I am Afraid that I Will Not be Able to Do it on My Own

In the black Bentley, the secretary had selected some of the important news and headlines in Luo City for Lu Jingzhi to go through. This was his daily duty but, in the past, he had never brought up the entertainment section before.

However, this time it was different because Miss Jiang was making headlines in the entertainment section.

"Principal, do you want to leave it up to Miss Jiang to handle this matter herself or—" 

The secretary was referring to the matter involving the married director's wife.

"Let her handle it herself. Let her have some fun but make sure to pay attention and don't let her create any trouble. In addition, I want you to make sure that Ku Jie's identity stays protected so no one will ever find out who he really is."

"Eh?" The secretary was extremely surprised. Did the principal change his strategy?

After Lu Jingzhi left the villa, Jiang Yuning took out her cell phone to watch the entertainment news as she walked back to the bedroom to wash up.

There was news about the mysterious man that Jiang Yuning had successfully seduced. There was news about Jiang Yuning breaking up marriages and becoming the mistress. There was also news exposing compromising pictures of Jiang Yuning.

Jiang Yuning rolled her eyes as she watched the news. She was a young woman who was only twenty-four years old. Why would she be interested in those old men who do not have a single strand of hair left on their heads? Moreover, those photos could have been photoshopped better.

Jiang Yuning quickly commented on the internet using her own public account as soon as she thought about this. After all, she still had a million fans to protect her. Furthermore, she no longer had an agency controlling her and so, she was free to act as she pleased.

"I will go to the hospital at ten in the morning to talk about this matter. Come to the hospital and see for yourself if I really slept with that old man. Be rest assured, this will be a civilized conversation and nothing more."

Subsequently, Jiang Yuning's public account started blowing up with all sorts of comments. 

"She is already heavily pregnant and she still wants to confront her? Isn't that adding salt to the wound? Jiang Yuning is really inhumane."

"Actually, this couple is always involved in all sorts of drama… Furthermore, Huo Yuxi has already admitted that she had colluded with Lu Zongye to frame and set Jiang Yuning up. I am on Jiang Yuning's side and I will not accept any rebuttal."


Due to the publicity created by Jiang Yuning's public account, a number of reporters and paparazzi had already camped near the hospital to get coverage of the event.

Therefore, when Jiang Yuning arrived at the hospital at nine-thirty in the morning, the reporters and paparazzi immediately took out their microphones and started crowding around her.

Jiang Yuning took off her sunglasses coolly before she said, "First of all, I hope that all of you can remain calm and be quieter as this is a hospital after all."

"Secondly, it is still unknown whether Miss Xu would be willing to meet up with me or whether she dares to face me for this confrontation. Therefore, I hope that all of you would not bother the pregnant lady. If you run into any trouble with the hospital, I would not be able to help you with that. I will just be quietly waiting at the cafe next to the hospital. After all, I am also very interested to hear what Mrs. Xu witnessed for herself that night." 

After she had spoken, Jiang Yuning slowly walked over to the cafe beside the hospital and ordered a cup of coffee for herself.

She did not believe that Mrs. Xu would not know that she was waiting for her at the cafe next door, considering all the havoc that she had already created on the internet.

The reporters insisted on following her and crowding around her. From time to time, they would also try to get more information from her. "Miss Jiang, since you will be waiting here anyway, why don't you tell us exactly what happened that night?"

"Alright then…" Jiang Yuning waved her hand, signaling the reporters to sit down. "That night, after the celebration party for the 'Queen of Doomsday', my agency called me to inform me that there was a dinner at the hotel. They advised me to go there to compete for a role for an upcoming new movie. My agent had been drinking a lot at the celebration party. Therefore, when we arrived at the hotel, he told me to go ahead without him as he wanted to sit in the car and rest for a while. Now that I think about it, I believe that it had all been planned in advance."

"Subsequently, I decided to go upstairs by myself because in accordance to my company policy and past practices, there would always be another agent waiting for me upstairs. Therefore, I did not evade the meeting and went up directly to the hotel room that the meeting was supposed to take place at. When I entered the room, I realized that Director Xu was already drunk and he was laying on the sofa. Therefore, I turned around and left immediately. However, when I was leaving the hotel room, I bumped into Mrs. Xu and my photographs were secretly taken. The next day, the so-called scandal involving me and Director Xu started blowing out of proportions."

According to Jiang Yuning's explanation, it was reasonable for anyone in that situation to misunderstand whatever had transpired in the hotel room.

