I Despise All of You!

At this time, Brother Zhuang stepped forward and patted Jiang Yuning and Tong Tong on their shoulders lightly. He ignored Xu Beishen's provocation and simply said, "Let's go now. It is almost time for us to set off."

Jiang Yuning and Tong Tong quickly carried their backpacks and stepped out of the bus with Brother Zhuang. Much to everyone's surprise, group number one persisted and stuck with their decision to go with the jungle route despite everyone's attempt to dissuade them.

"They are really not afraid of dying!"

Jin Mingchen stared at Jiang Yuning's group as they stood in front of the entrance to the jungle route. In fact, he was envious of Jiang Yuning's group—although they had chosen the most difficult and dangerous route, they were the most united team who stuck by one another despite the criticism. In comparison, his own group had not even discussed which route they were to take.