I Swear, Zongye is Really Your Son

Lu Zongye, who was still fast asleep, jumped up of bed and hugged Huo Yuxi immediately as soon as he heard her screaming. "What happened?"

Huo Yuxi pushed Lu Zongye away and threw her cell phone at him. "Are you asking me what happened? See for yourself!"

Lu Zongye was shocked at Huo Yuxi's attitude towards him. After all, they had just gotten married yesterday and today was supposed to be their first day as a happily married couple. However, Huo Yuxi was staring at him as though he was a complete stranger.

Lu Zongye felt very uncomfortable with the way Huo Yuxi was staring at him, but he stayed calm and patiently picked up the cell phone that she had thrown at him. As soon as he glanced at the title of the post, he quickly put down the cell phone and turned around to ask Huo Yuxi, "You know that this kind of things are always made up right? Why would you believe this article to be true?"