Mysterious findings

The two lowered their heads when they heard this.

Justin patted his wife and tried to calm her down. He knew that Erin was already being kind with the distribution he made. He had seen many people who have the position Erin have take 60%, 70% even everything.

"Anymore questions?" Erin asked calmly as he went back to his casual manner. Everyone stayed silent. They knew that Erin did not want actually want them to say anything. He had already said his mind and nothing would change it. When Erin saw this, he smiled.

"Good. Bring all you men tomorrow to the training ground beside Megan's dine inn and drink." Erin took the silent Mevern out of the door leaving the group speechless once again.

Terran slammed the door once he felt like Erin was out of the restaurant.

"That arrogant little child! Does he think he can just do that!?" Terran hollered. John shook his head at the man's demeanor.

"You must learn to lower your head when you must lower your head and point your noes to the sky when it is time to do that as well." John finished his tea in a composed manner before leaving with Alfred in tow.

"Well, we will continue this meeting tomorrow then." Serena said awkwardly before leaving with Carlin. Right after, the Major's group also left leaving just Terran and Cara in the private room.

Cara was visibly embarrassed at the display her guild master showed today. She had previously refused to believe the accusations against her guild master but, after seeing his reaction to Erin's; she had to admit the truth to herself which left her in a sour mood. Cara stood up from her seat in a swift fashion. Terran looked puzzled at her sudden action.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I must double check our rations for the raid." Cara said coldly before leaving the private room. A waiter who was about to enter the room saw the women's expression and quickly looked down in fright. Once he saw the lady leave without even acknowledging his presence, he went inside to see only one man in the room.

"Umm...would you like anything sir?" The waiter asked awkwardly. Terran just stared menacingly at the waiter. The poor waiter felt as if he had just entered a lions den and quickly escaped. Terran chugged his tea down quickly before slamming his cup on the table, causing it to smash into multiple pieces. As the glass shards splattered everywhere, Terran's cold gaze continued to reveal a menacing dark energy.

The morning of the next day, Erin and Mevern showed up at the training building to see 22 second rankers waiting for them. Other then these people, no one else was present at the training ground. Apparently, people become very apprehensive to training in a public area when they are beside goddesses and other strong and prominent figures in the city. Who knew?

Erin observed the line up of people. In total, there were 22 people. 3 from Power Rangers and lightning warriors. 4 from Epic troopers. 7 from the Mayor's office and 5 from the Major's side.

Erin easily moved individuals into groups.

Alfred, Serena and 3 others where in the support group. Anelisa, Carlin, Cara, Terran and a few others were in the area attack group. John,Christopher, Justin and 3 others were put in the fronline group while Erin appointed himself and Mevern as the scouts.

After pushing everyone in groups he clasped his hands and smiled.

"Ok, make sure to make friendly with your new group mates and be prepared for tomorrow." Everyone was surprised. 'You just put us in the most basic forms of grouping. We could have done this ourselves...'

There was already obvious friction between Anelisa and Carlin and Terran did not seem to be happy with any arrangement Erin made.

"Now that we have everything settled, I will be heading to the dungeon area for some pre scouting purposes. If anyone follows me don't be mad at what I do~" Although Erin said this sweetly, the guild masters could not help but feel a chill run down their spines.

Erin smiled as he saw their expression and left swiftly.

Once they got far enough, Mevern turned to Erin.

"I really don't like that Terran guy." Mevern stated as they walked towards their destination. Erin laughed at the comment.

"Me neither."

"Then why are we helping him!? We should have given him 0% hmmp" Erin shook his head.

"That kind of guy does not stay still easily. Lets see what he does next."

"Aren't you worried Erin? What if he does something really bad and hurts you?" Erin just smirked.

"The only thing I am worried about is what we will find." Suddenly Erin carried Mevern on his back.

"Lets go the express way." Mevern was puzzled by his statement. Suddenly, Erin condensed a large amount of Grey energy into his feet. He put himself in a readied position as he prepared himself. Once Mevern realized what Erin was doing, she began to sweat.

"Um Erin, you know we could just use the ex-PRESS TRAAAAIIIIINNNNNN! WAHHHHHHH!" In a flash, Erin crossed through the city. Civilian could only feel a breeze as Erin dodged all the pedestrians he came across.

Miles behind them a men dressed in all black was gasping for air.

"We lost him sir." He texted, while trying to catch his breath.

Mevern continued to scream hysterically until they got to their destination. Erin pried the disoriented Meveren off his back and down to the ground.

"What do you think? I call it the Erin express. " Mevern turned slowly to the smiling Erin with a mix of both anger and annoyance.

"That was the worst experience of my life." Mevern said, obviously exasperated.

"All 115 year!? Well, I am honored." Erin said happily. Mevern growled as she saw his behavior. She decided to ignore him as she looked around the area. Erin also became serious as he observed the surrounding. The whole place was like a forest, every where was covered in trees and vines. Even the dungeon could not escape the vines that surround it.

"I heard this place was mostly rocks and gravel before the dungeon came. Because of it's condition, not many people live in this area." Erin commented as he touch a tall willow tree which was only 3 months old but looked like it had been growing for centuries.

"Lucky for the civilians of the city I guess. They had time to send in reinforcement and not many people died." Erin nodded at Mevern's statement. He looked down at the ground. He could see the remnants of the once rocky plains as broken rocks on the ground penetrated by trees and grass and other natural lifeforms.

"It was really fortunate. Almost as if it was put here on purpose." Erin proposed. He suddenly got up from the ground and activated Acute senses.

Once, he activated it, a wave of energy spread through the forest like a shock wave. Erin scanned the area and began to walk into a specific spot. Mevern followed as they walked closer and closer to the dungeon entrance. Suddenly, they stopped at one of the dungeons many gates.

"What are we doing here?" Mevern inquired. Erin spread an almost intoxicated smile as he stared at the gate.

"Don't you notice something interesting about this gate?" Erin inquired. Mevern observed the gate but could not see anything odd.

"The whole dungeon is covered in the vines and leaves that have grown in the dungeon. But, if you look at the pattern of the vines, you will notice something quite fascinating." Mevern looked at it closely. Her eyes widened once she realized it. The vines were spreading outward from the gate as if it had began right there.

Erin smiled. He walked closer to the gate.

"Once the vines grow more it will be more apparent. Right here, in the center of this gate is a hand." Mevern's eyes widened when she heard this. She watched as Erin put his hand in the center of the gate.

Suddenly, it did not look like the vines were growing on the dungeon but, the hand was spreading it's earth magic throughout the land. Creating a spiral of vines and forests around it. Mevern's eyes sparkled at the thought.

"Its...beautiful" Mevern mumbled. Erin turned to Mevern and smiled.

"Do you know what this means?" Erin asked excitedly. Mevern's head dinged as she fell on the same mindset as Erin.

"Someone made this." Erin turned back to the palm shape over his hands. It was scrawnier and much bigger than his hands could ever be. Longer than any human hand could ever be.

"SometTHING made this..."