Had a Lion Protected Her Before?

Jin Mingchen was in the same team as the other buff and muscular guy and the two of them were very happy as they whistled and walked across the desert.

They also praised the production team for their generosity and humanity for allowing them to carry as much as they wanted with them. They thought that they would definitely be able to make it to the end since they were carrying so many items on them.


Humanity from the production team of a variety show? Non-existent!

The funniest thing was that both of the members who were not the brightest were placed in the same team. After looking at the map and walking for about three hours, Jin Mingchen and his team mate thought that they had finally arrived at their destination.

They were particularly excited when the saw some of the production crew members sitting under a tent where they had set up camp.

However, the production team quickly questioned both of them.