin suddenly pointed.

"You the kid who would give me all his possessions!" Brook nodded his head violently!

"Yes!Yes that is me!" Erin laughed as he saw the boy's excitement.

"Well hello Brooklyn Sawyer." Brook gasped.

"You even know my name?"

"Haha No. That is a skill known as [Examine] Just as expected. You guys have not learned anything. Without a teacher it will be hard for you to succeed and get a high ranked classes." Brook looked at the man innocently.

"Classes? That's what you get in the trials right? I am only 11 so i still have a few more years."

"Nope. You have about 7 days,"

"What!?" Brook shrieked.

"Like I said, the wanderer will be guiding you children to the next raid. You and your friends in the next raid" Brook held this idol's hand and giddily shook it.

"It is nice to meet you teacher!" Erin chuckled and shook his hand back.

"Mom, we are out of soap! " Jo yelled as she casually walked into the living room with just her towel on. As soon as she saw Erin staring at her with a carefree smile on his face she quickly ran a way screaming.

"Mom you did not tell me we had a guest!"

"Oh dear. My apologies wanderer. " Mrs. Sawyer quickly ran into her daughter's room. Erin paused for a second before turning to his super fan.

"So I am guessing that is your sister."

"Yep that is my sister Joanne. She is 17 this year."

"Ahh I see I was around that age when the new age began." Erin reminisced about that year. He had been hoping to start up his academic folder in order to have a good chance for scholarships. Now, money is basically abolished all over the world. Suddenly Erin remembered the reason why he came here in the first place.

"Hey kid catch." Erin threw a silver coin at the boy. The boy almost could not believe it.

"Um sir, I gave you a copper. This is worth 100 coppers! That is more then we make in half a year!" Brook said. He quickly returned the silver coin back to Erin. Erin shook his head.

"That copper bought me an old news paper which helped me get a look at how Clover country has changed. It also gave me a list of bounty so you don't have to feel indebted. it is all yours." Brook's admiration of the man only deepened when he heard this. Brook enjoyed his time with Erin. Erin was like a person from a different world. He knew so much and Brook could not believe it.

After a little while, Johanne finally came out of her room and introduced herself to Erin. During this introduction, Erin examined her.

Johanne Sawyer Species:Human Age: 17 Level: 8 (12 exp to reach next level) (Black)


Class: Cleric [D-] Job: None

Attribute: Lightning Con: 17 Mana: 950

Ag: 15 Str: 20 Int: 13 Rec: 23 Def: 32 Wis: 24 Lck: 13

points: 20

Lightning Affinity: 21%


[Slight healing] level 8

[Examine] level 3

[lightning casting] level 9

[first aide] level 6

Equipment: None

Description: A young woman from the slums near Gladiator city.

Erin sighed as he saw the results. As he expected, the children of this village were stuck inside and so they had very little opportunity to go out and grow stronger. If they had, it would have not been hard for them to be at least mid 20s.

The 4 had breakfast together. Although Jo tried to keep her cool, she still could not help but avoid eye contact with Erin. She had embarrassed herself in front of the traveling teacher. As Jo was having a crisis, Erin continued to devour his meal.

"Mrs. Sawyer this is amazing!" Erin's eyes brightened as he kept eating. Brook's mom nodded bashfully.

"Thank you Wanderer."

"The name's Erin, Erin Silvers." Erin brought his hand out to shake Mrs. Sawyer's. She quickly recieved the handshake.

"It is an honor to have you here in my humble home." Erin laughed as he shook his head.

"The honor is all mine." The morning meal ended with everyone in a good mood. Erin changed his clothes into something more casual as he walked to the center of the village with the Sawyers. In the Center of the village, stood all the residence. Once they saw Erin, everyone bowed respectfully. Erin could only scratch his head awkwardly.

"Ok everyone, gather around!" Before the people started to gather around Erin, Chief Luther controlled the crowed.

Erin stood beside the great mage and Chief Luther as they began their conference.

"Now as everyone knows, it is almost time for the annual trials. After the loss of our own Jeffery last year we have been trying to fill the big shoes that was left behind. That was why great mage Vince started to charge 1 copper for every raid instead of an annual 5 coppers. Sadly we were still short money in order to rent a E class adventurer for the day. " As chief Luther got to this point, everyone's face became solemn.

