Whether We are Winning or Losing, I am Still Following You

After ensuring that Jiang Yuning was okay, the three of them began to check and ensure that the building was safe before they gathered around and sat down in a circle to sort out their information and plan their strategy.

Jiang Yuning began by opening the backpack that the production crew had prepared in advance for them. After rummaging through the items in the backpack, they realized that there was nothing much in it except for a flashlight, a first aid kit, some canned food, and the smoke alarm.

"The production team can go to hell! They really scared me to death!" At this time, Jin Mingchen could no longer contain his anger, and he yelled out loud as he threw his backpack on the ground.

"Okay, at least we now know that there are monsters waiting for us on this island. What we are not quite sure about is the number of monsters and whether there are any other types of monsters lurking around."