I Bought You for Two Hundred Thousand Yuan

"But I know who you are. Even if you were to turn to ashes, I would still recognize you. I can disregard the fact that you actually gave me up and sold me in exchange for a baby boy, just so you could finally get married into the reputable and prestigious Lu family because you wanted to live a lavish life. However, it is impossible for me to ever forgive you for hiring someone to try and get rid of me and inadvertently breaking my legs," Chen Jingshu replied angrily.

"I will not hesitate to hit the both of you if you continue speaking gibberish about my mother," Lu Zongye said angrily to both Jiang Yuning and Chen Jingshu. "Where is the evidence to support everything that you are saying?"

"You want evidence?" Chen Jingshu said as she took a piece of old, yellowed paper out from her pocket.

Li Shutong's signature could clearly be seen on top of the piece of paper.