They Were Humiliating You Behind the Scenes

A female staff member wearing a lanyard around her neck stepped up and said, "I was in charge of clearing the moss on the bridge."

"How did you do your job? I have repeatedly said so many times that the bridge has not been reinforced and it would therefore be very dangerous and slippery for the artiste if there is moss on the bridge when it is wet. Are you disregarding my words?" The director placed his hands on his waist and yelled angrily, "You are dismissed."

"Director, I admit that I was negligent and I made a small mistake. Is it really necessary to make it such a big issue?" the other party cried and tried to argue her way out of her dismissal.

"Do you know what the consequence would have been if my artiste had fallen off the bridge?" Shen Yichen stood up and questioned the girl indifferently.