Always Trying to Humiliate Yuning

Sure enough, when Vera left Director Mong's house, Ling Fei's company car was still parked nearby, as if they had been waiting for her.

As soon as they saw Vera walking out of Director Mong's house, Ling Fei's assistant made a strangling gesture at Vera before they drove off.


When Vera heard that word, she turned around only to realise that the voice was coming from Xiao Chennan's car and it was Xiao Chennan's agent who had just spoken.

The other party saw the confused expression on Vera's face and she quickly explained herself. "Sorry, I was not referring to you. I meant that Ling Fei's team are all trash! They are all bullies. Horrible bullies!"

"It's okay. It seems as though we have a common enemy now."