You Have Hidden the Truth Really Well All These Years

[She's asking for eight hundred million yuan as soon as she opens her mouth. Why doesn't Jiang Yuning just rob a bank instead?]

[Excuse me, but I've heard that the reason why Jiang Yuning has requested for eight hundred million yuan is because the Jiang family was left with a debt of this amount in the past. Someone had helped settle the debt on behalf of the Jiang family because Jiang Yuning was so young then. She probably wants that amount of money to pay off the debt.]

[Who knows exactly what the truth is anyway? It might end up slapping us all in the face once again.]

[Let's just sit back and wait for the parties involved to step up and clarify this matter for themselves. If Ms. Ava really did take all the money belonging to the Jiang family, then to be honest, I think that Jiang Yuning is doing the right thing, then.]

[That's right +1]

[It's not easy to be part of prestigious and wealthy families.]