The Meteorite

Damon, coming home from another tedious day of high school, plopped down on his bed. He turns on the local news to check the weather. While he is waiting for the forecast he hears the newscaster announce, "Tomorrow night, at around 8 p.m., a meteor will hit Rale county, the first meteorite to hit Rale county ever and the fourth to hit West Virginia. Most of the meteor will break up in the upper atmosphere but, small meteorite fragments will hit however those are far less dangerous. The main danger of this meteorite is the air burst that could shatter windows, scattering glass which could cut you so stay away from windows tomorrow night."

Damon taking it all in is excited and decides he is going to watch it tomorrow night. He gets on his computer to look up more information on the meteor. He discovers that a large portion of the meteorite fragments should fall on the 90 acres of forest behind his house that his family owns.

After he found out that a large number of fragments could land in his backyard; he started to wonder how much they are worth as he wanted a new console. Damon looked up how much they are worth on the internet and found each gram is worth 2 to 20 dollars.

"Wow, if it is worth this much I only need to find one pound to buy the new Zbox," Damon thought, as he is looking at the forecast telling him that is sunny tomorrow.

"I need to prepare a few things for searching for the fragments. I already have a flashlight, backpack, and a magnet. I need to get a shovel and pickaxe then, tomorrow night pack some water so I don't dehydrate while searching for fragments."

Damon decided to finish his homework then, play a video game until his mother gets home at 5:30 p.m. so he can ask her if they already have a pickaxe and shovel or if he has to purchase them.

As he is about to go to the next level in the game, he hears his mother's car pull up into the driveway. Damon saves his game as he hears the door open and his mother shouts, "Sage, honey, please help bring the stuff in the car indoors!"

"Ok mom, after I bring the things inside I need to ask you something," he replies as he walks down the stairs to the front door.

"Alright honey, have you finished your homework?"

"Yes, mom," Damon immediately replies.

After Damon finished putting the things away; he told his mother about the meteorite and asked if they have a shovel and pickaxe.

"Yes, we do have a shovel and pickaxe in the garage but, if you are going out into the woods, I want you to have your cellphone on you at all times. Also, the meteor fragments could cause trees to fall, so I want you to get a helmet to bring with you but, if the trees do not look stable, you should get out of there. Since tomorrow is a Saturday, I will let you stay up late searching but, I want you back by midnight."

"Ok, when are you going to take me to get a helmet," Damon excitedly asked.

"I will take you after dinner," Ayrica, Damon's mother, stated.

The next day, 30 minutes before the meteorite hit, he is packing his backpack with the things he needs for the search.

After a while, he sees the wondrous sight of the meteor streaking across the sky. In a few moments, Damon sees the meteor exploded, fracturing into hundreds of small pieces.


A thunderous blast resounded throughout the sky as the sound finally reached his ears about a minute after he saw it explode, bringing with it a powerful shockwave.

"Mom, I am going now, see ya later," Damon said as he is walking into the forest.

"Make sure you have your cellphone before you go," Ayrica declared.

"I have my cellphone you do not need to worry mom."

After several minutes of walking, he found a spot where some small trees fell over. Damon walked over and discovered that the trees that fell have rocks lodged in them, which is almost certainly meteorite fragments, making him excited.

Damon starts pulling the fragments from the trees putting them in his backpack, as he is going further in the forest he sees an indentation in the terrain with a large rock at the center of it.

Damon, looking at the rock, is confident that it is a large meteorite fragment. He walks over to the meteorite fragment and thinks he sees something move. He touches the meteorite as he inspects around it but, as he does so, he feels something crawling up his right arm.

Damon looks at his right arm and sees a silvery substance spreading up it and, Damon starts frantically trying to brush it off with his left hand but as he does that his left-hand gets cover with the silvery substance as well.

After several seconds his whole body is covered in the silvery substance and can hardly breathe, after a few more seconds he passes out.

A few minutes later, Damon woke up then looks at his body to make sure he is alright and finds he is not hurt. He gets up off the ground then looks at the meteorite and wonders what that thing was. He can't lift this large meteorite so, he decides to go home and ask his mother what to do.

As he is walking back home, he hears a girls voice start talking inside his head.

[ Omni-dimensional Nanite Matrix, bound to sapient being know as Damon Sage Thurston. Sub-dimensional Storage System is partially disabled. Energy Generation and Storage System is damaged and need repair. Hyperspace core is broken disabling the Hyperdrive System until a new one is acquired or the existing one repaired. Omni Memory Archive System is damaged. Omni-dimensional Transportation System, Warpdrive System, and Fabricating System are offline until sufficient energy and material are acquired. Nanite Avatar is online and has chosen a suitable sapient lifeform to be the wielder of the ONM. Nanite Avatar is only operating in its basic mode as its sole source is the wielders excess energy.]

[ Wielder, please choose a form for the nanite master control to appropriate.]