This Looks So Fake!

"I think that these fans only love me for such a brief period. How can they be demoralized so easily? Everything would be fine as long as they persevere all the way to the end. No…"

After that, Jiang Yuning switched to her second social media account before logging in to the fan page for the love line between the childhood sweethearts.

Jiang Yuning could not stop herself from feeling helpless after seeing all her fans crying and screaming. What could she do? She could not possibly say that the relationship between Lu Jingzhi and herself was real and that they were going to publicize their relationship soon, right?

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuning started typing frantically on her notepad.

The title of her post was 'Pseudo-reality: I live next to the childhood sweethearts!'

After that, she started her passionate and creative writing. Her first sentence was, 'Don't ask me. I am just one of the rich people living in the Royal Dragon Villa'.