I am Enduring, Not Because I am Afraid of You

"How did it go?" Vera asked anxiously.

"Vera, I could only manage to get through to one out of the three phone numbers that you had given me. I have already asked her about what had happened during that incident in the past. She told me that as soon as you were taken away, they quickly made a phone call to the police. They even ran to the nearest police station at that time because they were afraid that the police officers would take too long."

"Is that true?" Vera asked immediately.

"I am certain that what she has told me is accurate."

"Thank you." Vera was wide awake after her friend revealed the truth about what truly happened that night.

Although she had discovered the truth late, it was better to be late than to never have discovered the truth at all.

This showed how bad a human being could be.