"What is with the expression on your faces?" Jiang Yuning asked when she saw the skeptical expression on a few of the reporters' faces. "If you want to find out whether I did spend some time in the hotel room, you can go and find out from the surveillance cameras installed in the hotel corridors. You can check the surveillance video and ascertain the time that I entered and left the hotel room. Huo Yuxi already admitted that she had colluded with Lu Zongye to set me up yet you still have your doubts about me?"

Several reporters touched their noses and felt a little bit embarrassed. "That is also true."

However, there were gradually more and more people watching and interrogating Jiang Yuning, especially curious passers-by who just happened to be in the vicinity and wanted to join in the fun.

At this time, a group of about twenty well-trained bodyguards came out of nowhere and started herding the crowd standing outside the cafe very professionally to maintain order and control 

"Although I say that I am not afraid of getting defamed, I still need your guidance—I am afraid that I will not be able to do it on my own ability."

Jiang Yuning continued chatting with the reporters in the cafe without holding back any information. After all, she had already been humiliated and defamed, and she had nothing else to lose.

Perhaps it was because she could no longer stand what Jiang Yuning was telling the reporters outside, Mrs. Xu who had been hiding in her ward all along finally decided to send her care worker down to the cafe to pass her a message.

When the care worker saw Jiang Yuning, the only thing that she said to her was, "You will be condemned and judged for trying to push a pregnant woman to a dead end."

Jiang Yuning snorted and instantly replied, "She is already pregnant but she is still out lying to the public and doing evil to frame an innocent person. I believe that God knows everything."

Jiang Yuning eventually followed the care worker to Mrs. Xu's ward. The doctor and a few nurses were on standby in Mrs. Xu's ward, probably because she was afraid that Jiang Yuning would do anything towards her.

This was also a relief to Jiang Yuning because this way, Mrs. Xu would not be able to simply abuse and accuse her of any misconduct.

"You can come in, but you are not allowed to bring any reporters in as this would interrupt the patient's rest," the doctor solemnly warned Jiang Yuning.

Jiang Yuning shrugged before saying, "As you can see, I am all by myself." However, Jiang Yuning also quickly took the opportunity to open a live broadcast platform before placing her cell phone on the table, capturing a live recording of half of her face and the woman lying on the bed.

"Jiang Yuning, don't you care about your own reputation at all? How shameless can you be? I am already in this situation and you still want to come and hurt me further? Are you really that inhumane?" 

Mrs. Xu was sitting on the hospital bed. She looked extremely weak and fragile as she was wearing a white patient gown and she had an intravenous drip in her hand. 

"I did not come here to provoke you or start a fight, but I can no longer sit around and be the scapegoat for something that I did not do. I will not stay for long. I just need to ascertain what really happened that night. Mrs. Xu, in your statement to the press, you said that you walked in on me half-naked in the hotel room. Is that really the truth?" Jiang Yuning replied calmly to Mrs. Xu's accusations.

"Little shrewd, why would I lie? The reporters even have the photographs to prove it—"

"Mrs. Xu, please do not spread any false information. I was appropriately dressed in all the photographs that the reporters had taken of me. There was nothing wrong with that," Jiang Yuning quickly corrected her before she could finish speaking.

"That is only because the reporters arrived late! When I walked in on you, you were not wearing any clothes at all!" Mrs. Xu insisted, refusing to let Jiang Yuning off the hook.

In Mrs. Xu's opinion, there was no one else present at the scene that night and therefore, there was no way Jiang Yuning would be able to prove that she was really innocent. After all, she was heavily pregnant and so she could easily gather the support of the public if she acted as the victim. There was absolutely no way that Jiang Yuning would be able to turn this around.

"If you put it that way, this means that you saw the big scar that I have on my chest?" Jiang Yuning asked.

"Of course, I did. In fact, I saw it very clearly," Mrs. Xu replied confidently.

After listening to Mrs. Xu's words, Jiang Yuning smiled before slowly removing her white coat. She then pulled down the straps of her little black dress. After removing the straps of the dress, Jiang Yuning revealed a clear view of her clavicle. "But I am sorry Mrs. Xu. As you can clearly see, I do not have a scar on my chest."

Mrs. Xu snorted. She had not expected Jiang Yuning to be so cunning as to trap her this way.

"Well, I must have been confused. After all, a pregnant woman does not have a good memory."

"Alright then, we will just assume that you remembered wrongly. I totally understand, considering you are a pregnant woman. However, I entered the hotel at 9.50 pm that night and I came out of the hotel at 10 pm. I also needed to wait for the elevator during that period. How would I be having an affair with your husband in a matter of a few minutes? Why don't you tell me how that is possible?"