Processsimg evilness at the momment

The fight that Mevern expected did not last long. Erin brought out his spear and killed Jake instantly with a stab to thee heart. The two women tried to run but they were both beheaded before they could get out of the room. Lee was the last to go.

Before he could truly react to the whole situation, he felt a huge pressure fall unto him. He saw Erin smirk as he froze into fear. With a quick stab, his heart was ripped from his body. The last thing he saw was his heart being thrown to the side as he saw Erin wipe the blood stains from his spear. Just like that, Erin killed the 4 underlings almost instantly leaving the douchebag completely dumbfounded. He looked around him to see that even Lee, his best man did not have the time to get out his weapon. The douchebag slowly looked back at the now more confident looking Erin.

"Wh-who are you?" The man said nervously. Erin smirked as he saw the man quiver on his feet.

"Erin Silvers nice to make your acquaintance Travis." Travis gulped a bit as he heard his name being called. Erin looked at Travis coldly as he held his spear close to the man's throat.

"Now like I was saying, tell me what you know. Being 4th in command is pretty impressive. I bet you must ha-"

"There are 24 captains in total and each captain has a fleet of about 40 people. Each team is designated a specific job in the phases. Phase 1, 2 and 3 have already been done. Even if a few phases are unsuccessful as long as some of them are done well, the plan will reach a good conclusion. The plan is to take down the government's rule over this city and take control over it along with all it's possessions. The plan was created by our leader Victor Macdavids one of the survivors in the A rank dungeon appearance a year ago.."

Erin: "..."

Mevern inside Erin's hood: "..."

Erin had not even began to interrogate the man before he spilled everything. What happened to your big ego? What happened to your cold aura? What happened to your domineering appearance? Travis began to spill liquid out of all his Orifices as he went on his knees and begged.

"Erin...Mr Silver sir. Please spare my life. I am not like these other losers. I did not come for some stupid revenge plot against the government because of the incident last year. Honestly I feel like they are are sensitive evil fucks who only needed a trigger before deciding to mess up everything. I actual like the government system. It is consistent and not dependent on a bunch of arrogant people. You are a person with the government right? I actually always wanted to join the army but my exams scores were always shit. I only joined this guild for the money honestly. I just wanted to get some damn recognition. " Erin was speechless at the mans display. He had not wanted a back story and yet the man continued to cry while whipping the snot from his face.

" Didn't your family also die in this incident? I was under the impression that those who were effected by the incident made this guild." The man quick to shake his head.

"Well that is how this guild was created because of a bunch of sensitive cry babies but it is also for people who want this city to change it's governing system. But not me of course I-" Erin beheaded the man before he could say anymore.

"If you are going to betray your evil organization, please be less annoying next time." Erin shook his head as he saw the man's body fall to the ground. He walked out of the room to see that all the people had already left.

"Hmm I guess they are starting their mission as well. Erin looked inside the rings of the 5 to see only nothing. Erin tried searching around the room for some map or evil plan manual but he could not find anything. Erin sighed in annoyance once he realized this.

"Hmm maybe I should have let the guy say some more stuff. ugh but the crying was so annoying." Erin suddenly shook his head as he remembered this. Suddenly, Mevern jumped off from his robe. Erin looked at the fairy curiously.

"What is it?" Mevern pointed to one of the wood tiles on the floor.

"That one is a little uneven." Erin scanned the area and was left a little confused of which one. Mevern suddenly exploded in a green aura and a tree sapling stared to form and pull up a tile. Erin gaped his mouth as a small single paper appear below it. He turned towards the little fairy and smiled widely.

"Mevern, your useful!" Erin said this happily before he grabbed the paper in the ground. Mevern smiled brightly as she heard this.

"Yes, I am very useful." Erin sat on the douchebag's oddly comfortable chair as he looked at the evil master plan.

Master Plan to Take over Mac City by Victor Macdavids. [Final draft]

Phase 1) Have Killer Monkey's attack the locals and create chaos.

Phase 2) Bomb the police main department which will send the high tier government officials in.

Phase 3) Steal files in order to see officials responsible.

