It Was Actually a Lu Family Member!

That night, it was drizzling in Luo City and water droplets were dripping from the rows of green bamboo shoots. Mist formed in the sky from the cold weather.

The strong breeze was blowing at a pavilion not too far away and it was a rare sight to see such a beautiful and pure piece of land with all of the current developments.

Shen Yichen sat beside Gu Pingsheng in the pavilion as they waited for their guest to arrive. Gu Pingsheng had already prepared the dry tea leaves on the table and he was boiling a pot of hot water beside the wooden table.

Very soon, a black umbrella appeared before them and Shen Yichen looked towards the black umbrella, looking forward to seeing who was under it.

The first person that caught his eyes was Jiang Yuning and she was holding tightly onto another person's arm.

When the two of them finally arrived at the pavilion and lowered the black umbrella, Shen Yichen was speechless from shock.

It was a Lu family member!