I Can’t Bring Myself to Say It

"Alright, I will remember not to show too much love and affection in front of my brother because my brother is still single and alone!"

"You can both chat first. I will go upstairs to change out of my suit," Lu Jingzhi said as he smiled and released Jiang Yuning from his embrace. He then strode upstairs to the bedroom located on the second floor.

"Brother…Guangying Media called me to inform me that I am eligible to participate in the second audition tomorrow." As soon as Lu Jingzhi left them, Jiang Yuning quickly reached out her hands and held tightly onto Ku Jie's arm.

"I have already heard about it on the way to the villa," Ku Jie replied as he patted her gently on her head.

"However, the earliest version of the news that I received was not this," Ku Jie said as he sat down on the sofa. "The first piece of news that I had received was that Guangying Media had decided not to cast you, but to simply brush you aside."