She is Really Quite Impressive!

"Someone told me that an idol who is truly deserving of all of our love and affection would never let us sacrifice our own interests and rights just because of her. In the beginning, I did not understand what they meant by that. However, I am finally able to understand why they could say that with such confidence. I realize now that should be idolizing someone who has the courage to stand up against strangers just to defend her own fans. With an idol who cares for me just as much as I do for her, I would be able to grow as a better person and love myself more."

"When I went home that day, I thought long and hard about what it truly means to idolize someone."

"In the past, I had always put my idol first. I would chase after everything that she was up to and I was willing to sacrifice everything that I had for her. Now, I realize that to have an idol is simply to become a better person, with your idol setting an example for you."