Aiming for the head

MFern36: ...Are you there?

DFern34: Yes I am.

MFern36: Thank God. I haven't heard from you since the last family meeting.

DFern34: I am fine M, you don't have to worry about me all the time. I should be doing that instead.

MFern36: Well I am not the one stuck in a death trap.

DFern34: Well its not that bad.

MFern36: Hmm, why do I not believe you.

DFern34: You don't have to. Just tell me if it worked.


DFern34: I guess that's a no...

MFern36: Are you sure S has no connection with the inner circles of the NAGA?

DFern34: Not that I know of. M, I have told you everything I have. If they still reject it with that much evidence then, well I guess they don't trust me as much as I thought.

MFern36: Its Ok D. You did well.

DFern34: Well not well enough I guess.

MFern36: Its ok, just keep me posted when you can, ok? And make sure to not get too involved with the shady things ok?

DFern34: Don't worry, I have been relocated to our Guild's city.

MFern36: Why?

DFern34: I have to make sure that civilians are joining our guild and are not forming new one.

MFern36: Really? Is S that afraid of not having control?

DFern34: Do you even have to answer?

Are you home yet?

MFern36: Nope, I am also staying in my City for a while. I have to catch a guy acting like robin hood.

DFern34: You mean Black Robin hood? I think some guys in my guild are trying to trace the equipment whereabouts. B ranked equipment are still very rare. Barely any one under the inner circle of our guild have any.

MFern36: So some of them are voluntarily coming to my city? Do they have a death wish?

DFern34: Heh, do they even dare to say your name?

MFern36: Thanks for the tip D.

DFern34: My pleasure.

MFern36: D, you know, we can protect you. We can get you out of there right now without all this Blacklisted bullshit.

DFern34: I

Sorry M, but I can't just run away. Its not just be stuck here. Its either all of us or none of us M.

MFern36: Ok.

I understand. I have to go D. Talk to you later.

DFern34: Yeah, like in a few months.

Minnie stared at her phone for a bit before giving to to Sean.

"Delete everything." Sean nodded and swiftly connected her phone to his Laptop. His arms turned a bright yellow as surges of lightning bolts entered the laptop in a precise way. The Laptop switched on suddenly and he began his work. Minnie watched in wonder as she saw this.

"Truly a revolutionary way to use your power. You do realize that E ranked batteries are like 2 coppers?" Sean just laughed.

"Yeah sure but B rank batteries, the best in potency and longevity is like 89 silvers! And my baby needs the best in everything." Minnie rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"And it lasts for 4 years. Honestly Sean, it not like we live in other countries which rarely produce lighting ores. This is America."

"Yeah sure but not only am I saving money on batteries but this is also a security thing. As soon as I stop using [Charge], all the technology I am connected to will turn off. Isn't that great? Like that, No one can get to our Server, or our private information or my hent-my picture book." Minnie narrowed her eyes as Sean typed faster. Suddenly he stopped and his hand's yellow glow began to fade. He quickly gave the phone back to Minnie.

Minnie looked through her messages to see that all the ones she had with important figures were deleted.

"Did you make sure to-"

"Its all in my head Sean." Minnie interrupted as she pointed to her head. Not long after the team got back together and started to create alliance with other guilds, Minnie had learned that secrets were best kept in her head. It took a whole year but with training, she had gained a rare skill even in Elite guilds. [Brain storage]. Once activated, you can store as much information as you can handle. The higher the level, the more info you can store.

Sean nodded once he heard this. He had also tried to gain the same skill but, the training needed was...much too intense for him to handle. Only William was able to handle it our of the 7 of them.

The two stepped out of Minnie's office only to open the door and see a tall scrawny man standing in front of them. It was York Miller, the secretary to the Guild master, Minnie. He mostly handled the internal disputes between branches in the guild. Currently, there was 4 main branches. The main branches were the Dungeon raid branch, the medicine branch, the assassin branch and the Defense branch.

Minnie sighed as she felt another headache coming. Miller only came to her when there was trouble.

"What is it Miller?" The stoic man went straight to business.

"3 teams have been killed during a raid to B ranked dungeon within our territory. There are is suspicion that spies had infiltrated the raid. Our assassination of a local gang has also failed. They had a hidden B Ranker and Misty blew up her laboratory again." Minnie let out a heated breath which caused Sean to move away before he was cooked alive.

"Ok.... I will deal write letters to the family. Make sure to give the accurate life insurance in every gift basket. Call William to handle the spies and let Jared deal with Gang. And for Misty..." Minnie suddenly turned to Sean who was shaking his head furiously.

"You." Minnie pointed at Sean.

"Deal with it." Sean sighed as he dragged his feet to Misty's laboratory. Minnie was about to leave when she suddenly remember something.

"Oh and tell Marvin, Jessica and Mary to meet the workers of that donation site with out the rest of us. Warn them to be careful of assassins."

Miller nodded and swiftly left once Minnie gave him his orders.

William was meditating in his office calmly. The office was died black and no sunlight could seep into the room. This was when William felt the most at peace. Just as he was entering a break through, he heard a knock at his door. His room suddenly went back to normal and he opened the door to see the less than desirable face of Minnie's secretary.

"I was busy."

"I am sorry sir, Minnie as ordered for you to check out a few suspicious men from the latest Dungeon raid in East Gladiator. William nodded to this.

"Ok, will do." Miller was about to say one more thing but he was suddenly met with the slam of a door to his face. William jumped into his couch and called Jared.

"Hey Jared, Buddy can you handle the spy case in East Gladiator?"

"What? I am already-"

"I'll put in a good word for you to the boss."

"William I don't car-"

"I will tell her much you love her~"

"..." Jared sighed as he massaged his head.

"Fine. But I swear this is the last time!" He hanged up right after. William chuckled as he heard this.

"Sure sure." William then began to meditate once again on his couch. The room was soon covered in dark energy like a large shadow.

William looked up above him and suddenly he saw what he was looking for. A mysterious smile suddenly crept out of his lips.

At the Adventurer Donation Center, Marvin was keeping guard as Jessica and Mary entered the staff office in order to have a conversation with the two staff members. Marvin hated standing guard but as the meat shield, it was part of his job. He had gotten used to it so he made sure to grab himself some snacks along the way. Right now he was eating pizza.

As he was eating his pizza, he suddenly heard some sounds coming from his right side. It was early in the morning and so the building was still closed. Marvin started to chew slowly as he focused on what he was hearing. He walked closer and closer to the sound until he saw it. A level lower then him, 3 men were lurking around the donation bins. Marvin did not have ask what the men were looking for.

Marvin smirked as he brought out his captain America replica shield. He had paid 6 months worth of savings to get it but it was worth every dry ramen he had to eat for those months. Marvin swung the shield accurately. The shield managed to slap all three of their faces before landing in one of the bins. The three had no time to react as Marvin jumped from the railings and blocked the three from the exit. Marvin grabbed his shield and began to bash each of their heads in.

By the time the girls finished their interview they found Marvin eating his third donut with three bloodied bodies tied up beside him. Marvin turned to see the horrified faces of the staff before turning to Jessica and Mary.

"How was the interview." Mary shook her head.

"Nothing new. How was the guarding." Marvin smiled heroically as he put out a peace sign.

"Got three of them."