This was His Fate

The reporters who were present at the banquet hall for the press conference decided to leave immediately as they could not stand Huo Yuxi any longer.

It was really the worst situation that they had ever been in.

Very soon, all of the reporters vacated the banquet hall, only leaving Huo Yuxi and her four bodyguards behind in the banquet hall.

Huo Yuxi continued sitting on stage and started tearing up as she thought about what had just happened. Were these people blind? She was clearly the victim in this situation, yet why was nobody sympathizing with her?

"Miss Huo, do you want to go home now?" the bodyguards cautiously asked as they stood around her.

Although their employer had just suffered some injustice, they did not know why they felt pretty satisfied with the outcome of the press conference.

"Get lost! All of you can get out of my sight now!"