Phase 4) Kidnap Mayor

Phase 5) Use Mayor as a bargain in order to officials to send out the ones responsible

Phase 6) Kill the ones responsible, take control of City.

Phase 7) More steps will be added of any of said 6 fail.

Erin raised his eyebrows as he read the whole thing.

"Final draft? Don't you mean chicken scratch? How is this even a plan? Who wrote this, a 5 year old?" Erin felt almost flabbergasted at the plan.

"I could make a better detailed and professional evil plan in my sleep!" Mevern nodded as she saw the plan.

"You have indeed made eviler plans but not in your sleep. I have already put you in my 'probably a villain in the future' list." Erin gloated to himself as he heard this.

"Stop, your just saying that." Mevern shook her head and smiled.

"Nope. You are truly a cruel human Erin."

"Indeed. I have to teach this man how to be a better villain when I meet him. If he does not want to listen to me hmph hmmph we will see." Erin put the final draft plan in his pocket and casually walked towards the entrance. Suddenly he stopped.

"Just so you know, I am not actually a villain. I would consider myself a nutral guy. So put me in your 'probably will be the same cool guy in the future' list." Erin suggested. Mevern shook her head.

"I would say you are chaotic neutral at best. " Erin was paused for a second.

"How do you know that reference." Mevern tilted her head.

"Doesn't everyone know the 9 sacred alignments of the fairy sea.?" Erin palmed his face as he tried to get away from the fairy.

"You just made it uncool. I am leaving." Mevern was surprised as she saw him leave quickly.

"Eh?! What did I say wrong now? Weren't we bonding?" Erin rolled his eyes as he walked away. Mevern caught up with him before he left the building and hid in his robe.

"Were are we going?" Mevern asked innocently. Erin smiled as he looked at the paper again.

"We are going to find this villain wannabe." Erin said proudly. Mevern still did not understand.


" Well we have a first name and last name. I doubt a guy who made a evil master plan would not be seen as suspicious by the police. I was seen as suspicious, ME. There is no way Victor mc Macdavids would not."

"But you do have a 'I am evil' resting face."

"That's...not the point here. Off to the police station we go!"

When they reached the police station, they were presented with a surprising scene. All the buildings were completely destroyed. Whatever watch list wall they had was hidden in the rubble. Mevern smiled as she saw this.

"It looks like he modified his plan since the final draft. This is much more evil than expected. " Erin was both surprised and annoyed.

"That's great for him, but how am I going to find him now!?" Erin put on his thinking cap as his brain got to work.

"What is that hat for?"

"Shh I'm thinking. Ah hah! They should have saved all the documents on a hard drive. We just have to find the hard drive and bada bing bada boom!"

"I do not understand the last part."

"It means we have to find the person who would be hold on to such a hard drive...." Erin had never been to Mac City before and only knew 4 police officers and had only spoken to two. What were the chances that one of them would have the hard drive? Thinking about his luck lately, Erin would give it a 5% chance.

Erin scanned the area. He could tell that most of the police men had evacuated. The area was very unstable and the water mages were still dying the fires down a bit. As Erin saw this, he suddenly came across a very familiar beauty coming out of the rubble carrying a officer on each arm. She quickly put them down before struggling to go back in again. Mevern jumped up in joy as she saw the woman.

"Oh great stars! It is the woman from this morning! We can ask her if she knows where the hard drive is." Erin smiled when he saw this.

"Hmm maybe my luck is getting better after all." As he was heading towards Jasmine, his hood was grabbed from behind. Erin sighed.

"Never mind that statement." He turned around to see a bruised bloody Kalvin gasping for air as he held on to Erin for support.

"You...its Sir...I ...We need your help." Erin caught the man as he collapsed from exhaustion. Erin rubbed his head as he put the guy down.

"I am already catching the bad guy if that was what you wanted but don't think I will princess style carry you to your lady friend." Erin left the man away from the crumbling building before walking towards were Jasmine went. Mevern was in thought again as she replayed that scene.

"Hmm maybe Chaotic good?" Mevern was still thinking about this as they went into the fragile building.