"But hope is still with us. The wanderer Erin Silvers has come to be in charge of this year's raid. Things will be different this year. We will have Erin explain it." Vince said these words briefly before giving the stage to Erin.

"Hello, residence, Parents and children. I am the wanderer. You can call me Erin, Silvers or Mr. Silvers it really does not matter to me. It has come to my attention while examining you all that you people don't really go out much. This is understandable as you are all living in the slums and once you are inside it, it becomes difficult to enter the city where there are more protections.

In the beginning I just wanted to help the younger children finish their trials but after being welcomed so nicely and having a good meal, I have decided that I will get you guys out of the slums. " The crowed started to talk to each other in wary tones. Getting out of the slums? Was that even possible? many thought.

"Now you guys might me asking yourselves, getting out of the slums? Well that is impossible. I am here to tell you all it is possible. If you have a child entering an adventuring school or the Military they allow the family to live in good accommodations. This will mean the adults will be cared by their children a bit earlier than expected.

I will train your children and give them the basic training so that they would be able to pass the entrance exams. Whether they take the training is up to them." Everyone discussed with each other as they heard this. Suddenly one person voiced his concern.

"So you mean, you will turn these children to the military and Guild association?" The man asked.

"That is the only way you guys are getting out of the slums." Erin stated.

"I refuse. The reason why I decided to live here was to get away from those associations. They are willing to sacrifice the young people of this nation in order to expand land and gain advantages over other continents. I don't want that for my son!" The man hugged his son Dean closely. Erin sighed as he saw the faces of concern in many parents.

"The government is indeed quite corrupt at the moment. And the fact that Guild associations have more power than them is not helping the situation. I understand your need to protect your children but, by staying here, all you are doing is placing them in a silver platter for monsters to eat. Just a week ago 3 boys almost lost their lives that way. I would not be surprised if many were previously lost that way." The man looked down when he remembered this.

"Inside a city, your children will learn how to protect themselves. Just because they go to academies does not me they will become adventurers. Many jobs require you to have an Adventurer or military diploma. Now everyone below the age of 25 can apply to these schools. Although you all have wasted some time, it is not to late. I will start classes in 1 hour. These classes will be open to people from the age of 9 to 24. If you chose not to participate. It is up to you." After Erin said this, he left the crowed to discuss this for themselves.

"I hope you will all make a decision that will benefit your family in the end." Chief Luther only said this before walking away from the crowed. He breathed a sigh after moving a bit away from the crowed. He then looked at Vince who had also came out for some fresh air.

"Are you mad about the fact that I gave your position away without hesitation?" Vince smiled and shook his head.

"Why would I be mad? From the moment he broke my dome I knew that he was someone I would only be able to cower under." Chief Luther laughed at that statement.

"I have cuddled my daughter my whole life. I understand why Dean's dad felt that way. I remembered how perturbed he was when he realized that Dean had not made it inside in time. In a city, we would not have to worry much about small raids. They would not even be able to break through the cities barriers which are on 24/7. You know, sometimes I feel like I am protecting Sally but other times I feel like she is my excuse for hiding here for so long." Vince sighed for a second before giving his hat to Chief Luther.

"What are you doing Vince?" Chief asked.

"It was the hat you gave me when I was appointed as great mage. Chief Luther, it is time we let go. I am 23 this year, I better await for my lessons." Chief Luther chuckled as he put the hat in his ring. As he saw Vince walking back to the crowed, he could tell that his steps felt much lighter. Some parents were still hesitating when Vince suddenly signed his name unto the class list.

The crowed fell silent as they saw this. Their own great mage had submitted, what could they say now? Mrs. Sawyer was the next to sign up her son and daughter. Soon after this, Parents started to line up in order to sign their children up. Some young adults also signed their selves up as well.

As this was happening, Erin went to the nearest city to get information on the entrance exam in North America. Erin was shocked to see that many things had not changed. This was not the first time Erin had decided to help people get out of the slums or prepare for entrance exams. He had been doing it even before year 0.

After figuring out the requirements, Erin ran back to the slums using [Sprint]. When he arrived at the village, he saw a crowed of kids between 9 and 24 waiting for him with anticipated faces. Erin smiled as he saw that no one was missing. The village was very small with only 110 people. 56 of these people were in this age range.

Erin faced the crowed of new students and sighed to himself. 'I guess I am going to be leveling my Teacher job again'.